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Közzétéve: 2021. dec. 11., 10:59

This game is incredible and hands down the best MMORPG I've experienced. I have mainly played WoW since 2004, but when I finally got fed up with the terrible design choices, the very public issues with the company, and the festering community, I picked up FFXIV and I have to say that I'm more than pleasantly surprised. Coming from raiding end game content in WoW, most of my comparisons will be to that game. (Let's be honest, its the only real competition anyway.) FFXIV's job system fixes every issue you've ever had with WoW being extremely not "alt-friendly" because you have one character that can do every job and every profession. Every mount you collect, every achievement you earn, every title, every bit of currency - it's all on one character. You don't have to replay boring parts of the story over and over and over to get to experience what another DPS, Healer, or Tank feels like...but with New Game+, you totally can if you want to - and you can do it on your character without needing to start all over again.

The visuals, music, and writing are in every way to superior to other games I've played...I've you're an FF fan, you already know that Square comes correct, FFXIV is no different. The major difference for me was that the story feels much more centered around your character than in other MMOs, particularly in WoW where the story is mostly about the surrounding characters. FFXIV feels a lot more like a single player RPG when you are playing through the story of the game, which makes it a more immersive and engaging experience FOR ME and I assume for others as well.

The community in FFXIV is also great, and that didn't happen on accident. In FFXIV, newer players, affectionately referred to as Sprouts, have little sprout icons above their heads announcing to the other players that they are new and may not know all of the mechanics, rotations, and other ins and outs of a dungeon or raid. You'd think people would immediately quit content if they were queued with a bunch of sprouts, but no - because the devs decided that if you complete content with a sprout in your party (or someone who has never done the content before) you get a huge boost to currency, EXP, etc. that you earn from that content. Sprouts are treated like you would want to be treated as a new player to a game like this. This means that I don't just end up hating doing "PUG" content in FFXIV, because it's always a positive experience.

Great game, glad to drop WoW for this after 15 years, you should have zero reservations about checking it out, it's free up to level 60.
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