Texas, United States

Competitive Experience:

Prolander One Day Cup: Space Force - Spy / 3-1 | 1st | Div 1 Champs
UGC Steel (Red) HL S11: relaxGaming - Spy / 6-4 | 9th | (Playoffs)
UGC Silver HL S12: Degree Zero - Spy / 4-5 | 31st | (Con. PO's)
UGC Gold HL S13: More Than Adequate - Spy / 4-4 | 12th | (None)
UGC Plat HL S14: Tree Forest 2 - Spy / 3-5 | 13th | (None)
UGC Plat HL S15: Tree Forest 2 - Spy / 4-6 | 6th | (Playoffs)
UGC Gold HL S16: IFA - Spy (Sub) / 6-5 | 5th | (Playoffs)
UGC Plat HL S17: Dedoris - Spy/Demo (Sub) / 4-4 | 5th | (N/A)
UGC Gold HL S20: Dedoris - Spy / 9-3 | 2nd | (Finals)
UGC Plat HL S21: Memento Mori - Spy (Sub) / 10-3 | 2nd | (Finals)
UGC Plat HL S22: East Jabib - Spy (Sub) / 8-4 | 4th | (Playoffs)
UGC Plat HL S23: East Jabib - Spy (Sub) / 8-3 | 3rd | (3rd Place Match)
UGC Plat HL S24: Dedoris - Spy / 10-2 | 4th | (Playoffs)
UGC Plat HL S25: Froyotech - Spy (Sub) / 4-5 | 7th | (Playoffs (LOL))
RGL Invite HL S1: IRENE - Spy (Sub) / 11-1 | 1st | Invite Champs!
RGL Invite HL S2: Space Force - Spy (Sub) / 3-5 | 4th | (Playoffs)
UGC Iron 6v6 S15: Sanic Panic - Roamer / 11-1 | 1st | (PO's) Iron Champs!
UGC Plat 6v6 S16: eSports Weaboo...- All Class / 2-6 | 9th | 0 Rounds Won!
UGC Plat 6v6 S18: loli_squad - All Class / 5-3 | 7th | (Playoffs)
UGC Plat 6v6 S24: we puggin - Medic / 5-5 | 7th | (Playoffs)
UGC Plat 6v6 S26: SAO Survivors - Huntsman / 4-4 | 5th | (None)
UGC Steel 4v4 S1: Draltoady - Demo/Scout / 5-5 | 38th | (Con.² PO's)
UGC Steel 4v4 S2: DMYST - Pyro / 8-4 | 3rd | (Con. PO's) Steel Champs!
UGC Gold 4v4 S3: DOORS FOURS - All Class / 3-5 | 18th | (N/A)
UGC Gold 4v4 S4: DOORS FOURS - All Class / 4-5 | 13th | (Playoffs)
UGC Gold 4v4 S5: topical godl memes - All Class / 5-4 | 9th | (None)
UGC Gold 4v4 S6: ♥♥♥♥♥♥ osu! memes - All Class / 6-2 | 2nd | (N/A)
UGC Gold 4v4 S12: Drop the Bass - All Class / 4-3 | Dead | (N/A)
UGC Gold 4v4 S13: tomato - All Class / 10-1 | 2nd | (Finals)
UGC Gold 4v4 S14: them - All Class / 6-4 | 3rd | (3rd Place Match)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 3: Texas Cheese Fries - Sniper / 7-0 | 1st | {PAN CHAMPS} Season 4: Texas Cheese Fries - Sniper / 12-2 | 2nd | (Finals)
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Season 1: Boolinberg - Sniper / 10-0 | 1st | {CHAMPIONS}
jewish paranoia agent 22/out./2022 às 12:58 
Yeah, the war against overwork culture can be seen in the great hidden culture world between those favoring corporate bushido (shounen) and those against it, opting for freedom instead (isekai).

Shounen, as you see, show most of the time (especially in more recent works) constant underdogs who constantly face foes stronger than themselves now matter how much stronger they get (oh you showed great results? More workload for the same pay for you then!) and make use of the power of friendship (helping your colleagues and your company out for free ontop of doing your own work) and are most of the time moralfags (company-policyfags) sacrificing anything for their friends and loved ones (their company).
jewish paranoia agent 22/out./2022 às 12:58 
Isekai on the other hand shows a taboo two-fold, which is "dying to X" and leaving your work at your company unfinished literally, and also metatphorically going to another world where you have it better than in your previous life despite seemingly more primitive environment (i.e. quitting your black company and finding a better place to work, like and upstart or a small company in general), which is pure heresy in the Japanese corporate bushido since they spread the idea that no company would ever hire you again if you quit one.

Of course this culture war can't be done publicly so they use this metaphor in fiction. Isekai is proof that the Japanese workforce is finally opposing the whole corporate bushido ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!
моа. 14/dez./2021 às 16:20 

𝓑 𝓞 𝓢 𝓝 𝓘 𝓐 𝓝 𝓐 𝓡 𝓜 𝓨 𝓝 𝓔 𝓔 𝓓 𝓢 𝓨 𝓞 𝓤 !
Shogun 5/out./2021 às 22:42 
♥♥♥♥ you for being good at the game
USMC jackawa 18/set./2021 às 21:30 
zoe support
MR. DUBBZ 2/set./2021 às 18:12 
I need my glasses cleaned still