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Recente recensies door Zenethian

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33.0 uur in totaal (2.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)

It's an innovative idea but the game still has glaring bugs. A great example is even upon login, you get a 80% frame rate lag while it processes things "in the background" which means it's running it's rendering and data processing in the same thread. That seems asinine for a 2023 game. But oh, that's right, it's a 2016 game that's taken this long to release. Which would be VERY okay if they had fixed stuff like this before releasing.

The game rubberbands really severely under any sort of lag at all. I guess the servers are being DDoSed? But that begs the question: who in their right mind releases an MMO where the servers do not have DDoS protection?

The combat animations are very clumsy. The combat system itself seems okay, though not very polished either. There's not a very clear indication of when you "hit" or not other than seeing a floating damage indicator, which isn't very satisfying. You swing and get so real feedback. An overhead swing that is deflected looks the same as one that connects.

Overall this could be a great game, but it's not.
Geplaatst 26 februari 2023.
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Een ontwikkelaar heeft op 27 feb 2023 om 2:41 gereageerd (reactie weergeven)
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495.8 uur in totaal (44.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Guild Wars 2 is an MMO wonderground. It's old enough now to be very well-defined and stable. Class revamps seem to be few and far between. Content is still being created for the game. There are tons and tons of players. I passed over GW2 when it first came out because I was busy playing other games, and now that it's Free To Play on Steam I thought I'd check it out. It's been a blast. The community is huge and most zones are still noticeably busy. The gameplay is a good mix of "actiony" parts of more modern MMOs with the classic targeting systems from previous generations. Classes define more of a flair for gameplay than an exacting structure, as each class has 6 or so weapons it can equip to have a completely unique set of abilities for, preventing the tropes of a class only being melee or ranged. Speaking of tropes, this game also busts the classic DPS/Tank/Healer hybrid, opting instead for a self-sustain model where a diverse group of players offering one another overlapping buffs and heal zones to collectively fulfill those roles instead. The jumping puzzles are unique and a refreshing parkour challenge that I am also enjoying. Overall this game is, so far, a great joy to come to in 2023.
Geplaatst 22 januari 2023.
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18.4 uur in totaal (16.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
This game is a dreamscape of visual candy. It's absolutely gorgeous and it's art direction is fantastic.

But the actual gameplay design and engine feels bolted-on, with way less robustness. The co-op mode in particular is absolute garbage. Non-host players can't see the map properly, they can't see waypoints sometimes, and will often experience hard crashes. It's unfortunate because I would love to see more co-op games like this but this one in particular is very unplayable in co-op and feels incomplete.
Geplaatst 15 januari 2023.
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196.9 uur in totaal (144.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Fun game, but hard-freezing my PC every 45 minutes is absolutely insane for a AAA title.
Geplaatst 1 januari 2023.
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9 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
29.5 uur in totaal (21.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
This is a weird game. I was super hyped to play it, but I'm finding that I grow increasingly disinterested after 20 hours. Where's the content? It's the same handful of maps and missions over and over again. There is no story, save for a few skimpy cutscenes where you're told over and over again that you're worthless but they're counting on you. It feels like a slowed-down Warframe without a compelling reason to advance.

The worst part is the store. It shows up every HOUR with a random set of items that may or may not be applicable to your character at all. Need a new Surge Force staff because you've outleveled the one you have? Better log in every hour to check the store over, and over, and over again because one may NEVER show up for DAYS.

Overall I'm currently rating it a No. I just can't actually recommend this came to anyone given the total lack of content in it. It feels unfinished.
Geplaatst 10 december 2022.
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3 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
0.1 uur in totaal
it's nothing like I expected. I didn't realized it was interactive. what's the point of it being a tiny desktop window if you still have to play it like a full game?? It would make much more sense if there was no "character" to play and you just passively managed a town.

Geplaatst 8 december 2022.
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0.9 uur in totaal
I can't play this game. It gives me absolutely awful motion sickness. The way the menu parallax/ghosting works is horrible and has no consideration for people with motion sickness issues. I'm sitting here typing this trying not to vomit after playing it.

Seems like a cool premise but the menu presentation is a dealbreaker for me. I wouldn't normally fuss about menus but causing me to get that bad of motion sickness that fast is insane.
Geplaatst 29 juni 2022.
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1 persoon vond deze recensie grappig
0.4 uur in totaal
The camera is way too close, and the inability to use the mouse for menus at all is incredibly irritating. This game gives me terrible motion sickness and I can't play it. They need to fix the camera and mouse issues.
Geplaatst 22 juni 2022.
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376.8 uur in totaal (80.0 uur op moment van beoordeling)
This game is quite fun. It fills a craving I've had for a long time: an ephemeral and gimmickless co-op survival game that can be played in sessions with friends.

The mission-oriented throw-away build system is a surprising amount of fun! In long missions, you can build up and get decent technology going to make things easier, but in short missions you just build a hut for shelter and a few tools and run run run! There are no "servers" and no need to worry about your stuff getting blown up.

The dev team is releasing content weekly and they listen to their community. There have been a few bumps along the way with deployments and odd bugs that crop up that seem like they should have been caught early in QA but they're all quickly resolved as well.

The aesthetic of the game is absolutely gorgeous. It occasionally has some frame drops where optimization could be done, but overall it's pretty smooth and absolutely lovely on the eyes.
Geplaatst 20 juni 2022.
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2.1 uur in totaal
Recensie tijdens vroegtijdige toegang
Honestly, this game is real confusing. You spent a bunch of time narrowing things down, and then you find the ones that _seem_ to be right and so you lock in an answer and you get to the end and it's the wrong one. Over, and over, and over again. If you fail you lose everything. The game is brutal to new players and it's not very fun. I feel like if I were playing with more experienced people it would be great, but I don't really want to, so I guess I'm just stuck.
Geplaatst 14 maart 2022.
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