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Évaluations récentes de L3thalLamp18

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49.2 h en tout (45.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
This game is freaking awesome. Great story, awesome guns, massive world, loads to do, and looks decent enough. (Not quite living up to hype graphically). After all the hot fixes and updates the game runs great on PC.
Évaluation publiée le 10 décembre 2020. Dernière modification le 25 décembre 2020.
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160 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
12 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation amusante
980.7 h en tout (980.3 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Nearly 1000 hours into this game now. But, what would make me downvote it? Here’s a few reasons why it’s an amazing game to start off with positives. This game is a very original concept with huge potential for greatness; it has awesome guns, cool obstacles within the maps, legendary hunters, legendary weapons, very well built environments, great interfaces for the menu, and also the HUD within the games matches is great. Also, a really cool thing is that the developers really do listen to the community which is cool. They implement new skins, hunters, and Twitch events too. But I have to be honest here the negative outweighs the positive when it comes to the happenings in this game. First off if you’re on US West servers beyond 7pm they’re flowing with players from the Asia servers who consistently hack, cheat, and do it very obviously without care. You’ll see (☐☐☐☐☐) as their name. They get tired of their own servers that are filled with hacks and cheats so they move over to ours instead. This game needs a region lock extremely bad. Secondly the game is very finicky when it comes to shots landing correctly due to server desync (which also happens because of ping busters from Asia and Brazil). Thirdly, this game has an incredibly long learning curve for new players hence why random lobbies are always dropping and dipping out on people who are new which discourages new people from playing further.

Fourthly there’s glitches that will get you killed more than often and some are avoidable and others are just unlucky; to name a few: getting stuck in water walking mode, getting stuck on fences after vaulting, being launched fifty feet into the air taking major damage when you land, certain objects have invisible barriers so when you shoot over or through them you can’t hit somebody like you should be able to (this gives away your current position and if you’re shooting a single shot rifle it will leaves you near defenseless and gets you killed). You’ll also experience hard crashes which do one of two things; resets your hunter back before the match started or it kills you depending on what’s happening around you. So, you could have a 50-minute match, you cleared the map of hunters, got both bounties, and it just crashes and you lose everything. Yes……. it’s terrible and it happens.

Good and bad note. There's ban waves quite often in this game which is good. Then, literally days after each ban the game goes on sale for 50% off to ensure the red carpet is laid out for the banned accounts to buy again. Chods cheats is constantly updating their ESP and Hunt Showdown's team does nothing about it for close to a month each time. Being in a high ELO like myself; you can actually notice when that sights ESP cheat is up or down. The community will throw a "Git gud" at you for complaining about cheaters; but they're abundant.

Overall, I still play the game often because I learned a lot and fought through the discouraging stages. (Current K/D is 3.17). I love the game; but it’s hard for me to tell anybody to get it because it’s a literal toss of the coin what’s going to happen in any given match. Cheaters? Glitch? Crash? Desync? Frame drops? Packet loss? It’s a never-ending barrage of questions with every other game. There absolutely needs to be a kill cam of some kind installed that allows you to go back and watch how you died; it would dispel many reports and also prove some reports were needed. If you’re willing to be patient for about 80+ hours of the learning curve from noob to at least a decent player then be my guest and purchase. But beware of all the things I’ve mentioned.
Évaluation publiée le 19 aout 2020. Dernière modification le 2 septembre 2020.
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18.7 h en tout (6.3 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
10/10 for Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.
This is about close as we're going to get to having another KOTOR for quite some time and i'm not in any way upset by this game filling that void. What makes Jedi Fallen Order so incredible is how hushed so many points within the game were (You'll know once you play it). It's so much more in-depth and the story is more far reaching than I ever expected it to be. I was up until 6am playing because I couldn't stop.

