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投稿日: 2018年11月22日 9時08分
更新日: 2022年11月23日 6時47分

Deep Rock Galactic is a cooperative first person shooter where you and your friends team up as fearless dwarves ready to conquer the underground on this alien planet with different regions featuring variety of different environments along with their creatures and hazards.

In Deep Rock you enter different missions with unique objectives on procedurally generated terrains. There's four different classes with unique weapons and mobility equipments, for instance the Gunner can create ziplines for the team to use on their mission. You can gather special non-mission related resources while underground which you can use to upgrade your arsenal or alternatively as a proper SpaceDwarf, just buy a glorious beard instead, or you know, get drunk at the space rig.

The game can be played with 1-4 players and features 5 different stages of difficulty. When playing solo, the player is given a robot ally which can be assigned to mine resources or just provide backup in general and works quite well if missing company. Of course the breathtaking caves are much more fun to explore with a fellow Dwarf, or a full group of them, but worry not, generally speaking the community is very welcoming in public lobbies too.

  • Endless source of beautiful procedurally generated caves.
  • Fluid gameplay and satisfying gunplay.
  • Customize your loadout and your looks to your preferences.
  • New content being added frequently.
  • Not really a singleplayer game, although can be played alone perfectly well.

Overall rating [9 / 10]

Personally I've found Deep Rock the most enjoyable co-op shooter in a long time. The caves are never alike, and boy are they breathtaking to look at. The Dev-team has been updating the game constantly with awesome features and quality content every time. Rock. And. Stone.
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