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13.4 hrs on record (7.9 hrs at review time)
Darauf haben wir 455 Tage gewartet...
BF2042 ist nicht mehr das Game wie zum Launch. Als großer BF Fan hab ich im Strahl gekotzt, mittlerweile jedoch echt Spaß mit dem Teil. Was vor allem an den neuen Maps liegt. Gunplay fühlt sich auch vertraut an. Wer nur die Launchfassung kennt, sollte dem ganzen nochmal eine Chance geben.

(Soll nicht heißen jetzt ist alles geil. EA und Dice habe genug verkackt mit dem Teil. Aber bockts dennoch mittlerweile? Definitiv!)
Posted 10 March, 2023.
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7.1 hrs on record (4.8 hrs at review time)
Ein Muss für alle Western- und Openworldfans.

Red Dead Redemtion 2 bietet die meiner Meinung nach schönste Videospielmap, die ich je gesehen habe an.
Es gibt Berge mit und ohne Schnee, wunderschöne Täler, Waldlandschaften, große Graslandschaften, Canyons, kleine und große Flüsse an welchen Angeln möglich ist, den Typischen Südstaat Lemoyne mit seinen großen Anwesen, Plantagen, Sümpfen und der Großstadt Saint Denis, welche die reale Stadt New Orleans darstellen soll. Leider Schaltet man die Wüste welche man schon aus dem ersten Red Dead Redemption Teil kennt erst am Ende der Story frei.
Nun ist es allerdings nicht so, dass die Reine Welt nur aus Wildnis und einer Stadt besteht. Es sind sehr viele Hütten, Ranches und kleine Städte über die komplette Karte verteilt. Es gibt überall sehr viel zu entdecken. Falls man einen weiten Weg beim Reiten hat, gibt es zufällige Ereignisse, welche den Spieler sehr unterhalten. Zum Beispiel ein Mann der In eine Bärenfalle getreten ist. Ihr könnt ihm also helfen oder ihn im Stich lassen.
Red Dead Redemption 2 bietet also reine Vielfalt, was die Welt angeht genauso wie eine Grafik auf dem PC die definitiv mit Spielen aus 2022 und noch 2023 mithalten kann.

In der Story von Red Dead Redemption 2 schlüpft ihr in die Rolle von Arthur Morgan, ein Mitglied der gesetzlosen Van Der Linde Gang welcher entweder ein Held oder ein Schurke ist, denn ihr entscheidet mit euren Taten wie ihr Leben wollt.

Die Singelplayer Story ist einfach die beste, die ich je gespielt habe. Am Anfang beginnt es eher langsam aber ab Chapter 4 wird die Story unfassbar.

Und wenn ihr keine Lust auf Story Missionen habt gibt es sehr viel zu entdecken. Von Fremde Personen Missionen bis zum zähmen von Spitzenpferden.

Kauft es euch!!!
Posted 6 December, 2022.
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2.4 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Big Brain Time...
let's do a anti cheat system on VRCHAT.
The reason for this is "malicious mods" that are "responsible for a large number of problems for both our team and our users," according to a blog post from the developers. The mods are a burden and the frustration of debugging mods is said to have "a chilling effect on VRChat creators".

Most of these issues have been solved by community mods. Modifications and have long been tolerated by the developers because they have helped the community and the title to grow.
Posted 28 July, 2022.
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23 people found this review helpful
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5.3 hrs on record
Easy way to get 100% without playing.
You need Windows Editor or Notepad++.
Here you go:

1.: Go to:
SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\The Mexican Dream\Resources
2. Open the file "Save.sav" with Notepad++
3. Change number from 1 to 2 and save.
4. Open game press Load ... Profit
5. Repeat from nr. 3 and change to 3 and save... Profit and so on till nr 10.

Thank me later.
Stage 4 is pure Love for gamer ;)
Posted 5 July, 2022.
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178.8 hrs on record (33.5 hrs at review time)
Is Squad worth to buy it?
Perhaps you like to casually jump in and out of online shooters, and you're looking for something like Call of Duty to dip into a few times a month. This is not that game. If, however, you're looking for something that would jump out of your monitor and enthusiastically slap you around the face if it could, you've found the right battlefield. Squad is a game that would only hold your hand in order to crush it.

The fact that Squad marched around Early Access for almost five years before its official release might tell you something. Like many games that linger in public development for long periods of time, the final version is an awkward, sharp-edged puzzle for anybody approaching it for the first time. There's a tutorial, including a large area for you to play around with the systems in, but there’s absolutely no way you'll get your head around everything without a crash course of wikis, YouTube videos, and friendly veteran players.

