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1 person found this review helpful
2.0 hrs on record
The good:
- It's 5 bucks
- I got 2 hours out of it, so it's like streaming a movie.
- If I cared enough I could probably get another hour out of it looking at achievements or trying to dig out the whole yard.
- I respect the opportunism or business sense at work here -- they are working on a game called Solarpunk (quietly, classily advertised in game) and this was basically just a gamejam/techdemo kind of thing they built along the way. Smart to get some revenue out of it.

The bad:
- This should probably be a little less than 5 dollars. I mean -- it's 5 bucks, whatever. But big picture, it's a thin experience, and it's very short. But maybe it will end up being a huge seller for 99c during steam sales, who knows.
- I was hoping for a little more meat on the bone - The game shows you it's loop early, and it never really changes. But like, at one point you just find... an empty room. You can't do anything there, you can't add anything. It just exists. I was expecting a new console to open up in the workshop that led me do ANYTHING with the room, but nope it's just a room.
- The ending is silly, but this is a very light criticism because we're all here for the hole digging and progression, not the ending.

So in conclusion I was like 90% happy with this, 10% disapointed. If 5 dollars doesn't matter to you, this is a fun 2 hours. If your budget is tight and the amount of entertainment time you get out of a game matters to you? This can be finished in 2 hours (after which achievements activate) so take that into consideration.
Posted 8 February.
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59.0 hrs on record
I've been looking for quite a while for a game that scratches the same itch as subnautica, and I finally found it with Pacific Drive. To me, some bullet points for things it nails:
- interesting environment, capturing a "vibe"
- a reason for doing things -- so many "survival craft" style games are just like "♥♥♥♥ it, you are naked and it's cold, bang some sticks together, good luck finding your own fun" --- there is a place for that kind of experience, but for me it's never enough. Like Subnautica, Pacific Drive has some narrative hooks to push you forward.
- fun progression systems -- the upgrades, the increased options, are all fun
- and of course, a REASON for those upgrades -- the further you explore, the more dangerous it gets, and those upgrades become more and more important.
- a safe upgradeable home base
- safe upgradeable mobile HQ - being able to "hide" in the car and be safe throughout the game, is great.
- This one is NOT the same as subnautica, but I really appreciated that they made the ENVIRONMENT scary, spooky, whatever, but at no time in this game is anything ever coming after you. The threats and dangers in the world are generally ignorant of your existence. The few cases where things might actively seek you, they are NOT scary or terrifying monsters. I appreciated that the game could "creep me out" but I could always tell myself it's just sounds, nothing is going to get me. I'm not a fan of scary games or whatever, so this allowed me to enjoy this experience a great deal.

All told, they knocked it out of the park with this one, and I'm absolutely smitten with this experience. An absolute favorite for me.
Posted 3 February.
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0.3 hrs on record
I don't know if they forgot the game, or I just installed a cryptominer, or if this whole thing is an allegory on the uselessness of "AI" or what.

Just some bullets and my experience summed up:
- Fired up the game, and it sort of presents like a flash game, which wasn't awesome.
- First thing it did before anything else... was download and install python stuff. This tracks I think, because to my understanding, a lot of ML/AI stuff tends to be python based. But also it's super weird that the first thing your game is doing is downloading external libraries/repos/etc. Like maybe bundle functional libraries with the game, and push out updates using the game update functionality as needed, through steam? I know devs often take this "just setup an external link and let it update whenever!" attitude, but it's weird for a game to do this.
- I accidentally exit the game twice, because in the option menu, where the bottom option in like --- every other game for 30 years, would be the button to exit the options screen, they put a huge button to exit the game. I guess that's on me.
- I check options as I notice when it ran, it did a bunch of screen rez changes on my system, usually a sign the game didn't run on my native rez. Find no graphics options at all, and move on.
- Start a new game. An adorable crystal is stranded on an island? But a new thing/friend blows in! Through happenstance, that friend starts walking around. We want our friend to collect crystals on the beach!
- Instead of collecting them on the beach though, we go to the "cloud".... there, our friend can collect crystals to their hearts content infinitely I guess. I'm not sure why they called this area the "cloud", but I assume they are being on the nose with it and trying to teach me about ML.
- I'm guided to input some basic instructions for the new friend, using a metric called "Love" to encourage them to follow the instructions (it feels like a weighting system - like it will do things that award 10 love before it does things that award 1 love)
- Using this, I make an instruction that rewards 1 love, for collecting an item, and that item is the crystals. It starts collecting crystals, haphazardly/randomly at first, and ever a minute or so, in a much more efficient and purposeful pattern. Each time the crystals are all collected, the magic of the cloud creates a new area with crystalls he can collect.

