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1 person found this review helpful
15.7 hrs on record
Post void is a simple but perfectly executed concept I find myself returning to repeatedly. I love hitting the headshots, I love how every weapon has a distinct learning curve and I love how some of the upgrades have hidden depth to them you can notice as you play (Except the compass, sorry compass). The concept of an extremely quick jolt of FPS gameplay with a focus on precision and speed rather than a large arsenal is something I'm excited to see more of, I hear mullet madjack is carrying that torch. I keep opening up post void frequently enough that I'm not ready for anything new yet though and for an indie FPS you can beat in 10 minutes my playtime should be indicative. One of these days I'll understand the knife well enough to clear the game with it....
Posted 16 February.
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18.5 hrs on record (18.4 hrs at review time)
Based on the core design, Turbo Overkill is one of the greatest FPS ever made. It's design, weapon roster, movement, world ; it's all so immensely fantastic and creative and well made. Aside from the Uzi after it's level 3 upgrade (seriously, I preferred it at level 2. WTF) and the entirety of the plasma gun, I used every single weapon frequently depending on the situation. The upgrades push weapons in and out of viability too in cool ways ; upgrading the shotguns was such a fun moment, pushing them from very underwhelming to extremely fun and powerful.

Unfortunately, and it pains me to say this, a lot of small blemishes knock the game down from new genre titan, to just a very good fps. The game lagged very inconsistently ; in some areas I was on max graphics without a hiccup, and in others the game chugged at minimum graphics. I also got stuck in geometry more than a few times, and tutorial popups and the recharge notification for the chainsaw arms would often just... not happen.

Money is very oddly balanced. I played on the middle difficulty, Street Cleaner, which turns off buying ammo and health in shops. So I just consistently had WAY more money than I could possibly use. I bought almost every upgrade as soon as it became available with money leftover. Even cutting zen gain to 2/3 would make the process of saving up for upgrades way more fun.

The damage attacks do feels very lopsided. At max health and armour, I could take dozens of bullets, or two enemy rockets. Frequently against big enemies my health would jump from full to near dead in a single hit, and the game's feedback on these attacks wasn't strong enough for me to generally figure out what I could've done differently. The Sloths, Technopedes, Rammers and Teddies were some of the worst offenders.

And there were a lot of small things where I just went "HUH?" Like how single armour fragments don't charge you above 100 armour, but single health point vials do ; and how easily I voided out when looking for collectables or hit an invisible wall in the car stages. The game is lacking polish in a lot of small ways.

Despite all that, I still wholeheartedly recommend TO. The movement and guns are joyous, and the story was a blast to see. I hope trigger happy games consider patching some of the game's issues, so I can update this review to read "Chegg. Charms. Chenis. Game of the year"
Posted 17 July, 2024.
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11 people found this review helpful
2.0 hrs on record (1.6 hrs at review time)
Yiik is kind of infamous. Like a lot of people, I'd seen all the videos, laughed at the memes but never played it. But when I saw the video, saw the info on the upgraded battle system, I decided, hey, why not it's free. And overall I'm really impressed.

The original yiik doesn't get much praise. But I've always deeply admired it's visual style. And nameless psychosis really ups that to 11. I was entranced for my whole time spent playing the demo.

The battle system is quite fun, and is carried by the game's visual style. But it often fails to properly illustrate key information. Especially, I think more clarity on the health of your karta and taking bleed damage would do the game wonders. For a while at the start, I thought alex was counterattacking enemy hits, but turned out the bleed damage over time effect was what was killing them.

And lastly, the other thing worth saying is that I think a few moments feel vaguely spiteful of yiik's original reception, namely in the references and content warnings. Yiik nameless psychosis is, from what I've seen here, an interesting and atmospheric game enough game that it can stand on it's own.

Ultimately, I have yiik on my wishlist now, and that's not something I would've expected 3 hours ago. Good job.

