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A apresentar 1-5 de 5 entradas
Bradford Community Transport Livery 2
Coleção por Yorkie Pudd
This is the fSecond livery I created for Bradford Community Transport. Some of them didn't make it to the series due to either updating the livery beforehand or deciding not to use that particular bus.
Bradford Community Transport Livery 3
Coleção por Yorkie Pudd
This is the third livery created for Bradford Community Transport, created by Adi
Bradford Community Transport Livery 1
Coleção por Yorkie Pudd
This is the first livery I created for Bradford Community Transport. Some of them didn't make it to the series due to either updating the livery beforehand or deciding not to use that particular bus.
Bradford Community Transport YouTube Series
Coleção por Yorkie Pudd
Bradford Community Transport is a fictional Bus company serving the city of Bradford. This collection is the buses I use and the liveries I created for them for my YouTube series and more buses will be added when they are used in the series. you can find t
Coleção por Yorkie Pudd
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