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22.3 hrs on record
Ya lo tenia cuando era de Battle.net y para mi es un juegaso, me encanta
Posted 28 November, 2019.
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129.3 hrs on record (88.3 hrs at review time)
SUMMARY FOR THOSE WHO DO NOT LIKE TO READ: I would buy it again, I really like this game.
  • Graphics: 8/10
  • Sound: 10/10
  • Gameplay: 8/10
I will separate this review into 3 parts, positive things, negative things and neutral things.

  • The map is GIANT and does not feel lacking in content at all, where you look there are things to do. Since I start to play until this moment (almost 50 hours) I must have like 35 - 40% of the map explored (if not less)
  • Secondary missions. For now where I go there are secondary missions where some are intertwined with the main story and others are not, but the latter are very well developed to not seem out of place.
  • Main Story. In this part is where FOR ME, the game excels. The story itself is linear, but it is so well developed that it does not look like it, it makes you feel that it really develops in the way you want. What was done was to separate the main story in "several branches" and you can go exploring them in the way you like, first one or the other, or go interlacing and it becomes very entertaining.
  • Sound. The music and the atmosphere is amazing and very well polished.
  • RPG Factors This in my opinion is very positive because I like these types of games, build your character the way you like and give it a special look or others. Beyond the skill tree in which you build your character as you like; I mean the armor, this time Ubisoft decided to make the armor interchangeable parts and that each one has "stats" and not a "set" as we saw before It was purely visual and the attributes were improved by paying some materials and that is all (I mean AC: Origins). Now you can choose, look cute and have not very good stats (or at least not the stats you want) or look like a semi-gladiator that put on the clothes of his grandmother mixed with a homeless to get the best statistics possible.
  • Elections in the dialogues. When it was said that your choices were going to influence the story, I really did not believe it, I thought it was going to be one of those cases where you are simply given 3 options to talk and all lead to the same conclusion, but no, Ubisoft surprised me (I do not say more to not enter in spoilers zone)
  • Socrates. Simply GREAT, every time I cross him I know it's going to be a strange and reflective moment. (I would love to say much more, but it would be spoiler)
  • Field battles. In the game we are presented with these battles in which they are debated between Sparta and Athens and depending on the winner the province in which we find happens to be for one side or another. These battles are very good and depending on the difficulty in which you play, they can become tedious.
  • Difficulty. After so many years asking Ubisoft to work on their combat system and difficulties and not just wait for the enemies to attack and press a button to defend themselves and proceed to kill them instantly or have a nice combat system like in Origins (but when you change the difficulty the only thing that changes is the life and the damage that enemies cause), we can say that this time they hit the key. I was experimenting with the difficulties that this time are 4:
    • History: the easiest to simply enjoy the story
    • Normal: there is not much to say
    • Difficult: at times it can be annoying to fight and it is convenient to opt for a little stealth.
    • Nightmare: here is where I was happy, I start playing in this difficulty and almost cried when I just started the game I died being level 2 against a few simple wolves. I was paying attention and doing tests, the enemies attack differently in this mode, making combos of different attacks and I THINK they even coordinate to attack in the most effective way. To this we must add that with 3 - 4 hits you are dead.
  • Boat battles. While it is an important element of the game, I get the impression that it is a recycled Black Flag and the boat improvements are not at all spectacular, they fell back into, do you have the materials and the gold? Ok, improve the ship, instead of using the same system as the armor. This does not mean that the fights at sea are very funny. For that reason alone I put this in neutral and not in negative.
  • System of "wanted" and mercenaries. I like this system a lot, the more bad things you do (steal and kill) while the civilians see you raise your wanted marker, reaching a maximum of 5, in each "step" they add a bounty hunter to kill you; you can lower your “wanted” level by killing the person who is paying to kill you, or paying the reward yourself to that person. I like this system a lot, but I get the impression that it could be improved by changing a few things. For example, I would like that, just as they give a reward for you, you can hunt mercenaries for bounties (after all… are us the only “bad” mercenary?). Below in the negative I will talk a little about something else about this system.
  • The Arena. Totally recycled from AC: Origins, and ends up being a bit boring.
  • Women. I was going to put this on the negative stuff, but well, I'm afraid they want to lynch me. It was noticed, more than ever in this game, the fear of being reported by feminist groups. The main character (although they give us the option to choose), is Kassandra, until there, no problem, what's more, I like the idea. What I do not like is how there are women everywhere, really everywhere, soldiers, hunter camps, mercenaries (who look like the incredible hulk) who are women, I have nothing against, but at least do things well, if it's a woman, do not put a giant gorilla with the face of a woman and tiiits and call her Martha (yes, like Superman and Batman mom), make a normal woman and make her powerful, after all, Kassandra has a female figure and yet It is very powerful.
  • As already said throughout the game forum, our character can not use shields. (This does not bother me in the least since I've always liked to carry double weapons, but I know that there are people who enjoy shields). According to Ubisoft it is because it would make the game slower and they looked for something faster.
  • Co-Op / Multiplayer. For me in this game could have taken advantage of the versatility that presents to play with a friend, or create sides where you choose Sparta or Athens and you are conquering "states" for these governments. While in the game this opportunity is presented, it would be very good to see a tugwar between all players and see how the map changes as they all contribute with a grain of sand.
  • Enemies "bounty hunters". (This is what I think, because I don’t know if it is a bug or something; maybe because I play in the maximum difficulty, I do not know) When I'm doing a mission or attacking a stronghold or just walking through a field, suddenly out of nowhere it does not appear 1, but 2 or 3 bounty hunters that are really strong with a lot of endurance and damage, I saw this happen several times, they appear in "X" place on the map and start running at full speed where I am and when they are 30 meters away from me they "slow down" and start acting normal (but it's almost always when I'm in a fort or something like that so they automatically join the fight making this tedious as they are difficult even to kill 1 by 1) (Most of the time I am at wantend level 1 or 2)
  • As always you can not forget bugs, After all, we are talking about Bugisoft. Equally remarkable is the minority of these, I found a few ones (characters stuck inside stones, boats that stop at a port and just when they finish to "anchor" they go away again, some odd visual bugs and not much more than that, some audio badly synchronized (maybe it is because I am playing it in Spanish).

    Sorry if there is some mistake, English is not my mother tongue.
Posted 7 October, 2018. Last edited 7 October, 2018.
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2 people found this review helpful
0.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
40 minutes was all that I needed to know that this game sucks. Lots of bugs, combat system is trash, "50 ms" server laggy as hell, I refounded this.
Posted 2 February, 2017.
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113.5 hrs on record (49.4 hrs at review time)
Como empezar este analisis... que cosa dificil. Para empezar tengo que hacer una breve reseña de quien soy y el porque mi analisis puede llegar a ser de utilidad para un tercero.

Soy un simple jugador (gamer) de 23 años que desde que tiene memoria le fascinan los juegos en general, todos, desde los juegos de mesa, cartas, dados, a videojuegos tanto en consola como en PC. Por supuesto todos tenemos nuestras preferencias, bueno, las mias son claramente los juegos RPG, desde que era chico incursioné en los juegos de este estilo, siendo el Diablo 1 para PlayStation el primero de estos mismos. De ahi fui descubriendo nuevos titulos como Titan Quest, Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, entre otros. Por esto mismo me considero a mi mismo como un buen critico de este genero.

Ahora si, sin mas preludio me dispongo a intentar dar mi mas sincero review.

La historia de The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, no es como cualquier otro rpg en el cual una linea secundaria o las mismas misiones secundarias resultan tediosas o aburridas, en este juego toda ramificación de la historia es realmente un lujo del cual se puede apreciar hasta el mas minimo detalle.
La historia principal es simplemente sublime, atrapante y llevadera. Las secundarias, tanto como cazas y misiones estan casi al mismo nivel de la trama principal, cada busqueda, cada mision, cada caza en la cual Geralt se sumerje es tan unica como la historia misma.
La trama de este juego es un calido viaje, con momentos divertidos, tristes, sensuales, atrapantes, donde podemos ver desde como cortejeamos a una dama a esenas en las que sentimos que el corazon se nos va a salir.

Puntaje para la historia: 10/10

Ambientación y mundo
El mundo de The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt es de los mundos mas vivaces y coloridos que vi en mi experiencia como jugador. No me malinterpreten con la palabra colorido, no me refiero a un mundo de colores chillones y saturación al limite, sino que hago referencia a como las calles de las ciudades, pueblos, aldeas, se corresponden a estos mismos lugares, cada lugar es totlamente diferente, nos encontramos con diferentes culturas, tipos de personas, edificaciones, amigos, enemigos, todos con un toque del lugar donde se encuentran.

Dentro de este titulo se pueden ver desde ciudades radiantes, con cientos de personas, hasta humedas cuevas en las cuales se palpita la misma viveza. Este mundo esta tan bien logrado que es un constante paisaje.

Puntaje para la ambientación y mundo: 10/10

Sonido y banda sonora
Sin duda los chicos de CD Red Projekt no se tomaron en serio este titulo, ya que los sonidos y ruidos ambiente acompañan a la perfección el ambiente tan bien logrado.

