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7.0 hrs on record
Piece of emotional & visual excellence.
Posted 8 May, 2022.
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3.1 hrs on record
Pleasant little 3d-platformer
Posted 13 February, 2022.
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5.1 hrs on record
Technially very solidly executed walking sim game, yet the most important aspect of these game is its story and Suicide of Rachel Foster is severly lacking here.

The game touches upon a bunch of very sensitive subjects (murder, suicide, adultery, religion, pedophilia, child upbringing, science to name a few), yet none of them are properly unfolded and draw you (or make you draw) any conclusions. They're just 'there' for mysterious reason, like some part of background furniture. For this very reason the ending is very anticlimatic and will leave you with a bitter taste if not outright hatred and/or disgust. I just hated it. So much of wasted potential.
Posted 13 February, 2022.
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6.8 hrs on record
Imagine if you take DOOM and...

* load it up with annoying useless grind;
* attach an empty open world (so you waste time by FedEx driving);
* replace all decently designed maps with some generic flat terrains and boxed buildings;
* replace all cool monsters with generic punks;
* replace all cool weapons with generic guns;
* replace all cool bosses with some stupid generic bullet sponges;
* --- so that combat becomes extremely dull;
* paint it all up with acid trip colors, because its supossedly happens in a post-apocalyptic PUNK world;
* make story bland and almost non-exisistant. Yeah there are some characters. None are properly developed, your alter-ego being the most blank of them;

...and here you have Rage2, the perfect Doom game, stripped of all fun.

Bonus point: its kinda a sequel. I mean as much as Troll 2 movie was a sequel. Aka, being a sequel only by virtue of sharing the title.

First game in, *cough* series wasn't even good, but at least it resembled a coherent finished product. This one doen't.
Posted 8 February, 2022. Last edited 8 February, 2022.
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1.4 hrs on record (1.0 hrs at review time)
A crawling snail simulator with overly cryptic and pretentious narrattion done via dull and uninspired voiceover (I hated it). About 10 minutes condensed (if only you could somehow speed up pacing).

Some pretty landscape visuals and that's about it.
Posted 26 November, 2021.
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3.0 hrs on record
Still shivering after my playthough.

Generally fairly content with the horror genre and are quite used to VR games. This one got me almost to the point of a panic attack.

So, avoid playing in VR if you're even remotely claustraphobic. Otherwise, you're in for some strong rough thrilling experience.
Posted 11 November, 2021. Last edited 11 November, 2021.
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4.1 hrs on record
A very disturbing and heartbreaking narrative (too) slowly paced via lack of any gameplay. Visual novel would have been a more suitable manner of storytelling.

One of these "games" that you'd rather play on Youtube.
Posted 4 November, 2021.
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10.2 hrs on record
Dark, gloomy and highly emotional fairy tale hiding beneath bright colors and cartoonish outlook. Not a lot of actual gameplay (light puzzler/platformer) and somewhat short, yet a story well told.
Posted 11 July, 2021.
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5.1 hrs on record
Pleasant little 3D Platformer. If you're into jumping, that's 100% of gameplay.
Posted 4 July, 2021.
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19.8 hrs on record
Infinitely touching, profound, emotional and beautiful masterpiece

Sincerely recommended.
Posted 22 March, 2021.
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