I want to be unique, just like everyone else. :bonehead:
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Long was Lone Bear Spirit walk over lands of Rust.

With Lone Bear went sometimes spirits of Laugher and Joy, more often spirits of Madness, spirits of Greed, Malice and Rage.

All emotion was known on this journey, which began waking up naked in these ancient hunting grounds. Strange curse had befallen his spirits, though Lone Bear die many deaths, He wake up again, naked and shamed with little tribal visible to all.

First, We and I lived with .AXE tribe peacefully, untill Others came, haunted by evil spirits these not-men use Boomstick that spits many lead teeth, they know no reason, no sacred law, no mercy. Lone Bear and Spirit Brothers fight bravely, but Boomstick they call AK was very hungry and takes all.

Naked and lost, Lone Bear climbed Sacred Mt Rust mountain, to seek wisdom of spirits of ancestors.

There a Cult of Chtulhu took Lone Bear in, and taught their sacred sacrifical rituals. together hunt for lost naked souls, to find the unbeliever heathen Others for sacrifice.

There Lone Bear tamed first Boomstick.

Others come again. We and I and Cultists has Boomstick, and spirits of Courage, as well as tall walls of Cathedral of Chtulhu. In glorious battle, many Others and Cultist warrior went to walk eternal hunting grounds. Dying Cultist leader give Lone Bear his most prized possession - Bolt Action Rifle Boomstick!

From wooden chatedral tall tower Lone Bear sent lead teeth into the corruped hearts of Others. Three paths has sister Moon walked across the great sky before all Cultist were overcome.

Wearing only spirits of regret and sorrow, Lone Bear wandered the lands, using only bow and arrow to remain silent and hidden, Land met all needs, bone, stone, wood, Lone Bear threw away shiny metal rock, and smelly yellow sulfur stone. He watched Others from distance, unseen. Some walking with spirits of Reason, others not so.

Lone Bear watch Others who walk with spirits of Insanity build massive hut that can fit many many warriors, but are only ones there, it how learn that Others attack Others, using powerful magic called Explosive C4.

Lone Bear then see strange omen, big metal bird that make noise and fly without move wings, metal bird make slow falling droppings of square shape, after that comes many booms, and many braves walk the spirit lands.

Spirits of Greed and Madness come walk with Lone Bear then , make him build big huts, many rooms, and many doors, each with empty chests.

Brother Sun, and Sister Moon trace many paths, finally Others come again. As many Others as fingers on one hand. They use C4 magic, and enter first room, Lone Bear open door and three Others rush in... Helped by spirits of Cunning Badger and Fast Fox, Lone Bear dodge them, jump outside, locking three Others with big Boomsticks inside.

One Other runs, he has C4, Lone Bear trade him two arrows in the back for it all.

One Other in the room remains. Carried by spirits of Rabbit, Deer and Cat, Lone Bear dances around Others Shotgun-Boomstick and buries the war hatchet... Into Others HEAD!
Leave three Others locked in empty Base, walk away with many C4.

Many seasons have since passed; Now Lone Bear surrounded by dust, rust, and spirits of Regret, Sorrow and Madness, together haunting the decaying poison ruins called Radtown.
Locked in cycle of death and respawn, guided by spirits of Crazy, Lone Bear harvests his own meat and cooks it, to feed the Others who come.

The fire is burning, the meat is warm, come taste some Rust.

Would definitelly reccomend this spirit journey*! :)

*End result may vary.
**See your medicine man if suffer weak heart and prone to rage.
ShadowCrafter 11 Jan @ 7:07am 
accept my friend request please