2 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
2 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation amusante
Non recommandé
0.0 h au cours des 2 dernières semaines / 6.8 h en tout
Évaluation publiée le 8 févr. 2022 à 16h43
Mis à jour : 8 févr. 2022 à 16h45

Imagine if you take DOOM and...

* load it up with annoying useless grind;
* attach an empty open world (so you waste time by FedEx driving);
* replace all decently designed maps with some generic flat terrains and boxed buildings;
* replace all cool monsters with generic punks;
* replace all cool weapons with generic guns;
* replace all cool bosses with some stupid generic bullet sponges;
* --- so that combat becomes extremely dull;
* paint it all up with acid trip colors, because its supossedly happens in a post-apocalyptic PUNK world;
* make story bland and almost non-exisistant. Yeah there are some characters. None are properly developed, your alter-ego being the most blank of them;

...and here you have Rage2, the perfect Doom game, stripped of all fun.

Bonus point: its kinda a sequel. I mean as much as Troll 2 movie was a sequel. Aka, being a sequel only by virtue of sharing the title.

First game in, *cough* series wasn't even good, but at least it resembled a coherent finished product. This one doen't.
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