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Nylige anmeldelser av -=[dMw]=-Galatoni

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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
63.8 timer totalt (58.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Been a long time follower of this game. I must admit, I had my doubts that they would manage to deliver - glad to admit I was wrong.

Sword swinging, magic throwing, time-slowing... it's got it all. The mod scene is lively and it's only going to get better from here on out. I'd absolutely recommend playing this!
Publisert 7. juli 2024.
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
9.2 timer totalt (8.6 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
I think there's certainly one or two kinks to be ironed out. But if their previous releases are anything to go by, SLZ will likely take great care in sorting them out.

An excellent game with a solid story and interesting narrative style. I look forward to seeing where it goes next.
Publisert 5. oktober 2022.
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22.2 timer totalt (5.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
It's a fairly chill game over all, spotted with moments of action. It's quite relaxed as a result and the soundtrack is awesome.
Publisert 17. september 2021.
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2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
9.2 timer totalt (5.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Satisfying. Atmospheric. Visceral. Damned fun.

The campaign is challenging and contains a good number of weapons and armour combinations to provide for various game play types. The arena mode should be extended in my opinion, but only because I enjoy this as a work-out, and just destroying squishy enemies is so entertaining.

Otherwise, this is an excellent addition to my VR titles!
Publisert 22. mai 2020.
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2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
3.9 timer totalt (3.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Anmeldelse fra tidlig tilgang
Finished tutorial, which was pretty helpful. Weapon control is fairly intuitive and locomotion isn't too fast. The setting is dark and moody and brilliantly put together.

Worth pointing out that there is a pretty steep learning curve, but i'm sure this will be sorted since the developers are fairly hands-on. I'm yet to try the multiplayer aspect yet, but from what i've heard from others, it's really good. This is an incredibly promising start to a game that feels more complete than some full-games i've played!
Publisert 16. september 2019.
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
7.1 timer totalt (1.8 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Anmeldelse fra tidlig tilgang
For what it clearly an early access title, this is really a lot of fun. My only complaint is that the stamina is now a little too restrictive with recent changes (it was previously unlimited which I didn't get to play which is a shame). The combat is a tiny bit limited, but I could easily see this being extended to include sword play or projectiles.

The dungeon environment is quite atmospheric and manages to hit just the right level of dank and dark without being too hard to see things. The sound and music do a decent job of setting the scene.

I'm looking forward to finishing my play through and to see what comes of this very promising game. Keep it up!!

(Please get in touch with me if anyone knows a way to extend or remove the limit on stamina! Pretty please!)

Publisert 20. februar 2018.
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En utvikler har svart 20. feb. 2018 kl. 14.54 (vis svar)
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9.6 timer totalt (7.4 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
The environment and feel of the surroundings and the lore have been well captured. They're really close to how I imagined them to be. Dark, forboding and with just the right mix of gothic architecture and industrial technology. The weapons feel quite visceral and reloading and ammo consumption create just the right amount of tension as waves of enemies hit you.

You feel like you're in terminator armour - heavy footsteps, ease of melee combat with opponents. You feel tough.

Where the game falls down is depth, and its a shame. Here is a few examples:
* The single player skill tree is basically a list of weapons (that you gain through missions) and some skills (which amount to buffs and unlocks)

* There are subtle UI hints in game, the scanner rebooting and the fact that most enemies 'spawn' into view. I think these are actually 'under-the-hood' rules from the Spacehulk board game which have been ported, but not explained - real shame.

* Gameplay amounts to the same thing, secure/destroy/find X, move team through clostrophibic corridors against waves of enemies. Don't get me wrong here, *this* is Spacehulk! What amiss is any kind of serious customisation of you PC or team, in single or multiplayer. The original, original game (I played on the Amiga!) had more than this.

The enemy AI is OK. Its pretty much the swarm nature. Stuff throws itself at you in waves, which is fine for the genestealers and the melee based units, but not for ranged enemies. They tend to strafe in-and-out of cover and either you or your team mates just mow them down. On the subject of AI, the friendly unit AI isn't great. Anyone who played the board game is aware that you cannot pass through units on the board game, its part of the strategy. During playtesting someone must have complained about this. As a result, the AI doesn't really move out of your way, they've put in some kind of game mechanic which allows your to simple 'pass' through your units. This seems to me like a 'hack' for an awkward game mechanic which is actually strategy.

The game UI itself isn't clear. Your own health condition is displayed differently than your teams, a bar versus location damage. This suggests that it would've been too complicated to implement the same system all around, and probably made coding the multiplayer elements that much harder. Commanding your squad is awkward, clumsy and indirect. I've lost count of the number of times I've attempted to lock and seal a door and ended up healing instead!

The game is really close to what I would call an FPS version of the board game, but its not *quite* there. I feel it lacks some of these key features in order to really hit the mark, as a result, in its current form, I can't recommend it :( This makes me sad.
Publisert 24. desember 2016.
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