There should be a new stronger word for killing. Like, badwrong or badong... Yes, killing is badong. From this moment I will stand for the opposite of killing, gnodab.
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I can sit and play this for hours, and have. There is just something very addictive about it. This game won't be for everyone but I have def enjoyed playing it.
bballin623 3 feb 2023 om 5:48 
great job!
DISCOT3K 20 jun 2014 om 19:44 
I deed it all!! :tank:
KittenTherapy 27 jul 2013 om 18:30 
did what daddy? DID WHAT?! TELL ME NOW!!!!! *breaths on your neck*
DISCOT3K 18 jul 2012 om 19:59 
I'm da best mayne, I deed it!