
Recensioni recenti di chaoticenigma

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4 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
36.7 ore in totale (8.6 ore al momento della recensione)
Time for the annual I'm reviewing something for the badge

So did you like Muv-Luv and Muv-Luv Alternative, then why are you reading this review? Just get it already. It's more lore for the unlimited/alternative universe and you can actually play post Alternative end in Altered Fable.

Interested in Muv-Luv? Get the original and Alternative first because you will be lost if you play them out of order. They're both good visual novels.

Not about that Visual Novel reading life? Skip through it and get +1 Perfect Game + 39 achievements.

Not about either or both of those? Okay, I've got nothing for you.

So far I've only gone through Adoration and am going through Resurrection, and the extra lore for Alternative is great.

Also, since other reviews are doing it and mentioning their favored girls, Sumika is best Muv-Luv girl for me. At least for now. I'll update when I finish Altered Fable if one of the new options for Takeru manages to take the spot.
Pubblicata in data 30 novembre 2020. Ultima modifica in data 30 novembre 2020.
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4 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
75.4 ore in totale (52.4 ore al momento della recensione)
A very well made Touhou fangame based around The 7th Touhou game, Perfect Cherry Blossom. I'm not much of a fan of TH7, but this is still a really great game.

The patterns are generally well designed and fun to play. The music remixes are great. There were a lot of patterns with issues in the first FDF, but it's also a great game that should be picked up as well. The fact that the balance feels way more fair in this sequel shows improvement, and makes me interested in more.

There's 4 characters to play as with different shottypes, though unfortunately Youmu who is actually playable now is kind of underpowered. It's understandable with how overpowered Patchouli was in the previous game, but the nerf was a bit much here. Still I hope that there's a more unique shottype for Reisen/Keine if they do an FDF3(IN seems the most likely, and what other character from that would even likely become a playable?)

Scoring is vastly improved upon compared to the original PCB. You can still boost spellcard value to really high levels by supergrazing boss cards, but they seem to have removed the increased cherry value from unfocused grazing and made actual penalties to value for bombing/dying/breaks making No Miss No Bomb No Break the optimal scoring if you can graze a lot while keeping it.

They even got rid of the 2 most annoying boss fights and replaced them with actually good boss fights. One of these is due to the character becoming playable, but I definitely don't miss the old stage 4 boss.

Also, it's got plenty of achievements that are actually achievements.
Pubblicata in data 2 dicembre 2019. Ultima modifica in data 2 dicembre 2019.
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6 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
1 persona ha trovato questa recensione divertente
501.2 ore in totale (354.3 ore al momento della recensione)
The amount of times I've seen people just dismiss this game because they think it's just anime fanservice or H-game :( . Whatever happened to that saying about not judging a book by its cover? While there is definitely some fanservice, there is no H-Content, and the game even actually jokes about it at one point in a scene that would make the people that are actually into H-games look bad.

But with that minirant done with, this is a very well made Metroidvania with a very balanced level of challenge. The platforming is not really difficult in most areas and gets harder near the end of the postgame areas, but it's nothing too unreasonable. The main strength of the game is in the boss fights where you will need to learn how to deal with all sorts of patterns.

There are lots of hidden items to find. Sequence Breaking is encouraged and sometimes even rewarded(there's even an achievement for doing some of them). Most bosses can be fought in whatever order you like, but there are some cases where you have to beat certain bosses to access some parts of the game or other bosses. While glitches do get patched out, there is an option in game to reenable them, so that speedruns can still use them.

The game has many difficulty options. From easy modes that anyone who just cares about the story to get through to ones that should satisfy hardcore players. The only downside with this is that the harder ones have to be unlocked. Patterns get more bullets and get faster with increasing difficulty, but at least up to the game's standard highest difficulty of Bunny Extinction, the game is for the most part completely fair. At least during what comes in the game without DLC, if you get hit, it pretty much is always your fault in some way. Some of the DLC content may not necessarily be fully balanced, but I haven't spent as much time on that to see if I'm just missing stuff that would make things fair. There are higher difficulties than Bunny Extinction in the artbook DLC, but they were cut for a reason, there's lots of unfair stuff in those ones, but some people do enjoy that as well.

The achievements in this will also be a decent challenge if you're looking for a difficult game to 100%. Not only do you have to beat almost every standard game boss without getting hit(though final and postgame bosses do allow some hits), you will have to get through a boss rush of 28 bosses in a row, no heals between rounds, and if you die you will go right back to round 1, on Bunny Extinction or harder(The artbook's Unknown and Impossible do let you have 3 of the healing items compared to BEX cap of 1, but everything else about those probably makes it actually harder than BEX even with more healing available, but I have not finished the game on Impossible yet to be able to check that)

Also nominated for Labor of Love award.
Pubblicata in data 28 novembre 2017. Ultima modifica in data 28 novembre 2017.
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3 persone hanno trovato utile questa recensione
17.4 ore in totale
While this may not have great gameplay due to being a heavily story based game, it does have

Great story

Great characters that you will likely care about

Lots of feels. Expect to cry or at least feel very sad about each of the character stories

Decent humor at times.

Very great fantasy world.

Great songs.

Just one warning: There are missables. But the story still hit just as hard the second time through when I was getting them for the achievements.

Thanks Laura Shigihara for building this world, game, and story for us to experience.
Pubblicata in data 14 settembre 2017. Ultima modifica in data 14 settembre 2017.
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Visualizzazione di 1-4 elementi su 4