Mark L   Indiana, United States
I've been an avid gamer for over 3 decades. I enjoy RPG games (both computer and table-top), adventure-genre games, and story-driven games, and turn-based strategy like Civilization. I also like 'god games' and simulations such as Rollercoaster Tycoon, the Maxis simulations, etc.

I do not care for shooters and twitch reflex games - my reflexes are just not up to it any more... I'm also not really interested in MMORPG or competitive gaming in general, but occasionally play co-op games.

I am also active on Kickstarter, supporting Indie developers that are trying to produce the types of games I love. In addition to gaming I like to read science fiction, fantasy, and horror books, to listen to music (esp. folk and rock), and to play keyboards and create music.
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