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147.1 hrs on record (48.5 hrs at review time)
Imminent Praising of The Sun
Posted 30 August, 2016.
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16.9 hrs on record (7.3 hrs at review time)
CO-Op Gold.

Pros- Good Co-Op, Good Community, Lots of community weapons/maps/gamemodes, Lots of players, addictive, Good Charecters for a game with no solid story, not very buggy.

Cons-It can get old after about 20 hours in, Community weapons are only cosmetic.

This game is a for-sure 8/10 would play again.
Posted 14 December, 2015.
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733.4 hrs on record (124.2 hrs at review time)
At this point do I need to say what's so good about TF2?

Pros- Fun, Addictive, Great community, Doesn't get old, barley any bugs, WAY More items/weapons then any FPS that i've ever seen, Lots of game modes, allows community mod/weapons/items/gamemodes/maps.

Cons-A fair amount of hackers, It's not the greates game for F2P's.

TF2 is a masterfully crafted game. If they will ever make a TF3, I'll be one of the first to buy it.
Posted 14 December, 2015.
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0.1 hrs on record
Early Access Review
you know szone is good becuase now when i see a mmo i dont get it

szone saved me the time of waiting for a game to install :)

10/10 uninstall simulator 2015
Posted 2 September, 2015.
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3.4 hrs on record (0.2 hrs at review time)
i freaking hate this game

so i buy the vale complete pack ofr steam summer sale and this is the first game i download
i load it up and realise its mainly single player? IN A COUNTER STRIKE GAME?
thean i play it and it didnt let me use a gun :( (sigh)


-their are none


-bad AI
-no story (wich is imparitive to have for a single player game)
-terriable sound effects (guns sound like spoons tapping against each other?)
-no music (at all... ever)
-bad multiplayer (aka its the same freakin thing as the single player)
-exept do sounds NO diffrence between weapons
-bad graphics
-a criminaly low player population

honetly its sucks
if you want a game that is what this game wanted to be like thean ''get RedCruible FireStorm''\
(becuas its nothing like this game but its great)
Posted 17 June, 2015.
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2 people found this review helpful
2.5 hrs on record (1.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review

ok so im lookin for some new f2p games on steam and i see this now i havent play red crucible
1 or 2 so i dint know what to expect form it.
so i download it and load it up and realise its hard to find antbody to shoot!
your runing around in maps the size of battle field 3 and 4 maps witha 16 player limit?
becuase of this my favorite map was resources becuase its at a COD level of size.
and thean i had so much fun.
i highly recommend this game to people new to the first pesron shooter genera becuse its soooo new that every single player basicly sucks at it.
i swear that 9 out of 10 people are still useing the first gun they give you.
oh yeah and one thing that sets red crucible firestorm apart from the rest is that theres no currency purchase or vip.
how manny mmo games for free have you played that have currency only purchasble with real money.
keep in mid it takes a while to get enough to buy a new gun but its so fufiling to shoot and kill your first enemy with it.
you can buy it but its not chesp 1 real dollar (in USD) is woth 5 coins in game.


easy to lurn mechanics and controls
great level design if it wernt for the tiny player count
balanced weapons (seriously the starting weapon kills in like 3 hits and its a assult rifle)
a wide range of vehicles
scarly fast matchmakeing lobby
no purchasable currency


a terrible in game chat
no availible mic useag
noo music when in game
not alot in the the way of settings
REALY hard to get the in game curency.
Posted 11 June, 2015.
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4.7 hrs on record (0.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I WAS SO EXITED FOR THIS GAME but it kinda sucks

good charecter animation
toutorial thats long enough to be helpful but short enough to not be boreing

slightly buggy
barely any diffrence between weapons
not enough game modes
boring story
no in game chat
low player population

honestly it could have been great but it just sucked
Posted 4 June, 2015.
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4.0 hrs on record (1.0 hrs at review time)
like skyrim but ore kid freindly
Posted 29 September, 2014.
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