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総プレイ時間:18.5時間 (レビュー投稿時点:6.5時間)
I only bought this game because I personally do love diving (certified rebreather/trimix). Honestly I assumed this would be another <2 hour steam return.

I was wrong. You should buy this game even if you don't like diving.

I don't know how such a small studio manages to pull off a game that is.. actually fun? It's sad to say that in 2024 a game that is actually fun, smart, and clever with appealing characters and great art to boot is so rare.

Dave The Diver is super fun, varied, and the right balance of engaging but not so hard that you have to min-max. You can play the game how you want and have a good time.

.. You know, like a game is supposed to be played.
投稿日 2024年6月1日.
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If you're expecting HOMM 3.. eh.. I don't know what it is - it just doesn't recreate that magic for me.

If I'm being honest, it might be that I'm getting older and I just foudn the graphics really hard to see. The overly pixelated style and "flat" visual hierarchy made it difficult to enjoy.
投稿日 2024年5月20日.
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Chainsaws are fun.

Cutting down trees is fun.

However, the chainsaw accuracy in this is... nonexistence. You just go up to a tree and.. click?

Lame! If you had to actually do face cuts and all that it'd be fun. As-is, no thanks
投稿日 2024年5月16日.
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総プレイ時間:13.8時間 (レビュー投稿時点:12.3時間)
In terms of what it is.. it delivers. It gives you a pretty, decently polished transport tycoon type experience.

The problem is.. that's all it is. There's no AI. Not much interesting advances in late game units.. Plus lots of stuff missing like modern oil tankers. You can't play it effectively without mods, since it doesnt come with a lot of stuff..

Overall this game feels unfulfilling and incomplete. It could have been a great spiritual successor to Transport Tycoon Deluxe. As is it feels like more of a demo.
投稿日 2024年5月7日.
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総プレイ時間:67.1時間 (レビュー投稿時点:19.5時間)
Major Order Accomplished. Early reports show complete destruction of the Snoy Menace.

Some are speculating this was a false flag attack by the Automaton threat, whereas others point to pharmacological manipulation of humans on Super Earth by the Terminid menace.

Are they smarter than we thought?

Regardless.. Today We can be Assured - Democracy Has Prevailed.
投稿日 2024年4月27日. 最終更新日 2024年5月5日
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総プレイ時間:20.4時間 (レビュー投稿時点:9.3時間)
I'm leaving my original review below, after playing for another 9 hours and completing the game here are my updated thoughts

* Bugs - I've already noticed bugs being fixed on subsequent playthroughs so it's fantastic to see the developer taking notice

* Economics - I still think balance of population density and food variety is off. Markets just don't work properly and seem to magically teleport their presence around without building stalls.. which I don't really understand.

* Lot Shape - Once you figure out that you need to build some L-shaped lots as vegetable farms, food pressure basically goes away. The way you have to do this is kinda hacky though. It'd be nice to see more precise control over lot shapes but the system as-is is workable.

* Food Variety - This feels like a chore. I don't understand the tuning on this at all. Two fully manned apiaries? Yeah you'll barely see honey. Likewise chickens are not productive whatsoever, yet vegetables stack up (hopefully pickled) like gangbusters.

* Combat - Tuning here still feels bad. Either you're way behind or you're way ahead. There isn't much of a sweet spot in terms of difficulty. When you're way behind it feels bad, and when you're way ahead it feels boring. I really hope combat is developed more with siege weapons and fortifications, otherwise I don't honestly see the point.

* Bandits - Okay, add sheriffs or something. You should have some way of preventing theft that doesn't involve mobilizing an army.

Overall I maintain my optimism for this game but still can't really recommend it today unless you're just looking for a quick playthrough - which to be fair I think at the price is totally reasonable for what it is.

However, since bugs are getting fixed, I've upgraded my review to a thumbs up, though I'd really like to give it a middling rating that isn't an option.

My original review:

First off, for a solo dev.. this is an amazing effort. I have played far worse games from far bigger studios. So hats off to the developer for putting this together. I believe with the right improvements (and hopefully the $$ that comes from the initial success) this can be an excellent game.

It has a lot going for it. The layout of housing is fantastic and very cool to deal with odd shapes. The overall mechanics are pretty interesting and I think the castle/siege play could be fun once fleshed out.

That said, in its current form, I cannot recommend it, for 3 key reasons.

1. Lots of little bugs. Buildings not getting built.. People getting stuck. Supply chains stuck.. things like that that are just really annoying and frustrating.

2. Bad bad bad tuning. The tuning is just horrible right now. I feel like all you do is build housing.. and.. build housing.. and then watch everyone starve despite having massive fields of grain and vegetable gardens.

3. Lots of little QoL things. Inadequate supply chain visibility. Not enough overlays. No real metrics. Basically it just makes it really hard to understand what's going on.

All 3 of these are relatively straightforward fixes and I believe in another 6 months or so this could be an excellent game. For now however I do not recommend it, and wish the developer the best in polishing and delivering what could eventually be a truly wonderful game experience.

投稿日 2024年4月27日. 最終更新日 2024年5月1日
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総プレイ時間:51.0時間 (レビュー投稿時点:19.1時間)
I keep coming back to this game despite misgivings on it.

Ultimately it does offer a unique twist on the city building genre. My main hope would be they add more beaver-specific content and additional factions.
投稿日 2024年4月13日. 最終更新日 2024年6月19日
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Technically it plays fine. Graphics are decent. Not glitchy. More or less promises.

Why don't I recommend? Well frankly it's boring. The AI is terrible, half the weapons are mediocre, and there's basically no story or anything to retain your interest. It's just killing mechs and tanks over and over. Mission variety? Not much. Kill everything red - that's basically it.
投稿日 2021年9月6日.
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総プレイ時間:10.9時間 (レビュー投稿時点:10.8時間)
The Ascent really is what Cyberpunk should have been. And for a small dev team, it is an impressive accomplishment. At its current price point - it is worth checking out. The environment is immersive. The art is beautiful. The music pairs wonderfully and when it 'amps up' you know 'its on'. The game feels gritty in a way that has been lacking from the cyberpunk genre for years with everything else being some kind of matrix ripoff.

Unfortunately It also suffers a lot of the bugs Cyberpunk had - it's just more forgivable due to the price and team size. If you can tolerate bugs and the idea of having to potentially restart - I'd say buy it and enjoy it. If you're going to be frustrated by bugs - maybe wait a few months until they get a chance to iron things out.

Overall I hope they are able to polish the game up and look forward to what else this team comes out with.
投稿日 2021年8月4日.
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総プレイ時間:21.4時間 (レビュー投稿時点:21.1時間)
This is a great game ruined by terrible controls. The sailing model is pretty good as are the graphics and what-not. The developers have actively worked to improve it.

However ultimately (having actually sailed before, trimarans mostly), I find this game incredibly frustrated because they tried to make the controls too realistic. I know that may sound like an odd complaint, but the reality is that trying to click the lines and work the winches with a mouse just sucks frankly. I get that they're trying to immerse you on the boat, but all it does is remind me how bad the controls are - having the opposite effect.

What they should do is offer alternate controls - just something like a simple matrix of buttons/sliders that allows you to configure lines/sails appropriately. I recognize some people may not like that, which is why it should be an option.

As it is, the actual sailing is hampered by the mediocre controls. My only other complaint would be the lack of detailed models for the environment. I've suggested adding the ability to import Flight Sim graphics/terrain, but that doesnt' seem to have gone anywhere.
投稿日 2018年9月28日.
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