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1 lệnh cấm VAC được ghi nhận | Thông tin
1837 ngày từ lần cấm cuối
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KiguledzPS 13 Thg11, 2020 @ 7:54am 
Kamilek 25 Thg10, 2020 @ 9:47pm 
pozdrawiam Mamm0n :)
robert konieczny 13 Thg05, 2020 @ 7:07pm 
robert konieczny 13 Thg05, 2020 @ 7:07pm 
jebać ci ryszard nazwisko wójcik
Macy 🩱 18 Thg04, 2020 @ 3:54am 
"Hey, 😺 I'm 🐠 startin' 🐊 to 🐳 get 🚗 the 🌏 hang 👑 of 🥒 this 💙 game. 💄 The 👽 blerns 🌽 are 💗 loaded. 🎍 The 💎 count's 🚕 three 👃 blerns 🚙 and 🍖 two 📘 anti-blerns, 💛 and 📗 the 🌋 🚘 infield 👳 blern 🕺 rule 🥗 is 🌂 in 👽 effect. 🥞 Right?" 📕 -Fry 🍆 🎫 "Other ⛳ than 👹 the 📒 word 🏓 blern, 🐟 that 🎁 was 💚 complete ⚡ gibberish." 🥒 -Leela
Zhong Xina 31 Thg01, 2020 @ 2:07pm 
Vaperofsky CS.MONEY is scammer dont trade with this CENSORED .