
Ajhian 最近的评测

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有 2 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 42.3 小时 (评测时 0.4 小时)
Girls Frontline 2 is a much different game than its predecessor in game-play, playing more akin to X-com as many have compared it. The story follows a 10 year gap from the original game, which story has concluded, and shows both returning and new characters.

An unfortunate side of this games story is the inconsistent voice work shown across multiple events/chapters, as well as inconsistent chapter endings. You'll have one event be fully voiced, another be completely mute, the main story will cut off abruptly and leave you in a cliffhanger, only to pick up in an event, which then ends in another cliffhanger... it's far from perfect.

Despite these gripes, the original game didn't start out perfect either, but MICA team have been able to deliver a strong, interesting, and heart wrenching story across all their games, Girls Frontline 2 included. Reverse Collapse: Codename Bakery is an exemplary showing of this without the mess of gacha pacing plaguing both this and the predecessor.

In respect to the gacha aspect of it... that's it, it's a gacha, you know it, I know it, everybody knows it, I'm not gonna waste time talking about F2P, P2W, Pay for Convenience, we're not stupid here, we've seen these discussions 100 times over.

Character building is much akin to a MiHoYo game, farming attachments with RNG sub stats that you pray roll favorably for whoever you're building. Leveling resources for both girls and weapons increases as your Player Level goes up, thus timegating you a bit from being able use everyone to their full potential. Unfortunately the game uses an energy/battery/puzzle piece system, where you have to wait real world time to gain this resource, to actually be able to farm anything, much more restrictive than the 4 resources that you generated back in Girls Frontline, all which generated at a much quicker pace, and you would be able to hoard massive amounts of.

Endgame content right now is lacking, only seeing platoon boss fights on a weekly timer, that reset daily, it's only 1 boss, and you have a week and a half gap between these platoon boss fights ending and starting again. Every other game mode is running basically on a sweep function, where you beat the weekly boss (separate from the platoon boss) with the 3 chances available to you for a week, and then sweep it every week after that after you obtain the highest posssible score on it. Expansion drills are 10 stages (maps) that you do once, then wait 2 weeks to reset. And that's it, nothing else for you to do once you hit Level 60 at the moment.

Combat Exercise are 3 daily matches against random player set defense teams, and Military Simulations is a consistent match system against random player set defenses, but this time you can do one match every 2 hours, saving up to 5 matches for you to do if you don't do any in those periods. Both of these modes are against the computer A.I. so there won't be any satisfaction or competitive game-play for those looking for a PvP game.

A big emphasis of this game are of course, the characters, and the interactions that you're allowed to engage with them in the Dormitory system. Having multiple poses, voice lines, character cutscenes, and a relatively free-roaming camera, players can enjoy seeing their favorite girls be dorky, cute, sexy, or flustered. It's very fun and endearing and really gives life to these characters, seeing their reactions and connecting with them.

Overall, Girls Frontline was a slow game to start up, I believe the same can be said to Girls Frontline 2, but the pieces that are in right now have been incredible to play through for the past month or so that it's been out in Global. It's not perfect, but God is it an experience that I can't get enough of, and I'm positive it's worth a try for anyone out there looking for a story game to slowly consume.
发布于 2 月 11 日。
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总时数 5.3 小时
Incredibly fun dialogue, no wacky or zany evil things going around here, no sir. Just two siblings trying to survive.
发布于 2023 年 11 月 6 日。
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1 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 66.2 小时 (评测时 41.2 小时)
One of the most fun games I've played in the past few years. The movement is incredibly smooth and responsive, the customization of the mech as a whole, from the weapons to the body itself is satisfying/interesting when engaging the varied missions and fights in the game. The game has plenty of spectacle and beautiful vistas, and is incredibly well designed in terms of the varying terrains from mission to mission. The story has some choices that vary in terms of the ending, and it's up to you to really determine what value you see in many of the sides and factions you're presented with. Overall a wonderfully crafted game from FromSoftware, and a surprising hit from a genre I've not really touched. I wholeheartedly recommend this to anyone and everyone.
发布于 2023 年 9 月 18 日。
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有 2 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 402.5 小时 (评测时 101.2 小时)
One of the worst gaming experiences I've had in a long time. This is my first Total War game, and the amount of crashes this game has given me is nothing short of infuriating. I almost exclusively play with my friend in the multiplayer campaign. I can't play multiplayer for more than a few turns until the game decides to crash for no apparent reason. It crashes on the battle options phase, it crashes on the loading screen, hell it even crashes if I alt-tab apparently. I can't in good conscious recommend this game to anyone until they fix this. Another major annoyance I have is that there are a few races in the campaign maps (The lizardmen and the dark elves) that for some reason aren't available to us, even though their units are there in the map? What's the point of not letting players choose these races yet having them already implemented in the game? And why are there no other modes to the base map aside from this constant rift campaign? The whole rift mechanic has been annoying more than it has been engaging/fun.
发布于 2022 年 3 月 18 日。
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有 4 人觉得这篇评测有价值
有 1 人觉得这篇评测很欢乐
总时数 4,973.3 小时 (评测时 1,496.0 小时)
Very clunky, at times unresponsive gameplay. Animation locking skills, while understandably adds to the visual effects of your skills, really slows down your gameplay. Story is all over the place, like a seesaw, between bad and good, heartfelt, absurdly questionable moments, and some outright comedic quests. There are plenty of systems in the game to keep you occupied, such as most of the Gold Saucer unlocks (Chocobo Racing and Triple Triad could take you weeks of time to enjoy) while other systems are downright torture, and plain stupid as to how they implemented them (looking at you, housing placards). Personally I don't enjoy this game by myself, but at least with friends I have an enjoyable time, and the game facilitates that a lot through all the content it allows you to do together, whether it be your standard dungeons, trials and raids, gold saucer games, or even chatting away on housing, but at the end of the day I would consider it my enjoyment comes from my friends themselves, and not the game.
发布于 2021 年 8 月 29 日。
这篇评测是否有价值? 欢乐 奖励
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