-Graphics are incredible
-The story is engaging
-The actors are flawless
-Combat is hard but feels perfect
-Force powers are realistic and fit the atmosphere of the game
-Enemies aren't dumb
-This game is extremely challenging if you want it to be.
-The games gritty environment makes you feel the galaxy's anguish to be rid of the Empire
-Maps are just incredible so far
-Customization of not only your character but your Lightsaber is so cool
-Having your cute droid sidekick that's not there just for show
-There aren't any and I'm not joking.
Évaluation publiée le 15 novembre 2019. Dernière modification le 15 novembre 2019.
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81.3 h en tout (61.6 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
I really don't have much to say because it's pretty simply an awesome game. Sure there's glitches, but in all honesty it doesn't take away from how much fun I'm having overall. I bought all the expansions and will still buy more when they release. I love the mystery that surrounds the world of Conan Exiles. I also love how you run into areas where there's ghosts of the past that tell a silent story of what happened. My only complaints are the loot and frame rate drops when you start building a lot. When I beat a creature that's way beyond my level over a ten minute battle and I get some ingots and a crappy sword; that's kind of irritating. Then, when I build a small village in size with some friends, I get around 20-30fps with various drops. Mind you I have 32g of 3200mz Ram, a Ryzen 7 1800x, 2080ti, and it's all water cooled; just to give perspective. Other than the two complaints, I love this game all around. Great building system, fun multiplayer, graphically awesome, and the story and history of the world is so damn cool.
Évaluation publiée le 14 novembre 2019.
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52.4 h en tout (13.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
If you're expecting something similiar to Skyrim you're sadly mistaken. It seems that anytime there's a new open world game Skyrim is what people use for comparison. Well this game is completley different than Skyrim, and so fun. This game is difficult, realistic, and very simple at the same time. The historical accuracy really seperates this game from others out there. The incredible towns, the lush vivid landscapes, the kingdoms turmoil, and the battle system.

Battle System:
I have a love hate relationship with the battle system because it's so damn good that it's bad. What does that mean? Well, lets just say that it's extremely rewarding when it goes well, and incredibly irratating when it doesn't go in your favor. Buttom mashing will get you nowhere; the only thing that will work is pure concentration and skill and I love it for that. You have a center, and a five directional hit area, which is sometimes greyed out meaning you can't hit in those areas. So not only is that area for attack direction, but also block direction. It feels so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ amazing when you land it all and make succesful hits. It takes time, but it's well worth the wait.

Well there's tons of glitches, what can you expect. Getting stuck on stairs, major FPS drops, and also a few mission glitches that caused me to have to revert to an old save.

Funny moment:
I was learning to pickpocket and was having a hard time. Well it took so long as I was practicing on the teacher that night time came. He started walking home and began screaming at the guards that I was a thief........DUDE YOU WERE TEACHING ME TWO SECONDS AGO!!! hahah (Glitch

Overall I can't stop playing, it's very fun. This game isn't for you if you're expecting it to be easy, or things to just be handed to you in this game. You have to learn, and earn your status. The rewarding feeling you get following this story are well worth every minute played. Not to mention the voice acting is A+, and also the motion capture is great too. For this not being a AAA developer lets give them the suppor they deserve so they can make continual updates, and also addons for the future. I will thumb up this game all day long!
Évaluation publiée le 14 février 2018.
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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
196.9 h en tout
Évaluation publiée le 17 juin 2017. Dernière modification le 11 novembre 2020.
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1.1 h en tout
I'm glad I also got the PS4 version the day it came out because unfortunately even though my PC's specifications far exceed this games requirements it runs better on my PS4 right now. My computer can run The Witcher 3 in 4k at 45-50FPS but this game seems to run at 8-13 FPS. So I switched to 2k, and that really helped out the FPS. But the game randomnly pauses, glitches, FPS drops every few seconds, and throws me to the menu screen on it's own. I'm seeing peole say to play using the borderless gaming application so at least there's a way around it all. I'm sure these things will be fixed very soon with future updates. It's sad that these are things we have to expect these days from ports. To be honest most of the Square Enix games ported on PC do run poorly so I guess this meets that expectation as well.
I did thankfully play this game first on PS4 and it's incredible. (Meaning I didn't first experience all the issues said above).
-The fighting is very smooth and fun to hit the combos just right. I love how the hits feel. The camera angle changes are very refreshing and the transitions work flawlessly together.
-The characters are easy to understand and have good moments together to get your attention.
(Also nice when 2B is hot as hell).
-I really like the story because you constantly want to know what's going to happen next, I don't feel myself just trying to get through it. This is a take your time and explore kind of game, and I love that.
-Graphically it's very pleasing to the eyes. It's gritty, and vivid at the same time drawing you in and wanting to look around at objects and get lost. It makes the old world feel like it's truly lost.
-The weapons are awesome, the specials are great, and the upgrades are easily understood how they work.
-Overall I'm loving the game, I'll continue on the PS4 until I feel like the PC version has been patched but that's not getting in the way of a positive review of the games story, characters, fighting, and overall playability.
Évaluation publiée le 18 mars 2017.
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18.9 h en tout (17.2 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Where to even start! The voice acting is incredible, not many people ever give actors much credit in reviews if any. Graphically the game is a step up, next gen games are looking very vivid, and running very smooth. All of the areas have so much to look at, tons of ground clutter, and so many awesome secrets to explore at the same time. The crafting system, and most other elemets stayed the same from the 2013 game. Which is totally fine, because it worked very well. I'm only a few hours into the game and I'm totally in love with everything about it.