That's it, that's the game. It's a screensaver. I let it run for about 10m and nothing happened. I cannot give new instructions or stop the current instructions or interact in any way with the screen, I can only bring up the menu and exit.

I do so, I then wrote this review, and now I'm going to refund this and hope it wasn't malware.
Posted 10 September, 2024.
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490.7 hrs on record (305.1 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
"You've played for 305 hours, would you recommend this game to other players?"


For certain kinds of people, games like this are therapy.
Posted 9 September, 2024.
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4 people found this review helpful
42.4 hrs on record
As enjoyable as the first game - very similar mechanics, so if you enjoyed Steamworld Heist 1, you will like this too.
However, expanded on the first one by adding an overworld with a little bit of fun light exploration and overworld combat.
Additionally, added a class system that allows for mixing and maxing class abilities. I don't know about you, but for me? That's the prime ♥♥♥♥. That's the straight to the veins good times. Gimme that Final Fantasy Tactics job class mixup all day, and I'm a happy ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.

Also the chill music at the bars is absolutely magnificent. You might have a rough day at work, or be dealing with difficult people in your life, but coming back to the bar in this game to maybe recruit a new bot, rest your existing crew, or buy some gear, and listening to chill banjo music about robots being ok... it's soothing in a very special way.

Edit: just rolled credits -- fantastic game, no notes. Thunderful (nee Image and Form) have done it again, I loved every minute of this.
Posted 12 August, 2024. Last edited 1 October, 2024.
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175.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I love this like I love Satisfactory, like I love Factorio.
Posted 12 August, 2024.
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1 person found this review helpful
0.1 hrs on record
Seems like they forgot the video game here?
This was my experience:
- fire up game
- get tossed into campaign, told to hire gladiators
- hire 3 gladiators
- Can only click on 2 things -- arena, and the gladiator guild, which is like, the home base.
- Click on the arena, have one gladiator fight another one (it asked me to choose 1v1, 2v2, 3v1 Strong, and one other)
- Did a 1v1, my guy won, barely.
- Can't do anything else. Clicked around, forced a passage of time.
- Arena became available again after 7 days
- Had an archer and a shield guy enter the arena.
- Archer shot arrows. Shield guy tanked.
- One enemy died. My shield guy died. The other guy closed on my archer and chased it around the arena for 5 straight minutes. My archer had 100% HP, their shield guy had like... 10% Hp. Despite this, my archer apparently lost the ability to fight back, so I just watched it get hit as it fled for 5 minutes and eventually died.
- Back to the map where I couldn't click on anything for 7 days.
- Refunded.
Posted 15 July, 2024. Last edited 15 July, 2024.
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48 people found this review helpful
3 people found this review funny
8.8 hrs on record
If you enjoyed Stacklands, this is that with a different theme (and you know, other new stuff) - but really that's it - it's Stacklands. If you enjoyed that, you will enjoy this. Easy.

