Truthseeker Deathstalker   Athens, Attiki, Greece
:trueheart:True power comes from the least expected...
เล่นไปแล้ว 189 ชั่วโมง
Hello guys! I am TD609 and this is my humble opinion of the game.

My experience in FPS is BF4, CS, QuakeLive, Doom, Quake and Unreal Tournament. My experience in Nosgoth is 100 hours playtime, level 38, 54% wins, never a leaver.

Generally I would describe this game as: A FPS that takes place in an gothic and dark Era. A massacre between Humans and Vampires in a quick tactical(timing) fight to death "large scale arena".

Pros ~

1. It is free to play and not a P2W game. You do not need to spend a single Euro to be able to play it properly. In time you will earn enough in game currency(gold) to buy every weapon and ability. However, there are cosmetics that can enchant your in game appearance (skins, tabards, glowing weapons etc...) which they do not affect the gameplay. Generally the more you play the more you earn.

2. Each class has unique theme and fighting style.

3. The skill it requires to hit anything is different to each class and that is something I really like.

4. Teamplay. It needs a lot of co-ordination and good timing to succeed. As also a good team setup. Easy to learn but really hard to compete against groups that have better co-ordination. Your team setup might be terrble but due to a good coordination of skills (playing each one after the other in the correct row) will emerge you winners.

5. You should have knowledge of what your class is made for. As in many other games the most mistakes are made when the wrong class/build initiates the fight (especially (as a vampire) vs a well camping group).

6. You can enchant your weapons and your abilities to improve your playstyle. For example reduced cooldowns, improved health, improved health regen and many many more. However the best part in this is that you also get a negative enchant. You raise something to reduce something else. Also very important, you can disenchant anything you do not like, for mats.

Cons ~

1. The think that I dislike most in Nosgoth (and in almost any game nowdays) is that if you have the money and you like to collect things in game, like cosmetics (skins, tabards, unique weapons etc...) you can't. That is because you can't buy everything and there is nothing you can do to gain that skin/tabard you lost. That is good of course because there is plenty of uniqueness but still if you are a collector it is a minus. Many tabards and skins are unattanable. I hope they will add a trade feature in the future but I doupt if they plan in anything like that.

2. The game is fun but having a feeder in your team or a leaver it will make the odds be against you. Of course that kind of experience is almost never enjoyable unless you are like me who likes to play against the odds and you see it as a challenge. The more friends you play with, the better. Also voice communication helps a LOT!!! In low levels there are 3 ways you will win.
a) Winning cause an opponent is a feeder or skilless.
b) Winning cause an opponent left the match. (However, in normal games the leaver is replaced very quickly by a new player. In ranked you are f***ed unless an opponent voluntary leaves to balance the game.)
c) A fair match. Ussually no more than 5 points difference at both matches total.
In higher levels (25+) you will have fewer skilless ppl but more leavers. At least that is my personal experience.
I want to conclude that more than 50% of the games were fair and that only 1/3 of the games will be ruined due to a leaver or skilless person.

3. The depth of this game ends at the enchants that you can have on your abilities and weapons. There are no skill points or talents points neither depth in weapon customization except from the perks and the enchants.

4. The game is a bit crashy. The devs are doing a very nice work and they are doing it for free since the only payment they receive is if the player is willing to pay for cosmetics. Personally I was crashing in the Beta Ranked every time the match was finished but that was beta and thus I know they will have this crash fixed before they run qualified ranked games. (They already fixed it before next ranked season). Other than that I never had an issue in hardware or software.

~ ~ ~

Overall my experience with Nosgoth is lots of fun. I enjoy the dark theme and the slaughter the game delivers. If you have your BIOS and all your hardware drivers up to date you will have almost zero software problems. And of course always try to reduce your graphics setting one level lower from what your manufacturer recommends for better performance.

My advice to the new people is: Play everything. Try everything. In higher levels trying a class you never played before is very punishing since the opponents are harder to win. And most important try out the tutorial or else you will hit your head to the wall many times to learn how your class is working.

~ ~ ~

I am TD609 and my rating is 7/10.
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