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Nylige anmeldelser av MechWolf

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20.4 timer totalt (11.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
I really want to like this game but the developers are making it very hard to love their game. Why? It is like a table top game with a lot of dice rolling but the CPU always throws double six. That's why. The CPU ALWAYS HITS. You don't. When your assault mech gets attacked by a vehicle (a zero threat in the world of Battletech) they will hit your cockpit and your pilot takes a hit. So every battle is a struggle to keep yourself calm and try to like the game; but your having a bad experience overall. The missions come with a difficulty rating but it's bullocks; mission of 2,5 star will sometimes give you three medium mechs as opponents and the next 2 star rated mission will bring 6 heavy's and they will annihilate you. Saving IN GAME is a pain; you only have auto saves before and after the battles (nope you can't rename your savegames so there is no telling which savegame is what) and if you restart a mission because you get pounded by a 3 heavy mechs it will randomly change it to 5-6 heavys (maybe this is a good thing for replay value but it is really frustrating). The story is great, the vibe is really good, but overall; it's annoying instead of fun. Are the devolopers compensating the lack of AI with better hitting percentages? Also; when strolling through the woods trying to capture a base you will get attacked by vehicles from the bushes you just walked through and that definitly blows away the whole experience for me.

So for me it's back to MechWarrior Online. A shame because there are good elements in this game and the turn based action can be really something to enjoy; but now it's like playing blackjack while the bank always gets ace ten.

Publisert 15. juni 2018.
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43.5 timer totalt (22.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Fun game against AI. As a competitive game it is amazingly unbalanced. Fortunately you can play co-op against AI -> hunting monster. The monsters are extremely underpowered at lower levels while the maps are way too small to get yourself off radar. Hunters will respawn, but as a monster you only have one life (I cannot figure out what the developers where thinking/drinking while they made such a decision); it is ruining the gameplay as a monster. (too little wildlive to level up and the harpoon is so overpowered they do not even need a dome)

I love this game for it's theme and the way it is so much different then other shooters, but they should balance it so the overal rating will be 50%-50% of wins. Now I imagine that the hunters win 98% of the time.

I still recommend the game and hope that if there are enough players around the development team will handle the unbalanced issues stated above.
Publisert 23. august 2016.
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