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4 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
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kayıtlarda 36.5 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 30.7 saat)
Great game ruined by horrible matchmaking.

Most of the time I can find a match quickly, but many times I get put into matches where it's mid game and my team is losing. I don't get the logic behind that... I didn't ask for being put into a match where most of it is already over, I wanna play a full match. I especially didn't ask for a losing round where I wasn't there from the beginning. The game basically punishes me by putting into a losing match, and then when I leave the match then I get a 10 minute suspension.

Also I don't know how the game matches players but teams are very rarely matched evenly. It's almost always the case that one team is far stronger than the other. Also when I win a round the game basically thinks that I'm good at the game which I'm not, and I get put into matches which are way above my level.

Other than that the game runs very well and looks pretty good. I get 250 fps at 1080p maxed out. Even my 1% lows are above 200 fps so I can run my 165Hz monitor at it's fullest.
Yayınlanma 15 Ekim 2023.
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kayıtlarda 59.4 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 10.1 saat)
I haven't played Warzone 1, so I can't compare, but I can say that overall It's pretty good...
It's way better than other Battle Royale games like PUBG and such. Graphics are pretty good, although I've seen better, but it's still good. The game feels realistic, gun mechanics are top notch, physics are great, vehicle handling is decent. The map Al Mazrah is good, it has a lot of cool spots, it has variety, it doesn't feel boring, the only complaint I have is the Observatory... If the last few circles are in the observatory and you are not on the hill already, then there is almost no chance of surviving because it's usually full of people camping uphills with snipers and certain sides of the hill have almost no cover at the bottom.

Optimization is not that great...
I'm getting 100-120 fps on my RX 6600 on low-medium settings. No way I can max out my 165Hz 1080p monitor. I checked out some benchmarks on YouTube to see what kind of GPU would be able to hit 165 fps and I came to the conclusion that I would need at least an RTX 3070 or an RX 6750XT. And even the 3070 barely hit 165 fps, and it dips into the 140-150s, and we are talking about Low Settings. Also, why is Intel's XeSS upscaler is in the game, but AMD's FSR 2 is not? There's only FSR 1.0 which is far worse than 2.0. It doesn't even make sense, cause FSR 2 was out way earlier than XeSS and it also supports more GPUs, so why would they include something that less people use, but not something more people would use?

Network lag is annoying:
This is one of the most annoying things in this game! Nothing more annyoing when I play a round and I'm 10 minutes in, I have pretty decent loot and everything, and out of nowhere my character starts lagging like it's teleporting back and forth. Or when I'm having a battle and the enemy player keeps teleporting around and I shoot almost a full mag, I get the hit markers and nothing happens, then when the lag is over I get shot from a completely different place.

Skill Based Matchmaking???
I don't know how Match Making works in this game, but my games are getting way harder each game. In the first 10 rounds or so I was pretty good, once I had 7 kills in one round, and I was in the top 10 almost every game... then I came across harder and harder opponents, and now I'm lucky if I have 2 kills in one round and get to top 50. Also why can't we play DMZ as Solo??? I know I can uncheck the fill squads box and play as 'Solo', but that's not Solo, because I still play against Squads. DMZ is the most fun game mode, there should be a Solo option.

Its's a pretty good game overall, if they fix the issues it will be a very good game!
Yayınlanma 21 Kasım 2022. Son düzenlenme 22 Kasım 2022.
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kayıtlarda 21.7 saat
I don't wanna say this, but this game is just horrible! In all aspects this game is below any modern standards. The graphics are horrible, it looks like a 2005 game or sometimes even worse. On my 1080p 165Hz monitor the game looks blurry and low quality even though everything is on max and render resolution is on full. ON my 1440p monitor it looks better, but it's still not a graphically impressive game. The art style of the game is all over the place, it looks unfinished, it looks like a game made of all kinds of free assets put together. The gameplay mechanics are clunky, the movement feels sluggish and low effort. Weapon mechanics don't feel that great either, but at least they are somewhat realistic. And the game overall is not fun, I search for 10-15 minutes for good loot only to die to some guy in a bush camping with a sniper. That's all this game is about, get lucky with loot and then camp in a bush or between rocks. It's just not fun, and it's very unfinished, it feels like a game in a pre-alpha stage. I can't understand how this game ever got popular...
Yayınlanma 19 Kasım 2022.
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kayıtlarda 0.5 saat
This game is boring af...
Yayınlanma 12 Mart 2022.
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kayıtlarda 1.4 saat
A well made game, but it gets boring very quickly.
Yayınlanma 30 Aralık 2021.
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2 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 0.7 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 0.6 saat)
CS:GO İncelemesi
Garbage game! This game is way too overrated.
Yayınlanma 28 Aralık 2021. Son düzenlenme 28 Aralık 2021.
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kayıtlarda 0.7 saat
I only played this game for 40 minutes, and quickly realized it's not for me. Not because it's a bad game, in fact it's pretty good. But it's just not my kind of game. So even though I won't play it anymore, I can definitely see someone appreciating this game.

