
Shane 最近的评测

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有 2 人觉得这篇评测有价值
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总时数 12.8 小时 (评测时 11.0 小时)
Very responsive developer cant fault him for taking time to read the comments from the community and he has listened as well in certain areas. I actually have faith he will continue to do so as well...

However in its current form i would not recommend the game.

The demo version was locked to a comfortable store level, but now you can exceed this, the full version brings with it the following issue...

The management/Storage system is lacking and due to the games rapid pace this becomes extremely frustrating trying to stay organised and in control of the Stock. Overall it burns me out very quickly and leaves me annoyed, frustrated, and gasping for some restbite.

The game has lots of nice things about it, and i am actually a fan of the title to be honest. but it requires some tweaking and adjustments in key areas in order to be satisfiying to play as oppose to stressful.

In the end this is not a cooking game its a resource management game where you are doing very little but ordering stock at such a rapid pace you just give up. not helped at all by the fact items are all over the place, and there is pretty much no management mechanic

The balance, pace, and the micromanagement all combined spoil the experience....
发布于 3 月 11 日。 最后编辑于 3 月 12 日。
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总时数 88.1 小时 (评测时 46.6 小时)
Fans of satisfactory will like this, its almost the same idea but on a smaller scale with more realism.. Not quite as complicated or in depth.

Overall later game progression suffers from some balancing issues the top tier production lines will result in a lack of raw materials to feed all the production lines and the prices at sale time are considerably lacking considering the investment of the final products

meanwhile at the start of the game progression is rapid, interaction is continuous and the game feels much more balanced in the earlier stages.

but if you like satisfactory then this is certainly something you will enjoy....
发布于 3 月 3 日。 最后编辑于 3 月 7 日。
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总时数 141.1 小时 (评测时 121.2 小时)
Firstly it would be required to make a statement about the fact that as a early access title this game has a few balancing issues that the developer is taking onboard (read the news section on the store page and update pages) however even with this taken into account there is plenty on offer in the games current state.

The already extensive list of automobiles you can research in this game is impressive and its very rewarding to advance through the eras unlocking and building each new car. With this comes a certain satisfication increased by the fact each vehicle requires a different layout on your production lines.

And that is this games appeal...

setting up the assembly process and getting them perfected to create cars is what makes this game., There is a lot of viewing to be had playing this game rather than interaction on a level that some gamers will dislike and speed run through the game which in my humble view is a waste.

with patience and discipline you can find a deeper game by not giving into the temptation of such actions as increasing the price to 400% profit margins (and/or) hiring forty staff members to rush the research tree to completion.

Overall this is down to the fact that most of the management side of the games mechanics are not implemented in the current early access version, which results in having no interaction as you gain a foothold on the games current content.

as it continues development this should ease.

Addicted and cant wait for more updates, Highly Recommended Title.
发布于 2 月 20 日。 最后编辑于 2 月 26 日。
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有 3 人觉得这篇评测有价值
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总时数 8.7 小时 (评测时 8.6 小时)
Erm.... cant really go wrong to be honest, you just press LMB forever and ever until you reach the bottom of the pit

you know that scene in breaking bad where the smackhead comes outside and takes over digging the hole to see how far it goes well thats kinda like playing this game.

but ive had a few beers so i might open another and keep digging

how long does it take to completely dig the entire back garden (7 hours)
how long does it take to dig straight down (1 hour)
发布于 2 月 12 日。 最后编辑于 2 月 13 日。
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总时数 40.5 小时 (评测时 38.8 小时)
has potential, i will probably be buying this game upon release. But it does need some tweaks however this is a demo so let that reflect on things and thumbs up
发布于 2 月 7 日。 最后编辑于 2 月 14 日。
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1 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 7.5 小时
Lake is essentially a story based adventure, where you play as a postal worker in 1980's america temporarily covering your fathers position. You will make decisions along the way whilst delivering letters and parcels across the small lake town.