From a distance, the fundamentals appear deceptively simple. There are several game modes, but they all essentially boil down to attack and defend. The most popular modes (by far) are concerned with the comfortingly familiar concept of two teams battling to capture and hold control points on the map. Success or failure is utterly dependent on your team's ability to play in the way that Squad intends.

The two 50-player teams are divided into squads. Each nine-player squad is started and named by a player. There's also a commander, chosen by vote, who has responsibility for directing the overall actions of the team. It's similar to the Red Orchestra series in this way.

It's worth mentioning at this point that, the relatively close-quarters (and unpopular) Skirmish mode aside, the maps in Squad are huge. Enormous. Even, dare I say it, a little too big. This is just one of many reasons why trying to lone wolf it is unwise, unfair to your team, and doomed to fail.

Unless you want to give your soldier a great cardio workout, you’ll be sticking with others to make use of vehicles (of which there are few) where appropriate. If you’re brave enough to get in the driving seat, you'll find that land vehicles are awkward but manageable, as in Battlefield. They're more prone to overturn on uneven ground here though, as I (and many others) found, with hilarious consequences. Unlike that game—and rather oddly, for something that presents itself as realistic—even minor environmental elements such as trees and fences appear to be indestructible, and can stop a tank dead in its tracks. As for the helicopters, let’s just say that if you struggle with those in Battlefield, you definitely don't want to be a Squad pilot.

Working as a team is essential. Almost as important is communication in general. Ordinarily, I leave my headset a safe distance from my mouth and ears when playing online, but I use it constantly while playing Squad. This helps both me and my team. When playing as squad leader, it allows me to communicate with the commander and the other squad leaders, not to mention the members of my own squad. Even when playing as a lowly grunt, it can be a literal lifesaver, and if nothing else, it adds to the atmosphere.

Death comes quickly and easily in this game. Expect to get killed a lot by players you never even see. This is one of the first things I learned and so, when I was carefully creeping through some trees, I wasn't surprised when somebody from another squad came up alongside me and asked if there was danger near. I warned him about a sniper, he thanked me, then continued on his way. Matches are full of similar little moments that organically establish a tense and unpredictable atmosphere.

It's unlikely you'll get to do a lot of shooting in a Squad match, but when you do, there's little room for error. Ballistics lean heavily toward realism, and if you're being attacked from a distance and you only have iron sights, the best thing you can do is take cover and flank (or run away heroically). Heck, anti-tank rockets will even fail to detonate if you're too close to the target. Weapon handling is harsh but fair, and makes each kill immensely satisfying.

More often than I care to admit, I'll be killed because I'm not being careful enough, or my reactions are too slow—but there is one significant issue that results in many unfair, frustrating deaths. Teammates are, as you would expect, identified by usernames visible above their heads. However, these are displayed with irritating inconsistency. A friendly right in front of you might have the name missing while you can see that of another across the street, or vice versa. They pop in and out of visibility seemingly at random. Add this to the fact that it's usually extremely difficult to distinguish between friend and foe based on character models alone, and you won't be surprised to hear that every single match of Squad that I've played has featured a lot of team kills (and not usually by me).

I could accept the idea that players are meant to have awareness of friendly positions at all times through a combination of map usage and effective communication were it not for the fact that your squad leader is identified by an icon visible from huge distances, a bright green star for your team of heavily armed wise men to follow.

Yet despite this, I still manage to have a lot of fun, and frequently come away with new anecdotes. Kills are usually the least important element of a match to some extent, and this is reflected in the score weighting. Kill an enemy and, if they're not revived, you've cost the other team a ticket. You can however lose them more tickets (or even gain some for your team) and/or score big points through actions such as capturing and defending points, helping to build structures, deconstructing enemy structures, and healing and reviving teammates. I love the fact that not only is the leaderboard divided by team, the teams are then ranked by squad—not individual player (although you still get bragging rights within the squad itself).

Squad is so dense with variables, I haven’t scratched the surface here. The most important thing to understand is that this is a game that only works—and, indeed, is only fun—when you act as part of a team. Making a tense run across a road when you suspect there's a sniper, reviving and healing teammates while under fire, and helping others establish a new base is all thrilling, intensely satisfying stuff. If only identifying enemies was as easy as in pretty much any other online game I’ve ever played—that might improve the experience considerably.

The ruthlessness of the gameplay is both Squad's greatest strength and deepest weakness. Its refusal to meaningfully guide players through the labyrinthine systems will turn off some, but these same systems provide an experience unlike any other. If you can make the long, uncomfortable crawl through the trenches, you’ll emerge into a battlefield where each and every match is unique.
Posted 2 July, 2022.
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216.5 hrs on record (49.6 hrs at review time)
-Is it worth the price tag?
Yes, at full price. Sales are quite common and it drops to half price, might be with the new operation today so keep an eye out. If it was worth more and got reduced to the price it is at now, I would classify it as a steal!

