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Évaluations récentes de Laird wackyla

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5.6 h en tout
honestly I tried to play through this and it wasn't the dark, reminders of my own mental health that acted as a roadblock, it was the inconsistency of the world against my own (albeit limited) knowledge of the Picts culture.

this is more of knitpick for starters, but everyone sounds English! I couldn't pick out even a single Scottish accent, and if your representing a culture even a lost one, you'd think you should at-least attempt to bring in those from it's successor.
(the picts and the Gaels unified into a single culture so, like romans the culture was lost but never truely died, rather it evolved over time into something similar but new.)

secondly it's implied that Senua and her mother are physically abused by her father, and that that has aggravated their shared condition, both are socially shunned for said conditions, except the Picts were a matriarchal society, sisters would most often chose their brothers wife unless they chose their own first, so unless the guy was greatly disliked by his siblings, then he willingly married a woman he was ashamed of.
in other words women held higher positions than expected a society from a millennia ago, making it harder to picture spousal abuse to anywhere near be as common as depicted

thirdly Senua's paint makes no sense. the paint/tattoo (as history is uncertain on whether it truly was paint) is supposed to be formulated into intricate symbols (the literal alphabet of the Picts), and as well as providing a sort of spiritual armour, as the Picts often went into battle naked, it includes clan sigils/crests, the ranking within said clan, symbols for the individuals name, profession and dozens more, intricately detailing what you may need to know about an individual at a glance, in addition it included symbols for charms and oaths.
Senua on the other hand looks like she tried to cosplay as the avatar but gave up after smudging the paint.

fourthly, theirs the standing stones, it's believed the Picts used these record special events, some still surviving from as far back as the 3rd century BCE, and yet they tell only Norse Myths, now their aren't alot of myths we can confirm as being definitly from the picts without the posibility of them originally being celtic, a millenia of co-existance will do that, but even if they were to present a couple stories relating to Senua's acctual home Culture,
even the likes of the selkie, the stories of seals coming ashore able to shed their skins and become human in all apearance, even to the point of being taken as husabands and wife and producing children, but none of the stories ending happily, as they must abandon the land and return to the sea. some held captive for years as spouses, yearning to escape, willing to abandon their children without a second thought once the opportunity presents it'self

finally, the Picts were druidic, who can say how they would truly react to people hearing voices no one else could, but since they are believed to have even preformed sacrifices to the woodland spirits, they could very well have considered Senua and her mother as conduits of such spirits, and just making them shunned like they live in a 1950's american suburb just feels lazy and disingenuous.

and this is why I felt the consistency of the games world completely unwind as it was supposed to get stronger, the effect being an utter lack of immersion, and a realisation that the devs, just really didn't seem to care enough about the people they were depicting to do much research, the foreground's depiction of mental illness is brilliantly done don't get me wrong, but when the background is transparently contrived, it brings the whole thing down.
Évaluation publiée le 25 janvier 2019.
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1.3 h en tout
this game is a hot dumpster fire, best served with an overflowing glass of whiskey.

I just played from start to finish, so I'm drunk...

I payed £4 and the next day it was discounted by 90%
Évaluation publiée le 21 décembre 2018.
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1,493.7 h en tout (422.0 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
I'm not proud of how much i enjoy this game...
Évaluation publiée le 11 mars 2017.
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277.8 h en tout (198.9 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Avis donné pendant l'accès anticipé
started in the second north region.
tried to tame a dodo
killed the dodo
looked up online how to tame
tamed 3 dodo's
tamed 3 dilo's
worried that they might be killed I set up a base on the more prominant of the two cliffs.
*175 hours later.
I have 8 REX's guarding my base, which has a stone perimater wall and a giant gate
and a raft with all the comforts of home, that's followed by 3 giant crocodiles
I leave on a resouce gathering run to the west.
I find a sceletal Rex.
decide I want it's skin.
take my sarco's to attack .
sceletal Rex turned out to be sceletal ALPHA Rex (one of the strongest dino's that can spawn (and is not tamable))
all of my sarco's get killed along with myself
on the cliff opposite my base I set a grave stone to commemorate their brave sacrafice.
9.5/10 would mourn again.
Évaluation publiée le 7 novembre 2015. Dernière modification le 14 juillet 2016.
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2 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
384.4 h en tout (139.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
damn good game with damn good combat, damn good story and a DAMN good soundtrack with stunning visuals and fun characters, it's a serious contender for GOTY.
Évaluation publiée le 9 octobre 2015.
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4.3 h en tout
this game is much harder than the previous one two, the reason being that with the other two you had some sort of defence when the animatronics got to you; in fnaf 1 you could lock them all out, in fnaf 2 you could deter mostof them by putting on the mask with the exception of foxy and puppet, which so long as you checked up on them regularly, weren't a threat.

but in this game all you have is a barly functional audio device that can play noise from a camera once every 6 or so seconds, and you can seel a single vent. the issue being that; the animatronic will start to only pursue closer sounds as the game progresses, so on the first couple nights you could lure him away from you office window by playing audio in cam 5 (about 2 rooms away) but eventually the only way is to play it in the next room over which might only keep him away for a coule more seconds, there are also 4 vents you can seal and each night you have less and less time to react when you hear him crawling about, by night 5 it's only about 3/4 seconds.

ultimately the other 2 games were like spinning plates, they started off slow and got faster as they went, and ultimatly were much more skill focused, but this game is much more like poker in that stratagy and tactics are more improtant, than they were previously, it again starts off slow with lower bets, but gets progressivly harder, and theres a great degree of luck involved (phantoms and camera static make a bad combination, especially when the phantom involved is the puppet, word of warning he stops you doing ANYTHING for 17 seconds, letting springtrap get nice and close)
Évaluation publiée le 13 mai 2015.
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