Chris   Tacoma, Washington, United States
This had better not involve Orion Slave Girls...
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Your reign of terror ends here!
Любима игра
Tarakus Deadmerit of Eris 17 септ. 2021 в 13:37 
Leaving you a tiny little something to look at. https://steamoss.com/steamstore/app/238960/Path_of_Exile/
wrygrass 10 юни 2021 в 0:05 
Nice profile background. I played Mechwarrior Online for a very short time. I kept running into players who apparently knew nothing about different weapon ranges and so kept getting killed...by me while they fired back while out of range or tried to chase me while overheating. But that got boring quickly. :engineercat:
wrygrass 27 ноем. 2017 в 21:31 
Oh back to rattler again. :delightedcell:
wrygrass 27 ноем. 2017 в 1:47 
Used to just be rattler. Now it's 'drowned rattler.' :eh:
Virgil's Chair 10 февр. 2017 в 21:51 
the sun, like a glorious father.....if only i could be so grossly incandecent.
Battousai 1 май 2013 в 23:08 
Hit me up for some TF2 man!