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Nylige anmeldelser av L3thalLamp18

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258.7 timer totalt (78.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
I wrote a review a while back, but here's the updated version. I totally love the Witcher series, very original, a challenge, and fun. You can't ask for much more from these games. Here's some pro's and cons of the game after over 50+ hours of gameplay in "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt."

-Graphics are beautiful
-Runs smooth, few to no glitches.
-Replay value is INCREDIBLE
-Voice acting is spot on and does not bore.
-Gameplay is challenging, yet extremely fun at the same time.
-Lots to run across for the adventure type. Secrets, rare weapon sets, armor, and much more.
-So many beasts to fight, all differen't which makes the game almost new with every battle.
-Easy to use interface, and fun to customize Geralt's armor, and very in-depth potion brewing.

-Wish there was more for level 30+ charactersto do; but the new expansion is out now. So we'll see.

Conclusion: If you like open-world games, and extremely well balanced fighting, and ancient beasts; plus a side of hot women. The WItcher 3: Wild Hunt is the game you'll be buying after this review. Increible gameplay, and beautiful scenes. Not to mention how you fall directly into this story the second it starts. Worth every dollar, including buying the expansions.
Publisert 15. oktober 2015.
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2.4 timer totalt
I've been buying quite a few of these side-scroller games as of recent. In this quick review I'll cover a few pros, and hardly no cons of this game. I haven't played enough to make too many assumptions. I will update once I have a few more hours into the gameplay though.

-Gorgeous game, textures, shadows, and backgrounds.
-No crashes, no glitches, and no issues.
-Extremely fun, and challenging at the same time.
-Creatures are awesome, and they're difficult at times.
-They added the local Co-op witch is fun.

-No online Multiplayer added. (Not that it's needed, just my opinion).

Conclusion, the game is totally gorgeous and very fun. It will keep you glued to the screen wondering what happens next, for the cheap price on sale right now how could you not get this game? If you enjoy side-scrollers, this must be added to your library.
Publisert 7. oktober 2015.
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4 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
5.7 timer totalt
"Ty the Tasmanian Tiger" was my first PS2 game back in the day. Playing this and hearing all the sound effects from back then was like a blast from the past. I was a bit worried about it being a side-scroller, but let me tell you it doesn't take anything away from the gameplay. This game is totally fun, and full of secrets that can be a little challenging to unlock. Below I will list a few Pros, and Cons that the game has.......P.S. Mostly Pros!

Pros- You can customize Ty's costumes, by collecting opals. And also customize which Rangs you can play, you can do this at the main menu after each area is complete. It's very cool, and makes it more your style!
-The graphics are very nice looking.
-Game runs flawlessly, devs did amazing!
-Old fun characters are back in their elements!
-Levels are very fun, and also challenging.

Cons: There's no voice acting, it would be nice.

Overall the game is incredible for being on sale right now for $5.39, if you don't have this in your library you need to have it. Absolutely worth every penny.
Publisert 22. september 2015. Sist endret 5. november 2015.
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250.5 timer totalt (105.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Where to start in 100% honesty. I have over 100 Hrs put into this game so I know my stuff folks. I love Dinosaours, I love guns, and I love open world gaming. So that had me from the start with this game when I read the description. So many problems I don't even know where to begin describing them, the worst is the damn "Lost Connection to host," while you've died with a pack filled with goods. Straight up rage quit stuff right there. They should have it bounce to the next best connection worthy host, like most games (Just host your own). Not to mention the Dinosaur AI is horrible, they fall through objects, walk through them, you name it. The framrate drop in certain areas causes you to be killed because you can't aim the gun properly. I have an extremely powerful computer there's no reason this game should be that badly optimized. Yes there's Flying Dino's that are a pain in the ass, just hide in the trees or shoot them as they come at you. They're very annoying and I agree though, that they should be dumbed down in population.

But for some reason I keep playing? Why? Because I only paid $20 for this game that's given me quite a few laughs, scares, excitment, fun, and some new friends along the way. Really what do you expect from independent game companys that start out "early access." I mean for ♥♥♥♥ sake people, have you not learned from DayZ that this stuff is a work in progress, and really the only way to make any of you happy is to have a flawless game with nothing to complain about for the price of two meals from Mcdonalds? Get over it, it's not perfect, but it's good fun. If you don't like it, you don't like it. There's tons of issues with the game, that overtime I hope they'll patch and work on. Until then, happy hunting everybody and don't let all these negative reviews bring you down. They make it sound like drawn stick figures being chased by a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Dinosaur made from Gomotion. Get real.
Publisert 1. april 2015. Sist endret 1. april 2015.
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17 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
27.8 timer totalt (23.2 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
It takes a while to get used to, but the game is actually not bad at all It's got some issues, like riding the horse has some glitches with rocks and what not. But its not enough to throw a fit and not play it. Honestly, I give it a 8/10 its such a huge step forward from the first Two Worlds game. I really hope they can find a way to make a third one, because Two Worlds II is absolutely an awesome game all around. If you don't own it, buy it. It will be worth it.
Publisert 1. november 2014. Sist endret 7. oktober 2015.
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81.8 timer totalt (14.8 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
This is the first Alien game very well done, and I mean a 10/10. Graphical aspect is superb, the way everything moves is extremely smooth. The Alien is actually frightning in this game as well. You can hear him crawling through the vents, and walls moving faster as he closes in on you, or somebody close. It's truly menacing. It's about time the Alien name has a game we can all look back on in a few years and say, "Yeah, Alien: Isolation was incredible!" I'm having so much fun, I can't stop playing. Having it on "Hard" is also a good way to go, makes it last, and is much more challenging. If you don't have this work of art, GET IT!
Publisert 10. oktober 2014.
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22.7 timer totalt (9.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
I've only played a few hours and I'm hooked on this game. Totally loving it, its so much like AC. Lots like it gameplay wise, but you get over that with how awesome the controls and storyline are. Hiding in bushes, doing a sky jump into the ground, the map, "Eagle Vision" you name it its got it. ♥♥♥♥, at least there is no Hay stacks to jump into haha! But who cares, its fun and that's all that matters. If you don't have this, get it and for only $54 dollars after tax? Yes please!
Publisert 4. oktober 2014.
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19.0 timer totalt (16.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Best free FPS I have ever played. Team Fortress 2 is a game that you'll want to play for hours upon hours, finding what your personal favorite class is. I am a heavy class, and I love it. Last thing, screw the Spys, seriously screw YOU! ;)
Publisert 16. april 2014.
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7.3 timer totalt (4.9 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
The game was awesome for about two hours. Then I was like, what do I do? I realized it actually had some small little quests, like collecting goats, and finding certain stuff. So It was now becoming fun again. I've played for a few more hours now, its not bad at all. What can you expect for $10? Fun game, comical, and GOATS!!!
Publisert 11. april 2014.
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3 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
117.1 timer totalt (24.4 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Anmeldelse av CS:GO
It sure pisses you off, but that's a good sign. The game is awesome.
Publisert 15. mars 2014.
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