Whilst the gameplay is simple, there is not much around in terms of parcel delivery games, which is how i ended up with this game. And until something else is created that works this is the best i could find. Its by no means a simulation however once you have completed the storyline mode there is also a endless mode allowing you to just deliver parcels

This said so far in endless mode the game is NOT taking advantage of the entire map and is only replicating deliveries around the post office making for a less than pleasing experience. It should be using the entire map.

which is what i was after.... the fact endless mode falls this short was the reason for the thumbs down. the delivery aspect is the primary reason for purchasing the game and it has to include more than just town centre locations, on a already small map

the storyline mode itself returns around 5hrs gameplay from start to finish, some choices will affect outcomes and others will loop around regardless of your decisions. In addition to this you can decide how in depth your relationship with each character is by the dialouge options presented to you during the game

As someone who has worked in this industry for a spell i prefer and wanted just the parcel delivery aspect (admittingly more of a simulation based game) but until one arrives this is certainly pleasant enough of an experience.

The steam overlay does not work very well with this game, and....

there is no wheel support with in the game, but basic controller support is there, and you are not able to redefine the keys. you dont load the van but you can complete the rather small repetivite route in any order you desire. I wasnt blown away with the storyline and did my best to avoid as much as possible in the end it left me thinking groundhog day for some reason.

But until somebody makes a very seriously good parcel delivery simulator then this is the best on offer to my own research...
发布于 2 月 2 日。 最后编辑于 2 月 3 日。
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总时数 0.2 小时
Not sure this needs a review ?
Its crysis, but better....
发布于 1 月 26 日。 最后编辑于 1 月 26 日。
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1 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 177.3 小时
Very additive game in the beginning, however later stages it becomes incredibly tedious...

Whilst they is nothing essentially worth not recommending this game because it is fun to play for the first week, its design is good enough, it has a wonderful USP with the trading cards that in my view needs more attention. I know that they plan to put in a mini game using the cards you collect. Which i cant wait for.

its just boring past a certain level, its a real grind to get anywhere fast, right from the very start and it just gets slower as time goes on. Then on the other hand once your fully automated with staff you literally have nothing to do anymore.

but if they do a good job with that mini game that could sway the vote...

In addition to this when it comes time to start your own full collection be warned they is very little in gaming as depressing as clicking the LMB a trillion times opening hundreds and hundreds of packets just to achieve that goal.

beyond the fact there is no middle option in voting terms, Thumbs down
发布于 1 月 26 日。 最后编辑于 1 月 28 日。
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有 7 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 2.6 小时
no pause feature, means unless you complete each mission in a single throw its all wasted gameplay. apart from that the little playtime i did have was exactly what i was looking for in terms of a submarine simulator.

And the idea of five players per vessel, and a max of five vessels in the game at the same time means this really is a competitor for submarine fans.

sadly without the ability to pause the singleplayer action (which is actually just playing alone in a multiplayer server) this game is not for those like myself that need this function.

this is what the recommendation is purely based upon and what a shame.

hopefully it gets developer attention, and i would repurchase instantly.
发布于 1 月 18 日。 最后编辑于 1 月 26 日。
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总时数 149.2 小时 (评测时 146.6 小时)
Mixed feelings with this one, i like the game, it plays nice has multiplayer mode, and half the time i enjoy it, but the other half i just feel bored particularly when waiting for the next stage to happen. you spend alot of time doing the very same things over and over again and again.

Even in hardest settings once food is established the game is very easy...
cant give a neutral recommendation

If you buy this game unless you enjoy waiting and doing the same things all the time, you will probably end up feeling the same way. Your first playthrough will be more worth while. but once you have gotten to grips with how things work, adjusted some settings, you will grow tired of the game and often feel unmotivated in future sessions.

Im going to learn towards the thumbs down. very torn with this title because it is a good game, with a repetitive experience longterm. giving the game no longevity or replayability
发布于 2023 年 2 月 12 日。 最后编辑于 2 月 6 日。
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