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Game abandoned by devs due to EA sales were not as strong as they had hoped for. Took money from EA sales to fund development for a prototype of a Soulslike game to hopefully pitch to a publisher. If that gets sold, project of that sales well, then they'd return back to developing this? How on earth does that make sense. Even in the best of light, that is one hell of a gamble, hell, they should run for government office or the AAA publisher space at that rate with wild promises like that.

Avoid at all costs. False Prophet is definitely a suitable name now, irony and all. A shame, I was looking forward to new updates to this title, I love cRPGs. I will no longer support any False Profit endeavors (both present and future).
Postat 12 februarie.
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62.5 ore înregistrate
Dragon Age: Therapy Guard

The most all over the place, Dragon Age game to date. Completely confused as to what it wants to be in all aspects; from themes, narrative, lore, combat; you name it. It has zero idea what it wants to be.

The narrative is always at odds with itself, while the world building itself is a mix of fantastical, grim, and urgent; speaking to your companions feel like a therapy session is about to start, even to the point it completely derails the tension the current event(s) is going on so you can take a moment to 'talk out their feelings and make them become the best of friends' despite people dying all around you. Therapy language is good and can even have it's place in a game, but -all the time-? For example, your companion getting sad and depressed and talking about small victories when a city is currently being ravaged by a rampaging dragon and people are dying all around. It isn't the time to be talking about your feelings, time is of the essence and each moment you waste, another person dies. Realistically you would think your character would tell them to be quiet, now is not the time for that, you have bigger things to worry about. No, not at all, it's time for therapy session!

The first part of the game feels like a Dragon Age game for about 3 or so hours, as does the last hour and a half or so. What does that leave you in the middle? Upwards of 50+ hours of mess. As larger reviewers have said, it feels like HR is indeed in the room at all times when important dialog comes up.
Lore wise, it contradicts itself, rewrites and retcon things. Some good, some bad, and a hell of a lot of god awful. Often spitting in the face of those invested in the series with the constant back and forth rug pulling to the point your backside would be sore as hell from all the constant falling.

Gameplay wise, it's obvious this was meant to be a multiplayer live-service title as everything is cut up into small sections, zones, and feel less like a large lived in area instead of a sequence of things to go smack with your sword. Combat is rather generic hack and slash affair mixed in with some old Mass Effect: Charge & Detonate ability combos with your companions, which by the way, you cannot control at all, they do little to no damage to the enemy past the abilities you make them use, and they are immortal. They feel like walking, talking combat abilities more than actual companions. The rewards you get mainly are either skins, weapon augment upgrades, change of weapons, and such; all color coded in ranks. The good ending tied to a mix of the weird MMO-like reputation grind for factions (mainly selling them items), one side-quest, and dialog choices AT THE END OF THE GAME, make your choices for many things feel pointless and that they don't matter at all.

Companions are a complete mixed bag to pure awful and all romance events are unfulfilling. Personal quests for them are also all over the place. For example, Vincent Price's, err excuse me, Emmerich's personal questline stands out being a grand adventure of death rights for his homeland to a grand jaunt into a spooky mansion mystery into a battle in the fade against a half-lich is a grand time, albeit a bit mixed in narrative themes and all over the place pacing wise; is one of the stand out questlines. And even with this, all of them still feel like a personal therapy session to the point of: "I could be charging my companion for this sort of thing, I'd make more money doing this than saving the world."
Taash's entire character needs to be rewritten. Instead of an adventure of self discovery and the problems you may face when you come to terms with yourself and how others see you, it comes off as a preachy, whiny, and filled to the brim of self-important moral grand-standing where everyone in the room claps for their bravery. Ignoring already pre-established lore and using modern language (and therapy dialog the entire questline) for terminology and the like. This is an insult to DA fans and the people they claim they represent.
Romance quests come and go to the point it's gone and fulfilled when you blink. There is -no payoff- at all like previous DA games and it feels more like a contractual agreement than something to look forward to and grow as a character. Honestly, the game could have -zero- of these and you wouldn't lose anything, it's that bad.

Art Direction, good ol'/bad ol' art direction. A mixed bag, everyone looks so clean and shiny to the point of becoming plastic dolls. I don't love the art direction, I don't outright hate it either. For a DA game though, it feels out of place and this feels more like said earlier, something bright and flashy to sell cosmetics in a live service title. It has a similar styling of Apex Legends, but amped up on the cartoony levels. Whatever they can do to sell more skins.

Audio itself, one of the few saving graces. Nothing obnoxious, the sound quality is there as is the vocal performances of whatever the cast were given to speak. I don't blame them for their performances, just the entire garbage dialog script given to them. Voice direction scripts can make or break something and the best of voice acting can only go so far if they have to withhold that voice direction.

Performance? Game runs quite well, a large sleuth of options to choose from, works on a lot of systems outside the box. One thing you can't really complain I guess, but that doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things for this game, eh? A mediocre game that runs well is just that, a mediocre game that runs well.

I do not recommend this game at all, even on sale, and that's coming from someone who unlocked every achievement and grind hardcore to unlock the best ending. If you somehow must play this game for some reason, I will tell you, while they have a few cool and interesting ideas, the crushing mediocrity and massive amounts of narrative dissonance will constantly smack you over the head.

