Tim   British Columbia, Canada
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New World: Aeternum
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Đã chơi 51 giờ
I've never been a fan of roguelike games, but I decided to give Supergiant the benefit of the doubt and give Hades a try.

I'm glad I did because this is a stellar game. It manages to marry story progress and character progression with dying and starting over in such a way that failing isn't frustrating. The voice acting and character work is very well done and the Greek Mythology theme and premise of escaping from hell works great here. Your father constantly doubting your ability to escape is a great motivator to keep pushing forward when you get stuck on a new boss or area.

Mostly though, its the action that carries the experience, because it is tight and extremely fun. All the weapons are varied great fun to use, and the different upgrades or "boons" you collect change things up drastically. The game does a good job of adding new elements to earlier levels as you progress further to keep things fresh. I had so much fun experimenting with different weapons and upgrades I took longer to clear my first escape attempt than needed because I couldn't stop myself from trying different weapons/builds instead of going with ones I knew would get me to the end.

After my first clear 18 hours in, I expect i'll keep coming back for a few runs here and there because the action is just that much fun and it seems the story will keep progressing.

One of the best games of 2020 and Supergiant's best work to date, very highly recommended
nutcrackr 10 Thg01 @ 10:33pm 
Hope 2025 is going well for you so far! :lunar2019piginablanket:
ValkyrieMoon 28 Thg12, 2024 @ 5:04pm 
Happy Holidays
Hope you had a Merry Christmas
Holar 25 Thg12, 2024 @ 1:58pm 
:retrotorch::retrotorch::krstar::steamflake::Gradestar::Gradestar::ghsmile: I wish you and your family peace, warmth, hope, and comfort this Christmas season. May the new year 2025 bring you lightness, inspiration, and happiness! I believe next year will be better than its reputation. ;) :ghsmile::Gradestar::Gradestar::steamflake::krstar::retrotorch::retrotorch:

:retrotorch::retrotorch::krstar::steamflake::Gradestar::Gradestar::ghsmile: Für die Weihnachtszeit wünsche ich Dir und Deiner Familie Ruhe, Herzenswärme, Hoffnung und Frieden. Und möge das neue Jahr 2025 Dir Leichtigkeit, Inspiration und Glück verschaffen! Ich glaube das nächste Jahr wird besser als sein Ruf. ;) :ghsmile::Gradestar::Gradestar::steamflake::krstar::retrotorch::retrotorch:
Holar 24 Thg12, 2023 @ 6:08pm 
Merry Christmas. In this (hopefully) cheerful Christmas season, I send you my best wishes for a meaningful time with your loved ones. For the coming year, I wish you courage, strength and many positive surprises.
Hence a quote for the year 2024: The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them to the impossible. - Arthur C. Clarke

All the best - Holar


Frohe Weihnachten. In dieser (hoffentlich) besinnlichen Zeit sende ich dir die besten Wünsche für eine warme und geborgene Weihnachtszeit im Kreise deiner Liebsten. Für das kommende Jahr wünsche ich dir Mut, Kraft und viele positive Überraschungen.
Daher ein Zitat für das Jahr 2024: Die Grenzen des Möglichen lassen sich nur dadurch bestimmen, daß man sich ein wenig über sie hinaus ins Unmögliche wagt. - Arthur C. Clarke

Alles Gute - Holar
ValkyrieMoon 22 Thg12, 2021 @ 6:44pm 
ValkyrieMoon Just now
:CatmazeAngel:MERRY CHRISTMAS:mug:
ValkyrieMoon 30 Thg10, 2021 @ 7:50pm 
:moon_wolf:Happy Halloween:zt_owl: