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Skrteee 23 Nov, 2024 @ 6:37am 
Did you evew heaw the twagedy of Dawth Pwagueis The Wise?I thought not. It's not a stowy the Jedi wouwd teww you. It's a Sith wegend. Dawth Pwagueis was a Dawk Wowd of the Sith, so powewfuw and so wise he couwd use the Fowce to infwuence the midichwowians to cweate wife… He had such a knowwedge of the dawk side, he couwd even keep the ones he cawed about fwom dying.The dawk side of the Fowce is a pathway to many abiwities some considew to be unnatuwaw.He became so powewfuw… the onwy thing he was afwaid of was wosing his powew, which eventuawwy, of couwse, he did. Unfowtunatewy, he taught his appwentice evewything he knew, then his appwentice kiwwed him in his sweep. Iwonic. He couwd save othews fwom death, but not himsewf.
Skrteee 5 Jan, 2024 @ 5:41am 
Thursday, October 31st. The city streets are crowded for the holiday. Even with the rain. Hidden in the chaos is the element, waiting to strike like snakes. And I'm there too. Watching. 2 years of nights have turned me into a nocturnal animal. I must choose my targets carefully. It's a big city. I can't be everywhere. But they don't know where I am. We have a signal now, for when I'm needed. When that light hits the sky, it's not just a call- it's a warning. To them. Fear is a tool. They think I'm hiding in the shadows. But I AM the shadows. I wish I could say I'm making a difference, but I don't know. Murder, robberies, assault- 2 years later, they're all up. And now this. This city's eating itself. Maybe it can't be saved, but I have to try. PUSH MYSELF. These nights all roll together in a rush, behind the mask. Sometimes in the morning I have to force myself to remember everything that happened.
Marco 16 Jun, 2019 @ 4:50pm 
Looks too much like me
Skrteee 8 Apr, 2019 @ 3:39pm 
Literally a hick...
Mr.Pika 4 Jul, 2017 @ 11:57am 
SORRY BUT I'M DELETING EVERYONE FROM MY LIFE BECAUSE YOUR ALL BEING DOUCHESNOZELS! *clicks delete* LOADING... ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓ 99%. ERROR! It is impossible to delete our friendship. You mean so much to me.
Fungles 1 Apr, 2017 @ 12:27pm 