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1 person found this review helpful
16.3 hrs on record (7.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Let me explain one thing first: I am not your typical FPS fan. This is not my favourite genre. I am the kind of person who gets dizzy and nausea when playing FPS game. Even the badly rendered third person shooters makes me dizzy and lightheaded - Like Pubg.

But this game.. is okay. Its one of the rare FPS games that does not make me dizzy.

The game is a PvE coop game, which I do recommend playing with your friends rather than solo. Just buy multiple copies of this game and gift it to your friends. You'll have lots of fun.

You can also play with randoms via matchmaking, but I only managed to find games once. and if you're new, you'll be waaaaaay underlevelled that you might as well play a private game with your friends and have a good ping.

the AI is a fun challenge. They still behave predictably like an AI, but they have these unique moves that you have to learn to hit them effectively. Some enemies likes to jump a lot and others like to shoot you with large projectiles.

The main complaint at the moment was the bosses. Some of the bosses have insanely high HP when played multiplayer. Heck, the four of us can't even deplete the bosses' shield, let alone his actual HP. I'm okay with the bosses have his HP multiplied according to the number of players, but don't buff his shield too much :D

Also, why is the cost of reviving characters is so expensive (from stage 2 onwards) ?
We've already have problem with the short timespan for your teammates to revive you.
Which basically means, if you die in the middle of a warzone, there is no way your teammates can beat the stage or beat the boss.

at least either reduce the cost to revive,
or increase the time to revive your teammates
or even better, allow your teammates to be revived for free prior to boss fight.

and also, I hope there is also a stage select so that not every time we have to start from the first stage.

This game is still in early access, and it does look promising.
hopefully the developers will continue supporting this game with more stages to play.
I'm hoping that we get at least 2 more characters - as playing with 3 - 4 cats with same skin and color palette is pretty meh.
Posted 11 July, 2020.
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5.9 hrs on record
I want to highlight this game because not enough attention is given to this game. There were a lot of good reviews, but not many people played or heard of this game.

Its not the longest of game. I finished it in 6 hours. Probably will play some more to look for the hidden collectibles. (tbh i'm not really motivated to do it)

The idea of the game is that, while you can rewind time to check on people's whereabouts, whatever key items you found will be gone if you reset the time. However, you retain the knowledge you found on the previous loop. For example, if you found say, a password - or learned the location of a secret door, you will retain this information, which enables you to use shortcuts or access then inaccessible areas in the mansion.
As you progress through the game, you will gain extra abilities which enables you to gain these information. This is how the game sort of "Metroidvania-ed" the game.

I overall enjoyed all the stages bar the last one, which i feel a bit meh. The last two abilities you got also is just an excuse for you to have the abilities need to explore the whole house for collectibles, rather than say, prevent a murder like all the previous abilities you got.

The speed time function is not really useful, unless you are going for the collectibles, which I heard you need to wait until the guests are killed before you can get to some of them.

This game is best played blind - otherwise it's not really a mystery anymore. Otherwise, its very satisfying to spy on other characters from a different room while you learn the solution on how to prevent the murders. However, the game does not punish you harshly if the guest sees you or you happened to be at the same room. I guess that's okay.

The graphics a a bit dated by today's (2020) standard, but it have its charms.

In summary, I say, its a unique experience as its not your typical genre of game.
The game and the story is good, You should try this at least once.
Well not as good as TLOU, but I like the story nonetheless.
If you don't want to buy at full price, you can always find this game on sale.
Just wait for one of them Steam Sales.
Posted 11 July, 2020.
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362.6 hrs on record (138.3 hrs at review time)
I played this so many times its unhealthy already...
this is my favourite game to play while listening to some podcast / video essay on the other monitor.

it features a lot of improvement from its Win95 version.
the native gives you the whole 9 squares if you settle near them (instead of only 3-4 squares)
your border can expand based on liberty bells
the natives gives you settlement of their place once your border reaches them
there's a icon that shows you what item the natives will pay highest price (guns, horses, rum)
and also what knowledge they give you (master farmer, master tobacco planter, master cotton planter etc)

in particular i like that a lot of inter city trade can be automated easily, so that you can collect every resource in one or two cities before selling to Europe/other player

too bad the imba Custom House is gone.

