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Just trying to make the positive/negative ratio better, since as is tradition with Darkest Dungeon, people leave negative reviews complaining about bad things BEFORE learning to counter them.

Anyway, the Shieldbreaker is a very fun and powerful class, and you can do a lot of great stuff with her. I personally had the most fun when I sent two in the Cove and spammed Impale. If a battle isn't over by turn three, there's a problem.

Unfortunately for everyone, but mostly for the review ratio, having a Shieldbreaker in your party will spawn a guaranteed fight upon camping, and the Shieldbreaker will suffer from massive horror, pretty much guaranteeing an affliction.
Except that's wrong, and here's how you make these fights a cakewalk.
- There are only seven of them. The fourth and fifth only appear in Veteran difficulty at least, and the sixth and seventh won't until Champion difficulty. Which means you're in the clear if you're done with the first three and you want to do a Medium/Long Lvl 1 Mission, for example.
- Your SB will suffer 23 stress for 6 rounds. So using the camping skill Pep Talk a few times, and bringing a stress healer along will pretty much negate it.
- The enemies were made to be countered by the SB's skills. Use Expose on stealthed enemies to kill them extremely fast, use the armor piercing skills (and the armor piercing bonus from the camping skills), just play smart.

I could keep going but honestly, I don't think I need to. Any solid team with a Jester for stress heals will most likely destroy any of these guys.
Good DLC, love ya Red Hook.
Опубликовано 15 июля 2022 г..
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Scorchers: A new bandit clan that you have to "clean"!

Other additions to the game:
-New areas
-Nailgun (with ammo types)
-Trophy room (once you finished the DLC, you have access to it)
-Sarah NPC
-Ultra-Nightmare difficulty mode

To sum this DLC up, it adds about 2 hours of playtime AND, enables you to continue your game IF you had previously finished the Campaign mode.

Worth it?

If you really liked RAGE, then yes, you should get it... especially that it is already cheap. If you didn't really like the game, then you should simply pass it up. For a single player DLC that came out a year after the game's release is very odd and what I find disappointing is nothing noteworthy about the main story line was added from the endgame.

Maybe more DLC will get out eventually but if it take's one more year to play new content, I believe it will fly "under the radar" and with reasons.

So, played it, finished it and now, will uninstall it!
Опубликовано 13 июля 2022 г..
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no updates?
Опубликовано 13 июля 2022 г..
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6.9 ч. всего (6.7 ч. в момент написания)
Better than KF2 for me! This game is an all time classic. While it initially feels like a game made by someone who just figured out how to develop games, since the AI is super primitive, the game play is addictive and excellent. Partly due to the VERY LONG upgrade system and a million achievements and the multiplayer aspect. There is skill involved and you need to make the right strategy to survive on harder difficulties. It's a weird game. My style was very campy and I cleared all map achievements I'm pretty sure on all difficulties. Some people preferred to run around the map (kiting), which was usually slower than camping but saved lost matches. There is still a vibrant community, even though it is such an old game. Just make sure you have VPN turned off/reset or you probably won't find a game. I had a blast on this for like 500 hours, even though the first time I played it I thought it was trash! This game has some of the coolest gun animations in any game ever! And don't forget chicken man.
Опубликовано 13 июля 2022 г..
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968.0 ч. всего (944.5 ч. в момент написания)
Обзор CS:GO
Where can I get the English version ?
Опубликовано 13 июля 2022 г..
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230.0 ч. всего (15.3 ч. в момент написания)
Ghoulish horrors, brought low and driven into the mud!
Опубликовано 5 июля 2022 г.. Отредактировано 31 июля 2022 г..
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This DLC is good. It is also F R E E, so many people seem to forget that. The one valid criticism against it is the PvP items are tied to PvP progression, and experienced players with better items can and do get matched against new players. Be prepared to lose at the start while you familiarize yourself with the completely rebalanced cast and build up some items.

You still get EXP for losing so don't worry about it too much, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain if you vs a more experienced player as a newb. Many of the negative reviews here are from salty new players who lost a lot and did not understand how to play yet.

Items aside, Butchers Circus is actually quite well balanced. RNG is definitely a factor but it can be mitigated. There is a variety of valid team-comps from the ol' faithful 3 damage dealers + 1 healer build to dedicated stun / stress / mark / DoT / disruption / riposte builds or some hybrid of those. Queue times are short, generally you'll get a match in under 20 seconds.

Let me reiterate, this DLC is FREE. You have no reason not to try it, mixed reviews be damned.


- There is no speed stat in PvP. Instead you can just choose who to use next. This makes the gameplay more tactical.

- A coin flip determines which player goes first (and which players team gets a +15 dodge buff in the first round). The player who won the coin flip goes first in subsequent rounds, unless you end up will less units on the board, in which case you will go first.

- Blight/bleed does not trigger deaths door in PvP. It's still good.

- Watch out for Jester, his "Finale" ability IGNORES deaths door and instantly kills if it reduces your guy to 0hp. Don't get caught off guard.