If you don't know what Stacklands is, go check the price on that - if it's cheaper, try that first. If this is cheaper, get this first. Have a nice day.
Posted 11 May, 2024.
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7 people found this review helpful
3 people found this review funny
11.3 hrs on record (1.9 hrs at review time)
Not sure why everyone is raving about this game. Just shy of 2 hours deep and... it's a competent platformer "metroidvania", and that's it. I was hoping for something with interesting mysteries to uncover, but it seems like it offers no answers to any of it's oddities, which at some point just translates to "It's weird for the sake of being weird". People are comparing it to games like Fez or Tunic - I never played Fez but I know it reveals at some point that the world was covered in things you didn't understand the meaning of at the time. I did play and love Tunic, and at least Tunic sort of showed you what kind of surprises were on offer, within the first hour or 2.

Here are some questions the game provides no answers for in those first 2 hours.
Who are you?
Why are you a non-descript lump?
Why are there animals?
Why are some of them hostile?
Why are some of them ghosts?
Why are you collecting eggs?
What do you do with the eggs?

Really wanted to like it more but there isn't enough going on with it. I'm not going to refund it, and I'll probably keep poking at it, and may even update this review of I hit some sort of revelatory moment, but sadly I don't think this game has such a thing, I think it's a bog-standard metroidvania with cool graphics and style.

Edit: I stuck with it long enough to roll credits. I am baffled at the reception of this game. If people hadn't hyped it up so much I don't think I would have spent more than the original 2 hours. After all the hype, I figured "Ok, at least I'll roll credits, and I bet the game will do SOMETHING fun to reveal secrets that were always there, or to perhaps show me something I can use as a starter clue to get going on the post-game puzzles. But nope! The game gives you another item or 2, neither of which is actively useable, and drops you right back in the middle of the world, at which point somehow a critical mass of people then decided to keep farting around for 20 more hours uncovering secrets.

Completely perplexing. If you are into puzzles, I would pick this up for 20 or less, but it has definitely been way overhyped.

And to be very clear - this game NEVER had it's Fez or Tunic moment, where you suddenly realize the thing you had been walking past was always special, or whatever.
Posted 11 May, 2024. Last edited 16 May, 2024.
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288 people found this review helpful
4 people found this review funny
14.8 hrs on record (9.7 hrs at review time)
I really really want to love this game, but I find playing it to just be absolutely exhausting due to a number of particular design decisions that are poorly documented or just really contrary to the story.
- During combat, you take damage. This damage heals to full after a fight. However, if you don't heal the damage DURING the fight, it becomes a status effect called "old wounds" immediately afterwards, which can only be removed with a medkit and a skill check. If you don't make sure to remove them IMMEDIATELY after a fight, they turn into "trauma" which messes up your ability to fight. Trauma cannot be removed until you go back to the ship.
- Early on, you might choose your first location to be a planet with a bunch of fights that doesn't ALLOW you back to the ship until you get far enough.
- Despite the fact that you are a powerful and unique Rogue Trader, so powerful that the game doesn't even have currency, selling items, or shops in the first 9 hours because you are *so above it all* -- somehow medkits are still one the of the most scarce things in the universe. None of this is explained in game, you need to google it to understand -- the game absolutely SHOWERS you with items early on, and then provides no way to get rid of them.
- Lot's of quality of life challenges - most abilities for example key off derived values from your stats, but they don't fill the numbers in, so as you assess an ability it might say "Reduces the dodge % of an enemy by 2x (1+ PER Bonus)/3"% and you need to go run that math in your head just to go "oh cool, 1.5 percent, great" or whatever. Not hard, but exhausting. Another one that drives me nuts is that many of the options when leveling up refer to other abilities. "When the character uses "Stand your ground!" affected characters will also do X and Y." Ok great, except what did "Stand your ground" do again? You can't check unless you cancel the level up dialogue to go look. Once again, not HARD, but exhausting.

Really struggling to continue on with this one, which is a shame because I was stoked to play it.

(Note - the above was written with 9 hours under my belt)
Posted 20 March, 2024.
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