
Последние обзоры ZeshinFox

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I know there's a lot of people complaining about this game, but really, the developers have done a fantastic job with it, and it really is a super game. I tried H1Z1, which was good, but really its not a patch on this. Massive open world, which is incredibly immersive with some fantastic ambience. Great to play with friend(s), and scary as all hell when there are other players around. And yes, other players are also trying to survive, so don't expect them to be nice. expect them to be ♥♥♥♥♥ and try to kill you for nothing but the shirt on your back. Remember The Walking Dead? Yeah, turns out they got it right. Zombies aren't the real threat - the survivors are!
Опубликовано 25 ноября 2016 г..
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