Posted 10 April, 2024. Last edited 10 April, 2024.
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2 people found this review helpful
1.6 hrs on record
A genuinely charming and funny haloweeny monster game paired with a so-so space adventure ; the clear writing improvement from Zeboyd's first to second project is noticable. I would recommend this for molly the were-zompire alone. For the price it's a steal. For the curious deck owners, I beat the whole game on mine with no issues.
Posted 7 March, 2024.
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8.6 hrs on record (6.4 hrs at review time)
Cultic is a really great time! Good mechanics, good guns, fun level design, and the weapon upgrades adding a little personal touch to your playthrough. Hard difficulty also felt basically perfect for me ; I died if I was stupid but if I played smart and kept moving I could squeeze through every firefight just fine. The "dodge" move is also one of the simplest yet most fun bits of movement I've seen in an fps, and made dashing into an enemy, double barrel in the face, dash back into cover a staple of every combat setpiece

If I had any problems with the game, they'd be balance related. The bolt action rifle felt kind of underpowered with the shots being strong but the reloads taking an age. My upgraded pistol outclassed it the entire game. And the sniper rifle with zoom upgrade basically breaks the endgame firefights. Getting to take out problematic enemies from a distance with zero risk made me miss not having the gun and having to get more in enemies' faces to progress. Also, the poltergeists are horribly designed, not giving a proper indication of where you're being hit from. But for £8, 6 hours of constantly enjoyable fps content is a steal. Highly recommended
Posted 2 March, 2024. Last edited 2 March, 2024.
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2.7 hrs on record
The room two trades the first game's puzzle quality for improved vibes ; there are some really engaging locales and it's interesting to see the places the game takes you to.

But the puzzle quality is a major loss, and I found myself waiting for the hint way more because I didn't want to click around the enormous rooms looking for interactables.

Just like the first, the price point and length make it hard to not recommend, but I definitely found this a weaker entry than 1 overall
Posted 23 February, 2024.
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2.1 hrs on record
Really fun but simple puzzle gameplay combined with very strong vibes, a short run-time and tiny pricetag makes this game hard to not recommend
Posted 23 February, 2024.
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7 people found this review helpful
7.0 hrs on record
After seeing the game first on twitter years ago, it really left an impression. The game's visual style really does leave an impression. Unfortunately, repetitive combat, poorly integrated leftist talking points (that I agreed with, but took me completely out of the game and world) as well as being pretty short left me pretty disappointed. It's not a terrible game or anything, I just feel it has missing potential and some writing problems.

I wanted to edit this review a week later since I believe I was too harsh on the game. I still think the length, simplistic combat and crass political plotlines are flaws of the game. But the imagination is strong enough you might wanna try anyway. I'm still thinking about how... mostly well realised small saga is. It's far from perfect and I still wouldn't call it amazing, but if you can put up with middling gameplay and occasional cringe, and have £16 to spare, you may get something out of small saga.
Posted 2 February, 2024. Last edited 6 February, 2024.
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14.0 hrs on record
Hrot does a lot right. It's dripping with atmosphere, has some fun guns, and strong combat that carried me through my 13 hours of play. There were moments where, like other modern throwback FPS games like Dusk, I had to take a moment to just sit in awe of what's been done here. It's got great music, and a strong sense of humor and interactivity to it's world. My problems with it end up balance related. I put every bullet I had into the episode 2 boss, for example, only to come up 25% health short. Turns out I needed to just ignore the enemies he spawned instead of clearing them out, which made the fight much easier on a second go. I love all the weapons, but the low ammo cap for the pistols and assault rifle, with the latter feeling rather wimpy, it made combat at medium range sometimes a chore. Overall, I think hrot is an absolutely wonderful game that's fully worth the asking price, not even on sale. 8/10
Posted 7 August, 2023.
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16.6 hrs on record (12.2 hrs at review time)
a fun shooter that thrives when you're balancing it's normal weapons. It starts kinda tame, in cool-ish castle type areas, but the visual design really skyrockets with the gameplay. I loved all the weapons, especially rocket-jumping with the celestial claw breaking a lot of the levels and being really fun, and the powered up weapons all rocked. I never really settled on a favourite, although the homing magic staff felt like the glue holding the game together. the axe was my least favourite, it's achingly slow and feels like a death sentence to actually use, even powered up. the game tries to esculate over and over before stumbling with the last zone, it's "xen" moment. the game's visual design hits a peak, striking and incredible. this is acompanied with the gameplay taking a total nosedive into being frustrating. a lot of the levels felt quite unpolished, like "move the wrong way and get stuck on messy geometry" and that made the secret hunting quite fun "is this hole in the level for a secret or will it force me to reset". However, xen didn't ruin half-life and the final zone doesn't ruin amid evil either. I'm glad I finished it, even if it was only pretty decent. 6/10
Posted 22 July, 2023.
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