I really enjoyed the soundtrack of the game though. Music is spot on. The game feels well made, the environment and the overall vibe is very well done. It nails that western feeling, and it also feels way more action packed than typical western games like Red Dead.

Graphics are not mind blowing, but they aren't that bad either. I'd say it looks like a console game, a bit better than a PS3 game, but not as good as a PS4 game. For some odd reason though the water reflections are really advanced. They look so good in fact that it feels out of place compared to the rest of the game.

How much does the game worth in my opinion?
Well, I got this game when it was free so it might affect how I view it in terms of value, plus I wouldn't buy it because it's not my style (again, I have to emphasize, it's not a bad game by any means, it's just that it's not for me). But honestly I would say if you can get it under 5 Euros on Sale and you like it, then it's a pretty good deal.
Yayınlanma 27 Aralık 2021. Son düzenlenme 27 Aralık 2021.
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kayıtlarda 104.4 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 82.7 saat)
A Pleasant Surprise.

This game was a pleasant surprise for me. I bought this game back when it was on sale just because it looked good and I wanted something to play and add to my library... But I've never expected this game to make me so engaged and appreciate it as much as I do it now. This game is shockingly good...

What I love about this game:
  • The map is very big and it's beautiful. It takes place in Hope County, which is Montana state in real life. It has a rich wildlife, a lot of forests, mountains, and ranches.
  • The story is pretty good, it's engaging. In a nutshell it's about a cult and it's leader that took over the entire state and you have to free the people and defeat the cult. The game borrows a lot of inspiration from real life cults and leaders such as Manson and Rajneesh.
  • The villain of the game is cult leader Joseph Seed. He believes himself to be a prophet of God and that the world will end with a nuclear war, and his cult and followers will be the only survivors of it. The dialogue and the script of the whole game is so well written that sometimes you think to yourself that maybe Joseph Seed is not the Bad Guy but the hero. He is a very well written character.
  • There are a lot of things to explore, a lot of side missions to complete, and even after 80 hours I feel like I haven't explored everything fully. The whole game feels like a mystery, and just when you thought you seen everything the game has to offer you find a hidden cave with a bunch of loot and a backstory to it and such...
  • The music is absolutely amazing. It fits the game, it's catchy, and you can never get bored of it. The Menu and the Map song (Dan Romer - When the Morning Light Shines In), describes the whole game without a single word, and it gives the game an incredible vibe. The religious cult songs at the outposts are great too, and the radio has mostly Blues and Rock bands such as The Black Keys, etc.
  • The Map editor is great. I spent a lot of time in the map editor, and from my experience, you can create just about anything, from a tropical island to a city, anything is possible.
  • The game has a 6 player Coop mode if you are into that. It also has a Multiplayer mode.
  • The game is decently optimized, but it doesn't run super well either. I'd say it's what you'd expect from a game like this so it's a plus.
  • The game is around 40GB, which is not much for a game this size. However if you download the HD texture pack which you can select in the DLC section, then the game will take up significantly more space, for a very small visual improvement so I recommend just skipping it.

What I'm disappointed by:
  • The DLCs are extremely underwhelming compared to the base game. I only have the Mars DLC, but from what I've read the Mars DLC is the best one from all the DLCs. So if the Mars DLC is the best out of the bunch then I'd say skip the DLCs. The only reason I'd recommend the Mars DLC is if you want the Mars weapons, but other than that skip it.
  • The gun play is a bit clunky, it doesn't feel natural, something feels off about it.
  • The Field of View (FOV) value settings only applies on feet, it doesn't apply in the car. As soon as you get into the car it reverts to the default value.

On a scale from 1 to 10, I'd give it an 8,5.
I bough the game on sale for about 9 euros, and for that price it was totally worth it for me. I'd say get it on sale if it's under 20 euros. As for the DLCs, my recommendation is to skip them.
Yayınlanma 28 Kasım 2021. Son düzenlenme 30 Kasım 2021.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 0.2 saat
I can't even get through the training because the last enemies don't spawn at all. I can't even skip the training because the menu is disabled during the training. Like what the hell man?
Yayınlanma 21 Eylül 2021.
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