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2,056.0 hrs on record (1,879.4 hrs at review time)
It was a bit hard at first, and understand some of the reviews. But you have to give it a chance. The combat system is "meh", and the game mainly focuses on economy and politics.
I wish the UI was a little better. Because I hate having the popup messages disturb my outline. Other than that, the game is gold!

The game has changed a lot since I gave my first review. The UI has improved a lot, and there aren't as many annoying messages popping up in the outline. Influence (with sphere of influence DLC) is more important, and countries like Russia are more fun to play.
I do recommend buying the game with all the DLC:s as it improves the game experience by miles.

I own Victoria II, which was the second game I played by Paradox. It was the game that truly made me love this company for creating a game with high learning curve, loads of mechanics to explore which at the same time is ruthless and has a replay value by 1000% as the game changes over time as updates come.
The big difference between the two is that Victoria II:s economy system is totally broken, and probably unfixable even by mods. Other than that Vicky III has everything the pre-installment has to offer and moar!

This game is still a hard recommend by me.
Posted 7 November, 2022. Last edited 8 February.
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32.5 hrs on record (17.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
First of all, I love tycoon and management-games. And this game has to be one of the top-tier. Even though the game is not even close to finished, this sparkling little gem kept me going for several hours straight. I had to give up when the game insisted on crashing every 10 minutes.

It's really fun designing your own MMORPG, and although I did have a good time, I found myself repeating the same decos over and over again. We're kind of lacking decorations here.
But don't let that tip the scales. What I really enjoyed about this game is that while you have to produce more content for advancing players, you still have to devop more starting zones and spread them strategically.

And I want to give out a warning to those who thinks this is a halfdone game. The game is far from done from what I can tell. It's very buggy, unpredictable, unsure if some features even work, it crashes A LOT... So don't buy the game if you're not prepared for all that. Wait til the game is done. And from what it looks right now, it's going to be awesome!

I haven't read in on what the devs are planning (could someone list that, if they have gone public with it?), but what I would like to see is:
* More spells, and configure them
* A class and/or race system
* Does the mmorpg have to be fantasy? Allow to make a sci-fi or a mmorpg from our century.
* More configurable monsters
* Allow more settings on quests. For example, they can't take a quest unless they completed X quest first (in order to make chain quests), or unless they are X level. I want to name my quests aswell.
* Make so you can use the empty buildnings for something. Would be cool if you could sell the houses to players.
* Instances/dungeons!
* Mounts
* World events (and hopefully everyone versus everyone in a 1v1 pvp team match)
* pvp-friendly zones when you have researched pvp
* Craft items
* Allow configuration of manaregen(?), hpregen(?) and rage

Also would love to have a bit bigger zones to work with. Even the biggest are too small when the game gets busy, even if you have several starting areas.

Oh yeah, and there is a major animationbug if you put a npc zone in the water. The players gets stuck forever. Not sure if they revive after you kill them, but their animations are still there (although seems to be an empty shell)

Anyways, looking forward to follow the development!
Posted 18 January, 2020. Last edited 18 January, 2020.
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2,177.4 hrs on record (916.3 hrs at review time)
I've had some fun.
Posted 5 November, 2019.
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30.5 hrs on record (7.9 hrs at review time)
I love these developing games and what intrigued me with Game Dev Studio was the simplistic graphics and what seemed to be a game with endless combinations of games and depth.

Although there probably is an endgame to this with producing a console, I never really got that far because what seemed to be a depth in gameplay is really only a shallow clickinggame with little management.

But before I get into that I want to enlighten the good aspects of the game:
+ Graphics are very basic and I really like the simplistic touch
+ There are a lot of different roles for the workers
+ Allows you to build and expand your current office and there is a variety of furniture to choose from
+ Lots of research... But I'll get back to this one
+ Game requires very little space
+ Moddable, although a lot of content is lacking in the workshop (probably because of a lacking fanbase)

The thing is that this game is good in almost every way Software Inc. is bad. But in comparison Software Inc. is a much better game in every way, and then consider that they are only in alpha.

But I'm not here to talk about Software Inc. Instead I'm going to review the bad aspects of the game that got me pretty tired of it.
- Game is lacking management. There is barely any employeemanagement, and I feel that this is an important aspect of a gaming company game. The few elements that exist become very repetitive. The game developer proably realised this and made it possible to automate teambuildingevents and salaryadjustments.
- The time aspect is not relative to the rest of the game making development very fast paced. Doesn't feel realistic that a co-worker takes a ♥♥♥♥ for 3 weeks while being able to contribute to gamedevelopment. I would prefer a slower pace, even if it means that games takes longer to finish.
- There is no notification when new research tech is available
- Research tech runs out very fast, although this issue is related to the time aspect I adressed earlier.
- It should be easier to tell apart from tech that affects game engine or gameplay
- There are currently no incentives to develop a second game engine when you can just update the current one forever
- You're unable to access server management if you shut down your MMO. I don't think this was intended, but I rented a server for my MMO, then I shut the game down because it cost too damn much, but I couldn't access the menu for shutting down the server after I shut down the MMO.
- Expansions are silly and insipid and should be more specific in what content the players are getting
- MMO:s should have the possibility to get huge patches allowing you to add new content to the original game instead of creating a new one
- I don't get the ads campaigns. Do they even work? I can't see they get effected that much no matter how much money I throw at it
- Should be able to recruit my own QA-team instead of outsourcing. Yes, I know I can test the project, but the outsourced QA-team gets all of the bugs
- QA-team shouldn't find all the bugs. They should come up as the game progresses and you as a gamedev should be forced to maintain the game in order to avoid sale losses
- How come my manager only told me once that my price for a game was too low? Why couldn't I make him evaluate the price for the market again?
- Reviews tell me nothing. I seriously don't know what I am doing wrong. The only feedback I get is what I'm doing right, making it very hard to adjust my projects to the markets expectations

There is a lot more to comment on, but this is all I could think of on the top of my head.

