Tercertipo 19 Jun, 2015 @ 8:41pm 

You guys need more admins on the forums and start banning people. People seems not to understand what an EA means. Too much hate and noone to control it. If people wants to colaborate, then they can make a contructive (positive or negative, explaining errors, bugs, or any other issue), and thats it. You guys need to put a stop on this.
Make a sticky about "Read before you post", "Rules" or whatever.
Never saw an EA with a working team like ARK, but its really sad the tons of people bashing it with hate on the forums.
About fps, it depends on spects. 2 people with the same computer can have different results. For example i have the same spects than a friend and i can run everything on high/epic on 25/30 fps and my friend has same fps but all on low/middle.

I have an i7 2600 3.70hgz 20gb ram ati 6950 2gb. win7 64bit, no problems for me with this old vcard.
Anyways, you guys keep it up, this is an example in my opinion on how an EA should be.

Steel 15 Jun, 2015 @ 8:49am 
@The Last Survivor : Drake has his status set to show him offline due to massive amounts of messages he and other devs have been receiving via steam. I can tell you he is very active and so are all the other devs working on ARK. If you have a question for him I would advise you to post in the Steam ARK discussion forums or on the ARK subreddit at /r/playark. :8bitheart:
Nimre 8 Jun, 2015 @ 4:42pm 
PD: My friends call it "The eating and drinking simulator" :P
Nimre 8 Jun, 2015 @ 2:09pm 
2.-Metal, I still dont know how to find metal in this game. I've been playing 43 hours, level 30, and every guide I've read they says "Black rocks, near rivers and at the top of highest mountains", but with the problem of food, and the really low rate of drop, with primitive tools, I never had that item in my inventory, and is a must have to make the iron pickaxe/axe and... the craft-table for that tools. I've been stuck at this point like 6 hours and I think nothing will change, so I've give up.

I just love the way you mixed pve with pvp. Thanks a lot for this game.
Nimre 8 Jun, 2015 @ 2:09pm 
Hello Drake, amazing game, tons of updates, you take this so serious. I love it.

Just some thing I think make the game less playable at my point of view, just my opinion:
1.-Food is really annoyning. I know you've add the way to upgrade the food and water using levelup stat points, but 10-30-50 food or water more does nothing when you are fighting for 2 minutes and you run out of food. I've eaten like 80 berrys spamming a lot the key while running, and that does nothing. I know you can get thirsty for running a lot (based on day/night game time) but I am sure if I eat 60 grapes, I will not be starving until my death(joke).
Tercertipo 6 Jun, 2015 @ 2:36am 
Drake, theres an issue with the power generators, sometime they dont give power to nearby plugs.
peep600 6 Jun, 2015 @ 1:16am 
Thank You!! In my opinion you all did and still doing a great job! Love this game!! Keep it up!
AI Fafke 5 Jun, 2015 @ 6:18am

Might be a helpful thread for you guys! A compact list of all issues (categorized)
Maybe sticky it?
Jorja 5 Jun, 2015 @ 6:14am 
A site got a cheat for your game. look it up. or read the stuff i send you via steam chat.
Gul'tan 5 Jun, 2015 @ 5:30am 
"Sorry for the delay on 171 all -- actually I passed out in front of the computer monitors here :-P
Back at it now, working to wrap up the patch etc..."

- That message saved my day... You are doing great Drake! Keep up the good work.
Brian 5 Jun, 2015 @ 12:10am Anyone know how to fix this solid black charcture texture when im on the character creation screen and in my inventory. I've done pretty much everything I can think of to try and fix this, update my drivers, verify the game, fully uninstall and then reinstall but nothing works. Just wanted to know if anyone knew something about it
Nova 4 Jun, 2015 @ 10:44pm 
Hey drake when you're on i msged you about a problem im having
scoped savant 4 Jun, 2015 @ 9:46am 
the devs said in the new update they would switching it to 4 gb of ram to solve the loading screen error. i launch my game and try joining a server and am still stuck at loading screen, do i need to change the launch options myself? if so how do i do it?
Yong 4 Jun, 2015 @ 5:26am 
hey drake, why did my download keep getting reset? I wasted 4gb of data over nothing :/
o|-} Tony Shark 4 Jun, 2015 @ 1:28am 
Having a blast on Ark, Well done to all involved!
EngworKeL 3 Jun, 2015 @ 11:08pm 
producers really optimisation need ARK :) good work :)
ded 1 Jun, 2015 @ 6:53pm 
kcul phiomia is basically a fat prehistoric elephant ancestor
Kyle 23 May, 2015 @ 4:50pm 
How long does it take to tame a Phiomia (pretty sure that's the giant turtle