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Recent reviews by [TSC]Maven

Showing 1-7 of 7 entries
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7.0 hrs on record
This is a fun sim to play through the history of gaming and incorporates many aspects of creation gamers may have not considered before.
Posted 25 December, 2024.
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46.6 hrs on record
I really loved playing this game, it has a great story line and the lofi graphics along with the sounds effects are just part of the charm. There is some repetition to gameplay but it is done in such a way that it tracks with the story and does not feel like a grind-fest.
Posted 19 August, 2024.
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55.8 hrs on record (46.9 hrs at review time)
I am really enjoying this throw-back style, ode to the Diablo series. I thought there was a game glitch that deleted this incredible two-handed axe I had (which took me three days to get), but it was pointed out to me by another user that I probably just fat-fingered the weapon-swap button. I booted the game up and that's exactly what happened, it just looked like the axe had been deleted because I only ever use one weapon set.

Looking forward to the DLC once I complete the main storyline.
Posted 9 December, 2022. Last edited 10 December, 2022.
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2 people found this review helpful
420.6 hrs on record (249.1 hrs at review time)
This game is fun, gritty, and allows you to play however you would want to. One day you can be jumping into enemy trenches with a pistol, the next, mining resources to help your side build tanks. I did not expect to like this game as much as I did.
Posted 28 September, 2022.
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7 people found this review helpful
6.3 hrs on record
The game is reminiscent of the very first Heroes of Might & Magic, but even that had better graphics. I like the gloomy atmosphere & music, the fog on the map is nice, but the enemies get redundant. The battle music could use a few more tracks, but the real let-down of the game wasn't all that (you almost expect it from this type of game), the big flop was the ending. It left me asking "Is that it? What just happened? Did I just beat the game?"

Good for an afternoon if you need to distract yourself from something you have to do online, but not much else.
Posted 11 May, 2017.
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15 people found this review helpful
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14.5 hrs on record
This game packs a whopping afternoon-full of gameplay, but if you play for longer than that, you're likely to bore yourself to death. The gameplay is very static and the only variety you will find is the objective mode where you must weld and unweld stuff.

Depending upon your class, you'll have anywhere from 4 - 12 weapons to choose from. If you want any more, you have to purchase DLC. Even if Tripwire dumped all the downloadable content into the game, the brain-dead play and hours you must spend to level up your class for nominal bonuses will have you running for better titles like Left4Dead or Day Z.

Its one redeeming quality is that it is fun to play with friends, but for those without a group or clan whom also own it, you will soon tire this title out. Not recommended.

Posted 5 January, 2014.
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3 people found this review helpful
152.2 hrs on record
This game is comprehensively well-made. I played the beta (up through Act III) and was thoroughly happy with my experience. It is the sequel to Diablo II that Diablo III should have been - but with original content and storyline. I highly recommend it.
Posted 2 November, 2013.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries