the one and only   Dortmund, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
The man who lifs fast
The man who dies young
He is the secret which is everywhere
He is the reason why you feel cold in his near
You can't see him but he can see you
And if you see him prey to god and hope that he helps you
But there is still one little thing you should know. Maybe he is a legend or a farytale because nobody who saw him survives this and could tell something about him. He lifes to survive and to pain those who don't belives in him.
So you it is your turn to belive or not but don't say you weren't warned when comes to you.:steamsad::steamsad:
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TheGamer 7 Sep, 2015 @ 1:29pm 
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♿.:olepro:.☢ 5 May, 2014 @ 3:28am 
heul nich rum komm zoggen^^^