No solo eso, sino que ademas acompañan al juego con una exelente banda sonora la cual se adapta de la mejor manera a cada momento de la trama, desde silencios incomodos a festejos y festivales, los frios vientos de una montaña o los bosques llenos de vida animal, todo destaca de una manera prolija.

Puntaje para el sonido y la banda sonora: 10/10

Este es un apartado el cual tiene muchos puntos de vista y diferentes enfoques, para muchas personas los graficos no son lo esencial de un juego, pero este no es cualquier juego ni mucho menos un juego indie. Estamos hablando de un juego AAA, por ende el apartado gráfico se debe tomar en cuenta, dicho esto, lo unico que se puede decir es que los chicos de CDRP, trabajaron este area como todos los otros puntos, las graficas de este juego son impactantes, si no me creen simplemente vayan a la solapa de imagenes y veanlo por ustedes mismos.

Aunque a decir verdad hay pequeños detalles, muy pequeños, que se podrian haber agregado a travez de los dlc y/o parches del juego, como por ejemplo texturas para los cabellos.

Puntaje para los gráficos: 9/10

Como muchos otros RPG, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, tiene muchos extras, easter eggs, chistes, romance, drama, entre otros.
Pero sin duda el mejor extra de este juego es el Gwent.

El Gwent es un juego de cartas que nace en este juego, el cual tuvo tanto exito que ahora mismo se esta trabajando en un juego aparte dedicado expesificamente al mismo.

Como todo juego, este tiene algunos aspectos negativos, despues de todo esta hecho por humanos, y los humanos cometemos errores.

Los contras de este juego no son muchos, pero si pueden llegar a ser molestos para algunos.

1. Mas alla del increible mundo abierto que se nos proporciona, algunas veces los "marcadores" del mapa pueden llegar a ser un fiasco, a lo que me refiero es que se abusa mucho de la repetición en actividades terceareas, como por ejemplo "campamento bandido un millon cuatrocientos treinta mil quinientos siete".

2. Como todo juego tiene algunos pequeños bugs, aunque no muchos. Los que yo he experimentado son:
*Saltos molestos en lugares donde el agua te llega a la cintura o mas
*Algun que otro caballo con las patitas para cualquier lado (casi siempre cuando se baja a toda velocidad de una montaña)
*Cambio de ropa en alguna cinematografica (no en todas, solo en algunas, y ocurre solo si se utilizan los aspectos secundarios del dlc)

3. Algunas personas (yo incluido) tienen crashes inesperados en diversos momentos. A mi me ocurren muy esporadicamente, y no son nada que un simple guardado de vez en cuando no pueda solucionar. (Llega un momento en que guardar se combierte en una rutina saludable)

4. Las misiones se pueden fallar, pero lo que no te avisa el juego es que algunas deben desarrollarse en el momento en el cual se aceptan. Esto me llevo a fallar alguna que otra misión, ya que cuando yo juego acepto todas las misiones posibles y luego las hago 1 por 1.

Esos son los contras que yo le encuentro a este juego, pero no es nada que afecte realmente a la jugabilidad final.

Puntaje Final: 9.5/10

Este juego es totalmente recomendable, es un juego de larga duración y el cual esta diseñado para satisfacer a los jugadores del genero de una manera magistral.

En este momento llevo mas de 60 horas y aun no he siquiera terminado la historia principal.

De esta manera termino mi review el cual espero que sea de utilidad para la comunidad. Un saludo, ppr
Posted 26 December, 2016. Last edited 26 December, 2016.
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3 people found this review helpful
32.6 hrs on record (6.5 hrs at review time)
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ best start in a game EVER, I almost cry with this intro, I hope the game be the same!
Posted 7 October, 2016.
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5,524.6 hrs on record (1,686.9 hrs at review time)
Este juego es altamente recomendable, estrategia, graficos, lore, personajes, comunidades gigantes, voy a proceder a hacer una lista de PRO's y CON's

-Diferentes servidores para cada region del mundo
-Lore de calidad y con grandes historias
-Graficos muy buenos
-Contenido que se actualiza con regularidad
-Cada partida es diferente y abierta a nuevas estrategias
-Alto contenido estrategico

-Nadie usa su servidor especifico (si te hablo a vos señor peruano)
-Nadie lee el lore
-A nadie le importan los graficos
-El contenido que se actualiza por lo general son una patada en los huevos
-El workshop es pago
-Cada partida es diferente la forma que te culean
-Go all mid, ya fue la dota pe, voy a feedear, matame el courier

Sin lugar a dudas, el mejor juego del mundo, lastima que no tengo tanto tiempo para jugarlo.
Posted 2 January, 2016.
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