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Yayınlanma: 19 Haz 2019 @ 15:47
Güncellenme: 19 Haz 2019 @ 15:48

I regret buying this on '50% off' sale. Mind you, the actual shooting/gameplay and graphics are top notch. The story, on other hand...

How can you even express it? A C-level trash action movie would give this story a solid handicap. Couldn't bear watching through some cutscenes at all and there are too many of them. Imagine a trash action movie: lots of shooting, bullet-proof hero, typical stupid evil mastermind villain - that kind of movie, with corresponding tropes and all kinds of bitter taste cliches. Add some ridiculous 'anti-science' fiction on top of that. Stir it with massive amounts of absurdly low level sjw propaganda (on a side note: I'm fairly progressive human being, games and movies totally can and often should feature problems of equality/racism/sexuality etc - just have it in a decent, bearable, not totally overblown and overridiculed way, please). Append some unnecessary unclear-what-are-they-there-for scenes and side story lines to increase screen time. Turn some characters into freaking out pyschos along the way, pretend like you're totally dramatic and dead serious about what's happening and here you have it - Wolfenstein II: The New Collossus.

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