- Plague Doctors and Hellions double stun moves have been changed to moves that apply stress and an accuracy debuff. Don't repeat my mistakes and think the double stuns will be OP in PvP. They're not.

- There is a new status effect called daze. Dazed characters can only act after all non-dazed characters have acted. Don't get it confused with stun!

- Don't overlook Antiquarian, she's rebalanced for PvP.

- Arbalest/Musketeer and Antiquarian are all valid healers.


- It's a good idea to have a variety of ways to heal or protect your units that are on deaths door. Having extra targeted heals, guards, and self heals is always a good idea.

- Try to make sure your team has at least one way to deal death blows. There are a number of options but I recommend bounty hunter with "Finish Him" and the item "The Finisher". This setup will make him one shot death blows in most scenarios.

- Try to ensure your team comps are versatile and able to handle a number of scenarios. Players are smarter than enemies in the campaign. They will stun the exact unit you needed. They will bring your back line to the front. Be prepared.

- Similarly, aim to have ways to interact with the opponents side of the board in ways other than damage. Disruptions, stuns, guard breaks, and even a well-placed daze can win games.

The Butcher's Circus is not perfect, but it's pretty damn good for a free PvP DLC. The hate is unwarranted. It's fun. Download it.
Опубликовано 5 июля 2022 г..
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If you're having trouble downloading The Musketeer:

1. Go to Darkest Dungeon in your STEAM library.

2. You'll see your DLC section - should be listed things like Shieldbreaker, Crimson Courts, etc. You'll see a checkmark in a box next to each. You probably see that the Musketeer is greyed out and says "not installed" although the box is checked saying you have it.

3. Uncheck the box by clicking on the check mark next to the Musketeer.
Опубликовано 5 июля 2022 г..
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Don't listen to the salty reviews, but be warned if you decide to enable this DLC for your first playthrough. It is hard. It will affect your progression through the campaign. Whether you're a new player wanting to give it a try or someone looking to try it out on a second playthrough, here are seven bits of advice from someone who's been playing with CC enabled from the beginning:

1. The Flagellant is worth the price of admission alone. He's a frontline healer with powerful damage over time in the form of bleed and the ability to transfer other party members' stress to himself (and he has an inexpensive camp skill that reduces his stress by a ton). He's good in any area except the Ruins. Don't sleep on Reclaim and Redeem, as they are powerful healing skills. Reclaim is not affected by healing skill buffs or debuffs.

2. Don't feel pressured to do the first Courtyard quest as soon as the town event "The Town is Abuzz" takes place. It will slightly lower the stress heal your heroes get from activities, but you can sit on that for as long as you want until you feel ready to start the Courtyard's questline. Personally I would recommend going in with a party of level 2 characters. After you complete this first quest, you gain an "infestation level". The higher it is, the more often Courtyard enemies will start showing up in other areas.

3. If you need Blood for your Cursed characters, there is always a short quest available in the Courtyard called "Gather the Blood" that will net you about 12 with each expedition. You can also build the Sanguine Vintners district, which will add two bottles of Blood to your stock each week for free.

4. The Fanatic is a powerful roaming boss who shows up with a town event when you reach Medium infestation. If you take two or more Cursed characters to a regular dungeon, there's a chance he will follow you in and stalk you. If you aren't specifically geared to fight the Fanatic, just leave. The game will warn you if he's in the dungeon with you with a special loading screen. He won't show up if you have only one party member with the Crimson Curse. He can't show up on boss quests or in the Courtyard, so send all your cursed party members there for XP.

5. You may notice you need "invitations" to enter the Crimson Court's Epic quests. These items are dropped by Gatekeepers, which have a chance to spawn as part of any Courtyard mash that appears in a normal biome. They tend to run on Turn 2 and are very fast, so prioritize killing them if you want the drop. The cocoon curio that appears at higher infestation levels will always spawn a Gatekeeper, so that's a semi-reliable way of farming invitations if you need them.

6. Bring lots of food, Blood, Torches, and Shovels to Crimson Court Epic quests. Don't bother bringing any keys, since the special chests that are supposed to give you Crimson Court trinkets will just give you normal loot instead if you use a key on them. Courtyard is always considered to be at 100% torch, but torches are used to clear obstacles, interact with curios, and provide a temporary accuracy buff to your whole party. Shovels are used to smash certain curios that will give you firewood to camp. Don't be afraid of leaving early. The game doesn't expect you to finish it in a single week. If you have a lot of good loot, feel free to abandon the quest. When you return, you'll be in the same place you left off.

7. There's no shame in installing mods to tune the experience to your liking, just like the rest of Darkest Dungeon. Don't let elitists tell you that doing so is "wrong" or somehow an incorrect way to play the game.

I hope this review-slash-guide was helpful and encourages you to give Crimson Court a try despite the naysayers. I have, and it's provided me with tens of hours of fun!
Опубликовано 5 июля 2022 г..
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116.6 ч. всего (5.0 ч. в момент написания)
Опубликовано 12 марта 2022 г..
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