Hotel Sunny 29.11.2010 klo 17.16 
I wish you lived closer to me
J-man 11.11.2010 klo 10.08 
Hi ma!
Hotel Sunny 29.10.2010 klo 16.59 
rawwr <3 :P
Hotel Sunny 28.10.2010 klo 6.19 
We should adopt morax as our son
Hotel Sunny 22.10.2010 klo 14.25 
well give me your number so i can send a text or two :3
Hotel Sunny 21.10.2010 klo 6.17 
awwhhh A soopah cute walruse!! o: Im gunna bring you one when i come to america :3
Hotel Sunny 21.10.2010 klo 6.16 
Yeeesss I shoulddd!! Text all kinds of random love texts :F
Hotel Sunny 20.10.2010 klo 7.30 
I wanna text youu soo bad :P
Hotel Sunny 18.10.2010 klo 15.20 
hahaah a www, I love you <3 makes me laught and <3
Hotel Sunny 17.10.2010 klo 13.57 
Will you kill Peewee when he try too get his bike back? )':
Hotel Sunny 15.10.2010 klo 14.37 
He told me you better get it back, or else... he will give you fake gum!! o:
Hotel Sunny 9.10.2010 klo 15.59 
agghh im having soo much fun but I miss you ofc )': <3
Hotel Sunny 2.10.2010 klo 13.42 
Bailey är super söt <3 saknar diiiig :3
Hotel Sunny 15.9.2010 klo 14.24 
Morning tf2 soon :3 cant wait till that :D
Hotel Sunny 8.9.2010 klo 13.52 
Hotel Sunny 30.8.2010 klo 10.09 
Jag saknar dig med gitarr
Hotel Sunny 27.8.2010 klo 8.09 
Butt hurt from you sticking long sword up it D':
Hotel Sunny 15.8.2010 klo 13.44 
You are like an amazing friend <3
Hotel Sunny 12.8.2010 klo 15.35 
Pimp! xp
Hotel Sunny 27.7.2010 klo 7.41 
RBC!! <3 :P