Temper Your Expectations.
Postat 11 februarie. Editat ultima dată 11 februarie.
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This is a PSA: Steam has finally updated their side and the game now works. You need a clean installation for it to work.

XCOM: Enemy Unknown is a great game, definitely recommend. Shame it took so long for Steam to update the game on their end to actually -work- without the Take2 Launcher.
Postat 28 ianuarie.
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It's like Dead Cells & Dark Souls had a baby during the PS1 era. Highly recommended.
Postat 22 ianuarie.
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39.7 ore înregistrate (17.8 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
A fantastic return to form for 3D third person shooters. A glorious comeback for the Space Marine franchise. The beautiful details to the environment, weapons, lore; it's all there and faithful. One of the most fun I've had, I'd dare say the best 40k game to date (makes me want an Imperial Guard game by these guys). A complete package of PvE and PvP with all future content free. The season pass only holding cosmetics. No pesky microtransactions, time savers, or any other games as service BS. The devs listening and bringing updates and changes upon what the audience as a whole seem to resonate with is also a breath of fresh air.

The fact the game can still be played in "offline" mode is a godsend in itself and a rarity for many a-game in 2024.

My only real complaints are things that can be changed & fixed with time. The bugs in the experience (I've had a few crashes).
The other is the lack of customization for the Chaos Space Marines minus paints and decals. I do see segments for pre-built armor sets, but who knows, maybe they'll open customization to it in the future if the game continues move forward. This game has 2 million players (and growing) at the time of this review.

Courage and Honour, Brothers.
Postat 11 septembrie 2024.
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I was hopeful, while it is far more stable and a lot of things have been fixed [like the weird full hd models of rendered teeth in pedestrians], it still isn't quite there. This seriously needed 6+ more months in the oven before it was released. I cannot recommend this in it's current state, I'd recommend waiting until a bit further down the line and pick up it's predecessor (when on sale due to Paradox DLC creep). I'll check this game out again near the end of the year to see if my review has changed.
Postat 21 iulie 2024.
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15.9 ore înregistrate (2.9 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
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If Dark and Darker is to Tarkov, I'd consider this more to Hunt: Showdown. I'm a fan of the more hardcore extraction shooters to that of the arcadey style. For me? This is a win for both. We need more variety in this genre of extraction games, I'm all for it.
Postat 19 iulie 2024.
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110.8 ore înregistrate
Battle Pass Changes are beyond garbage. No longer lasting for the full season, only -half season-, no longer able to buy pass tier upgrades with Apex Coins, so you -must grind it out every day-. For a full season of battle pass, it's now 20 USD and for their new updated battle pass it's 40 USD.

Unless they reverse these changes, stay far-far away from this. It only worries me with how the new Battlefield will be monetized. I can't stand for greed like this at all.
Postat 10 iulie 2024.
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9.1 ore înregistrate
Like many Korean MMOs pushed out by NEXON (I know it isn't one), all flash, no substance. In typical NEXON fashion, greed is the number 1 factor pushing this game forward which will probably be dumped by them in the near future if it doesn't overturn vast numbers of cash. The gameplay loop itself is quite fine, mediocre to decent in play. What is the problem? The monetization. And no, I know it's a free to play game and it's one that apes a LOT on Warframe. But what does Warframe have that it doesn't?

A trading market (supported by them) at launch. Sure, it's coming in the future, but when? What ETA? Also what will be fully tradable and such. Those are some good questions. Instead, it launches with everything tied to premium currency and nothing on sticker prices, I suspect the premium currency will not be tradable (I mean NEXON -can- surprise me and have it do that), and if they did, it'd make it a lot less of a burn.

On top of that, all those fancy colors you're getting? You have to buy a skin to be able to use them, the default ones for the characters do not. Now if/when they add trading and it's a similar system to Warframe in that regard, this may flip to a recommended. The mediocre to 'ok' gameplay and pretty characters backed by a nonsensical story cannot sustain this game long. Time will tell.

Postat 4 iulie 2024.
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5.4 ore înregistrate
A thoroughly enjoyable yuri romance visual novel with an older (cosmic horror goat mommy) woman. Funny, enjoyable dialog as befitting the genre of a yuri romance, with moments of pure cuteness and hilarity. As the game progresses it becomes far more darker in tone, while still meshing the lighthearted approach of the protagonist and the growing love of something truly unfathomable; all under an anime 90's OVA lenses.

The gameplay shifts past regular visual novel to be a mix of light item collecting, puzzle solving, survival elements as you progress through the story.

Enjoyable music and pleasant voice acting really sell this, I could actually see this as an OVA series on VHS during the 90s, a mix of the macabre horror and upbeat lightheartedness through the entire bit. I was enthralled with every moment and was sad to see it end. I graciously await for a third entry (if any).

As far as LGBTQIA+ representation, this one feels organic. It doesn't feel like a token entry, preachy, or pure fetish fuel (although lets be real, goat mom will definitely awaken some "I'm not a furry, buuut" people). at all. We need more games with representation like this, an organic telling of it and not an overwhelming browbeat and telling the audience they're wrong if it's a concept they're unaccustomed to or mixed in feeling.

In closing, I only have three things to say. I want the "Moooooood" t-shirt as merch, so badly, I'd wear that every day. Is it possible to remaster the first one or at least update and put achievements in with it? And... please, PLEASE, make a third one to the series.
Postat 25 mai 2024.
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