(The appealing female has nothing to do with it). It's on sale right now, so if you don't have this game in your library it needs to be put into it. Exploration, explosions, and ancient ruins! Honestly I don't see this formula getting old at any point, seeing as I'm going to school for Archaeology/Anthropology. Not that it's going to be anywhere near this exciting, but it sure gets the blood flowing! Game gets a 8/10 from me!
Évaluation publiée le 3 février 2016. Dernière modification le 3 février 2016.
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2 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
59.5 h en tout (16.7 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
SLIGHT SPOILER ALERT !!!! Fallout 4, is it worth it? That's todays question. In my opinion yes, it is worth it. Not because I'm a fan-boy, but because it's a game that holds up to the Fallout name. I believe all the bad reviews that are coming out are becuase of how incredibly hyped up this game was, and peoples expectations were extremely high; too hight in fact. Bethesda really did an awsesome job on this, but it didn't even meet what I expected. But that doesn't mean it's bad, just that it's not as far away from Fallout 3 as I was expecting. Here's the pros and ♥♥♥♥ of the game so far for me.

-The story is an emulation of Fallout 3, just reversed roles.
-Diamond City is literally Megaton.
-Random framerate drops are happening all over the map.
-The world looks moslty like Fallout 3, just revamped in higher quality.
-It almost seems dull at times, not enough happening (I may not be far enough in game).
-Targets are hard to kill, 25 shotgun blows to the face should kill a human ;)
-Some textures in game are mushy looking, and they're always next to HD textures so they stand out.
-The mouth "Flap" movements on people are really bad, takes time to get used to it.

-The game really does look incredible, and the voice acting is awesome.
-The story gets better as you go, it kinda lags along at first but totally worth it.
-People in game respond very well to your actions.
-Combat is awesome, it's much smoother than the previous installment.
-Armor, and weapon mods are very cool and easy to understand and there's plenty.
-Weapons are very in-depth, and abundant from the start now.
-Controls are overall very smooth, and easy to use. Including combat, movement, and cutscenes.

The game is nothing that Bethesda hasn't already done, honestly not much has been done other than graphically and story wise. It feels like I never left Fallout 3, is that a bad thing? NOPE! I'm loving the game, just because it's good ol' fun. The amount of hours I'll put into this game tell a story of it's own. Issues will be patched, new expansions will release, and the modding world will go nuts. Causing years of gameplay to come, you can't go wrong with that. I love this game, and hope you all enjoy it as well. Don't let minor issues stop you.
Évaluation publiée le 10 novembre 2015. Dernière modification le 10 novembre 2015.
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0.0 h en tout
Just started the newest expansion. Loving every second of it, I'll update more once I have finished the storyline of it. But as of now, I'm about six hours into it. One could say, the developers at Cd Projekt Red have delevered what they promised.
Évaluation publiée le 15 octobre 2015.
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