its a good game, but you really need to plan your ♥♥♥♥ if you want to reach independence.. coz your mother country will send ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ or armies once you declared indepdence.
Posted 15 May, 2020.
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103.6 hrs on record (39.8 hrs at review time)
TLDR: imagine Dynasty Warriors.
- set in a modern setting
- with less characters
- more weapon choices
- and no Musou

the base game has 108 stages. and at 39 hours, i'm only at stage 40. imagine how long u need to actually finish the game.
a LOT of grinding is needed, especially to get better weapon and armor, which is essential at later stages.

the good thing is, there are a good number of public lobbies to play in multiplayer, and there is also a split screen option to play offline with your mate.

anyway, if you're into mindless shooting a lot of stuff in the map, then what are you waiting for. its time to gear up and save Mother Earth. EDF! EDF!
Posted 8 February, 2020.
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3 people found this review helpful
77.9 hrs on record (58.8 hrs at review time)
Its a good game. too bad the developers abandoned the game already, so don't expect new content. the ending is a bit meh and felt "unfinished/"

A bit grindy at the end, but a good game nonetheless. the game is very long. it took me 50 hours to complete the game once.. and you're suppose to play the game at least twice to see everything..

Early game is hard as you want to avoid combat since you don't have neither enough agents nor firepower, but on the late game, once you have access to noise suppressors, sniper rifles, grenades and support, you'll breeze through the stages easy.

there's actually a lot of stuff to do in this game:
- research upgrades,
- send your agents for training so that they will get the weapon specialization/perks you want
- give your agent drugs to enhance their stats, such as hitpoints, movement points and action points
- forge/buy new items to use in stages (such as grenades, lockpicks and first aid kits)
- brainwash enemy agents
- hire new agents, or make enemy agents join you

You might be turned off by the "force majure" feature (when stages suddenly breaks stealth automatically after 3-4 turns). but it is actually okay. The survival of your agents is more important than completing the mission. Just leave the stage and come back again later.

Stages are a bit recycled, especially those non story based ones - although the starting location, item and enemies are randomized.

you have some customization here, where you can change the looks and potrait of your agents.
In addition, you can rename all your agents apart from the main character.

Posted 19 January, 2020.
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0.0 hrs on record
well, at least people who already purchased the game got this game for free.
i see a lot of people complaint about multiplayer is now a paid dlc
but considering the dlc is not that expensive (RM5.50 in my country, which is breakfast money)

the game is good, just need more people to play this in a lobby.
usually the game i played, i got maybe 2 or 3 human while the others are bots.

its fun switching allegiance from monster to humans and vice versa
Posted 2 January, 2020.
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19.1 hrs on record (4.8 hrs at review time)
I had fun playing this game. Its a good 10-15 minute game you can play during your break.

I'm not any good at rhythm games, but the game is still fun even if you're missing the beat and got hit by everything they throw at you.

you can create a new account (or play locally). lets face it, unless you have the finger reflex of a 10th grade pianist, you'll never reach the top score XD. but i created a new account anyway, just in case i bought the same game on Mobile or Nintendo Switch and I don't want to start over.

the music is very good, considering it is not from the mainstream (currently popular) pop songs. you'll be amazed on how many new songs you discover through this game.

its pretty cheap, with the option of buying the full version with all current and future songs unlocked.

just try it. Now.
Posted 2 January, 2020.
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245.7 hrs on record (118.0 hrs at review time)
this is strange. this game is at least 3 years old. its what harvest moon suppose to be.
is not the hardest game
but its the most fun game
there's no better way to spend your day then to take care of your farm while listening to some podcase in spotify/youtube.
and dont let me start with mods.
the mod community is active. there's so much stuff to try in the mods which lengthens this game's lifespan.

in short. just buy it.
there's no excuse of not buying this game.
Posted 27 November, 2019.
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2 people found this review helpful
34.6 hrs on record (11.8 hrs at review time)
Actually, i've been playing this game for a while. it's easy to learn. and also a fun game, with the AI is competent, but not too smart - which is just the right balance.

the campaign is short and sweet. although some stages are a bit unfair at first and u can only win by sheer luck. you probably can finish the whole campaign in one or two days of grinding.

too bad there's not much new content for this game at the moment. a new skins for all the units will be nice.. like new skin for the assassins, or the gangsters.. maybe some new stages to play.
Posted 15 November, 2019.
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248.5 hrs on record (139.1 hrs at review time)
this is a very good product. i installed this to every computer i own
Posted 11 November, 2019. Last edited 4 December, 2019.
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