-How is the gun play? Is it leaning more towards R6 or BF?
Coming from a competitive siege player, in CQB it is a bit similar to siege, it's more realistic and less gimmicky. So no super quick peeks, you can't hold pixels as well. These are mainly as the recoil is higher in sandstorm on average and movements are slightly slower (not as slow as squad though or any other mil sim). Overall, the gunplay is the best I have yet to experience, no game beats. It's a nice mid-way between arcade (ex: COD) and hardocre milsims (ex:squad).

-How is the game just in general? Is it enjoyable?

OOOOOOO this is where Sandstorm is just *chefs kiss* ! The voice chat is phenomenal: the conception of it with the mic quality and features as well as how the community interacts and uses it!
The different modes allow you to easily switch up what you want to play:

Push & Frontline: get immersed into the world f war and pushing a team back as you push an objective under gunfire, smoke artillery bombarding down, soldiers screaming in the distance.... the sound is amazing

Firefight: More the competitive side of sandstorm, more of a strategic approach but fast paced to keep you on your toes

Domination: similar to a team deathmatch with OBJs. Expect to be in a gunfight every few seconds, this is hectic!

All in all, I cannot reccomend the game enough, the realism and work the devs do is admirable! Ignore the toxicity that has come to this subreddit about skins, you'll find whining idiots like that in every community however most of those you will meet on here will welcome you with pleasure. In EU firefight lobbies, with other veterans, we regularly get queued together and just mess about and help the new players out. Its a nice community.
Posted 2 July, 2022.
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183.2 hrs on record (32.9 hrs at review time)
One of the best games I’ve ever played. Leading a squad of mates into battle can be a very special experience. It depends on what you’re looking for, you want a cod or battlefield type of game but set in WWII? Then look elsewhere.

If you want a tactical game, where you Have a specific role in your squad, slow paced, and where communication is a MUST. Then yeah. I find this type of game more enjoyable, you don’t get overwhelmed by an absurd amount of action, you get to use your brain more. How can you capture that objective? Where could the enemies be? Can I set an ambush point or a really strong defense point ? Is it viable to flank or push straight to the point? Also the cooperation between squads it’s really fun. Since you were in the military I’m guessing you know how tactical things can get. Amd this game let’s you have all those things, with the fun shooting mechanics.
Posted 2 July, 2022.
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176.1 hrs on record (30.8 hrs at review time)
I stated that I think Apex Legends is the best battle royal game on the market. I do still stand by this in terms of its gameplay. Apex Legends feels great to play, the characters are diverse, the lore and story are amazing. The maps Olympus and Worlds Edge are great and provide players with amazing encounters. However, Apex suffers from technical issues and a lack of cross-progression. Apex knows what it wants to be, it just needs to overcome its technical hurdles to be even better.
Posted 2 July, 2022.
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56.7 hrs on record (31.5 hrs at review time)
Skyrim doesn't restrict the player. If they want to level every single skill to 100, the game lets them do that. If they want to join every guild, they can do that too. There are moments where content is gated but they're few and far in between. At face value this means the player can see (almost) everything with one character, but it also means the player can literally role-play. They can be as broad or as focused in skills as they want, they can choose not to do quests they don't think make sense for them, it's entirely on them to decide how they want to play the game, without any enforcement on the game's side.

Mods are a big deal too. Not only can you change or remove anything you don't like, you can also add new mechanics, items, professions, scripted quests, radiant quests, realism, gameplay overhauls, and more. With the possible exception of Minecraft, Skyrim's mod support goes more in-depth than any other game out there.

Most RPGs try to act as a virtual GM for the player. Skyrim is the only one that lets the player GM for themselves.
Posted 2 July, 2022.
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59.5 hrs on record (3.3 hrs at review time)
The New Order’s got all the workings of a classic shooter. But in their trip back to the well, Machine Games has brought all of its talents to bear. The New Order is held together, even rocketed beyond the basic sum of its smart levels and effective mechanics by its characters. That humanity takes what would be a good shooter and makes it something truly memorable.
If you're only coming to Wolfenstein for an old-school, twitch-shooting experience, stay the hell away. This game is not the game you want. This game is Modern Warfare in a crazy Nazi Castle setting.

But oh wow. Forget Citizen Kane. This is the Torque of video games. If you're the type of person who quotes Schwarzenegger one-liners, finds something inherently funny about robot dogs, and (maybe) put Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon on your Game of the Year list last year, then yeah—you should pick up Wolfenstein: The New Order.
Posted 25 June, 2022.
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