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1 person found this review helpful
43.3 hrs on record
So initially, while I was not happy with the anti-cheat software in Helldivers 2, I decided since I loved the first one, I would back the second, and the game was great.

However, I will never have a PSN account again after Sony got hacked and cost me hundreds of dollars when my account and payment info got leaked when I had a PS3. Then they never refunded me and permabanned me for complaining. Sony is a horrible company and cool I just won’t be playing this game anymore.

Sony is a horrible company with the worst cyber security ever just let the game die to show this was never okay.
Posted 5 May, 2024.
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448.8 hrs on record (435.3 hrs at review time)
This is probably the best RPG to date in the gaming world. While there are plenty of games that do one element of BG3 better, BG3 is a perfect combination and does nothing bad. Larian Studios is a fantastic developer and puts the player and game first. There are no microtransactions, no worrying about profit solely making a good game and making the player happy. This is how game studios should be, and I have bought this game for many people to support Larian. I cannot wait for their next game, whether it is BG4, DOS3, or a new one. Thank you, Larian, for making me feel such joy in a game, something I have not really felt in years besides Elden Ring.

There is nothing negative I can say about this game besides inventory management being a nightmare lol. I wish there were more to do, but with a single play-through taking nearly 300 hours, you’ll get your money's worth out of the game easily. I’d encourage you to buy it at full price and just enjoy the experience.

Game of the Year!!!

A year later, and still an amazing game.
Posted 5 October, 2023. Last edited 30 November, 2024.
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4 people found this review helpful
109.3 hrs on record (109.1 hrs at review time)
So I played the game on launch and it was a pretty meh experience the game on launch was worse than Vermintide 2, Alien Fireteam, or Deep Rock. I decided with the new update to try and get on it and get the Krieg cosmetic out since I had all my premium currency from the deluxe edition I bought on launch. Launch the game and it crashes twice….after that finally load in my character is half loaded in and I go to the premium shop and the Krieg cosmetic is more than the premium currency I got on launch. It costs over $30…. $30 for a single cosmetic on a single character….that’s nearly the cost of all cosmetics on sale in Deep Rock or Alien Fireteam. Think I’ll uninstall the game and come back in a year or two. Maybe Fatshark will have actually improved the game enough and prices will be less.

In the meantime just go play Deep Rock or Alien Fireteam if you want a better coop shooter game or save for Space Marine 2 if you want a 40K shooter.
Posted 5 October, 2023.
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0.0 hrs on record
So the content in this DLC is not bad; the lords are somewhat interesting, and some of the new mechanics and units are good. The issue is there just is not enough of it. For charging nearly half of the base game price, they need to have more than three lords, and a handful of units is not enough to justify the cost of this DLC. I don’t blame the devs, as they are making good content, but whoever At CA thought it was acceptable to gouge the price and cut content to try and increase profits needs to be fired. The community loves the game, but where’s all the amazing free content we got in the past two games? Where are the at least monthly patches? If CA makes even obscure DLCs like Amazon or Araby, it will sell, but they need content.

Threatening the player base to buy the DLC or they’ll cut content is a tone-death response to this. CA, you need to do better than this; you can cash cow Warhammer 3. I’d welcome it, but you need to keep the content up to the standards you had with Warhammer 2. This DLC was a loss for everyone CA and the community.

If the DLC had maybe 4 lords and more units it would have been more worth the price.
Posted 8 September, 2023.
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805.1 hrs on record
So Warthunder is a game where I enjoy the gameplay and the amount it has to offer; however, I leave a negative review for three glaring issues the devs have made worse over the years. The first is the events are nearly impossible to do unless you drop $100 or have no life, like 8-12 hours a day you need to grind to even have a hope of getting the event vehicles; now it used to be only 2 hours a day for 2-3 weeks which I thought was doable, but now it’s impossible. The next issue is the maps/spawn protection. In some maps, you can literally see into the enemy spawn and just kill them at the beginning and spawn killing is unbearable. They need to balance out maps and figure out a way to cut down on spawn killing. Also, add more unique and fun maps, not just snow variants, to every map. Finally, the recent economy nerfs are horrible like even with premium, it can take days to weeks of grinding to unlock a vehicle, and it could take months for a new player to even grind to tier 4 vehicles. I know you want to monetize the game and need to make a profit, but the Devs could make a lot more money selling skins instead but choose a worse path. I do love Warthunder but the devs hate their players and do not know how to properly monetize their game.
Posted 21 May, 2023.
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3 people found this review helpful
27.9 hrs on record (2.5 hrs at review time)
I decided to give my review since I do not understand the hate the game is getting; it mixes mechanics from the first two. Some audio and graphics need to be fixed, but the game is fun, and no game-breaking bugs have happened. Many people are comparing this to the end state of CoH 2 or 1, and this game has yet to have 6+ years of DLC and mods. I will say the game is a lot more fun than CoH 2 was at launch and has four factions right off the bat, while the other 2 only started with 2.

I recommend CoH 3 though it is a bit bare-bone, so unless you really want it to get 2 to try, then get this once you have played CoH 2.
Posted 25 February, 2023.
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171.1 hrs on record (19.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
So this game does have some clunky UI and a relatively poor tutorial though there are plenty of helpful youtube videos to get you started.

However, this game is amazing it’s an Illuminati meets Xcom meets a hardcore sci-fi space combat game. It has a lot of politics and planning involved. The gameplay is essentially turn-based, as each phase plays out the decisions you have made between rounds in real-time. Overall the game is extremely fun and has deep mechanics, and strives for realism. I think it is fantastic, and if you enjoy games that are 4x or deep planning, then this is for you. Most of the negative reviews are people wanting something that this game is not. It is not a space combat-only game, nor is it easy. The game is challenging and keeps you looking over your shoulder as you fight for supremacy against the other organizations and the aliens.
Posted 3 October, 2022.
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7.9 hrs on record (4.4 hrs at review time)
I love the halo franchise, and I thought the MCC was fantastic. Halo 4 was not bad though Halo 5 ruined the universe's story. Infinity has a mediocre story and has not released co-op for almost one year after release. The developers lied about split screen coop and have turned the game into nothing but micro-transactions. I would give this a hard pass, at least until they deliver on their promises. Get the MCC collection if you want to play halo.
Posted 9 September, 2022.
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70.2 hrs on record (16.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Amazing game and caring devs just buy it already. it may be in beta but it is already better than 99% of steam games.
Posted 25 November, 2021.
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1 person found this review helpful
24.8 hrs on record (13.2 hrs at review time)
So this game is simply put, just fun. It’s 3 player (kinda wish it was 4 to allow more friends) and it’s great. The perk system and amount of weapons is actually pretty amazing and I have a blast just mowing down a room of enemies with the smart gun. For 40$ if you can convince a friend or two to buy a copy it’s a good co-op shooter to enjoy on the weekends. I wouldn’t overly recommend it if you don’t have friends it can be played solo but your AI teammates aren’t the smartest. Graphics are good and the sound effects are right out of the movies. As long as they keep adding content I can easily recommend this game at 40$ if you are on the fence maybe wait till it’s on sale.
Posted 5 September, 2021.
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