I really do see potential in this game, but I feel that it is very much unfinished and needs more content and more complexity in order to get my satisfaction.
Posted 19 June, 2019. Last edited 19 June, 2019.
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A developer has responded on 20 Jun, 2019 @ 12:16am (view response)
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7.0 hrs on record
The wierd thing about this game is that the supposed "hard" starts are the tribes with a single land. The funny thing is that these are the easiest to start on. This because you are surrounded by very few enemies and a lot of easy targets. As soon as you have conquered 3-4 tribes you are unstoppable. Start produce a lot of units and then threaten your neighbours that if they don't give you land you will invade them. They will give you land, but you can just invade them anyways. Like, who's gonna stop you when you're in america?

Rince and repeat, then in a few hours you will be the strongest country in the whole world.
Tip: I chose Aztec.

This game lacks a few elements that would make it great. It brings a slight recall to Victoria II, which is nice. But it also reminds you how simplified this game is. I don't mind it being turnbased, although I would wish a window pops up "It's your turn!" when it's my turn. Because right now I accidentally click through another turn. This is because all your moves and your enemies moves is shown when you click the same button as "end turn".

I wouldn't recommend this game because it's too simple as soon as you have figured out the basics. A lot of elements are uneccesary and just waste of money. The useless stuff is overpriced as hell. Even when conquered 100+ lands it's overpriced. Needs balance.

I'm surprised this game is a sequel. Seems more like a virgin betagame. I'm looking forward to see if these issues adressed will get patched or if we will see it in Civilizations III, although if the sequel to this game isn't broken I would call it "Civilizations: Origins", since the first two games (haven't played the first, but I'm assuming it isn't more advanced than this game) were just betas released as finished games, and Origins title would prevent confusion.

To wrap it up:
* Make it more victoria-like and bring out more elements forcing micromanagement
* Rebalance the economy
* Remove "Give me land or I will invade you", because that ♥♥♥♥ is overpowered
* Work on the AI. It's dull and stupid.
Posted 26 January, 2019.
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7 people found this review helpful
1.9 hrs on record
I've requested a refund for this game.

There are some positive things with the game. For one I really like the combat system. Reminds me a lot of Xcom, and that sure makes it fun. Also the envoirenment and setting has a nice feeling to it. But that's where the positive stops.

It's a role playing game, and you can't even create your own character. You're just thrown into some characters. The Mutant/perk system is really narrow and dull. I would've wanted more choices and more paths to take. The whole game feels like a gigantic railroad, which isn't the point with a roleplaying game. This means there is no replayvalue in the game. I wish there was more depth with the game, but right now it's a linear dull game pretending to be roleplaying. It has none of the characteristics of a roleplaying game. Instead it's more of a turnbased stealth strategy game, which isn't what I paid for.
Posted 9 December, 2018.
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8.2 hrs on record (8.0 hrs at review time)
I'm loving this puzzlegame. You don't need to be great at programming to play it. The language is made up (although a bit similar to machine code), but the idea is simple. You need to write a program that can manage any test. So there aren't any shortcuts. Just try your way forward.
One puzzle took me four hours to complete. When I checked the next puzzle it was an even harder one.

I'm writing code and trying a couple of solutions about a couple of hours each day. Seems to do the trick.
Posted 6 November, 2018.
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1.0 hrs on record
They removed too many aspects of the game, so refunded it. I love the time-setting though, so felt really sorry when I asked for a refund..
Posted 23 May, 2018.
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77.1 hrs on record (32.8 hrs at review time)
Allright, so I've played the game quite a bit and it took a while before I found a balance on the resources needed in order to sustain a civilization. It's quite a neat little game, and I do recommend it if you like strategy/simulation games. It is really difficult at times and I find myself restarting the game because I fail to think ahead. It is really important what researches you are looking for and finding rare earth material and water resources is also quite important.

There are a few remarks I'd like to point out:

* Disable hints. I can't find anywhere where to disable them. Seriously, it should be optional to get hints.
* Force specialization workforce. It's really annoying when the workforce is autodistributed. Engineers works as botanists and botanists works as engineers. You should force specialization to take the job.
* Autorecharge transport RC. When you're out scavenging metals, you take the autoroute sometimes from a distant place from the colony. During the RC:s mission to resupply the colony with metals scavenged in the far edges it will run out of battery. I want it to automatically recharge when close to a powersourced cable. At least the option to tell it to.

Other than that I think the game was fun. Takes a real effort to get a wholy sustained colony totally free from earth support. Every building needs a thoroughly consideration before constructing.
Posted 20 March, 2018.
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21 people found this review helpful
5 people found this review funny
358.9 hrs on record (27.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Played this game for 23 hours the last 30 hours. Do I need to say more?
Posted 22 January, 2018.
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