Imortalis   Washington, United States
Is it wrong I want to let go of this pain.
But yet still after three life times the fighting continues.
I have killed many and died more then once but this cursed body continues to bring me back from death.
Death is only temporary state I wish to die and rest in peace but god or the devil wont let me die.
Pain is no more then the bullets in my body I feel them hot but that is the only heat left in me. You read this now I have let you know I wish to die and still I fight.
Killing is the only enjoyment I have left so let me feel it as lounge as this cursed body continues to live.
I lounge for death every day I wish I wouldn’t get back up but yet I am still here waiting for you to kill me but still is it I can not die I do not know but now I leave you with thoughts of You’re death and my last wishes witch are to die buy your hands forever more
Let my blood run in the streets were every one is to see so that next time I kill and kill again I will they all think I am dead.
And this is how I have this name PHATNOM IMORTALIS is who I am.
Never dieing all was killing thought to be dead yet still alive
That is all I can tell you for any more and I to will go crazy or have I already lost my mind that’s for you to find out for me.
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