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2 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
7.3 timer registreret i alt (7.2 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Scam developer looking to close servers of another game they made a year after release.

Don't support companies that undertake in such actions.
Skrevet: 14. december 2019. Sidst redigeret: 14. december 2019.
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1 person fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
45.6 timer registreret i alt (22.2 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
The Good:
+ The gunplay in this game is very strong with a nice variety in the number of enemies you will encounter.
+ The movement in this game is fast just how it should be
+ The weapon variety when combined with the numerous alternative fires is very satisfying.
+ The map design is strong and whilst it doesn't hold your hand I rarely got stuck finding out where I needed to go.
+ However where I did get stuck was when I was certain something would lead to a secret, but wasn't sure exactly how to get there. Speaking of which, there is an obscene number of secrets.
+ The voice acting is amazing, especially John St. John hamming it up throughout. The VA of Shelly also did a good job, throwing out many one liners that never grated.
+ Whilst heavily modified, the basis of this game is the build engine, last used for a game I recall in the late 90's, and it is absolutely stunning here. The number of objects in any given scene, the clever ways they have of ♥♥♥♥♥♥ more advanced effects, the resolution of the sprites and the voxels that are used for the pick ups. It is very retro looking, but in an extraordinary way.
+ A good length, especially given the relatively low asking price.

The Bad:
- The game ends very abruptly with a final boss that is maybe the least challenging, and least interesting in the game. Speaking of which many bosses can be far to easily defeated. This likely changes on the higher difficulties, but I feel they could have been buffed a little on what is the equivalent of normal difficulty.
- The enemy ai can at times be very dumb. This isn't often an issue, but when it is, it will result in an enemy walking towards you and into a wall, with you on a platform above it able to take easy and against the large melee enemy, risk free shots. This especially crops up in the final boss/battle.

Highly recommended.
Skrevet: 14. december 2019.
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1 person fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
6.4 timer registreret i alt (0.2 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Review Update: This game launched with terrible/broken mouse controls and issues with the smoothness of camera rotation. Both of which are largely fixed (some very minor stutter on camera rotations at high frame rates, though I don't know if i'd ever notice if I wasn't already looking for the issue anymore). The developers have been very open with there communication and worked to resolve the issues the game admittedly shouldn't have launched with. Which is very much so appreciated.

From what I can tell, the game itself is quite janky and low budget. Which will be a turn off to many. But the world from the little I have played seems interesting, and whilst the combat isn't amazing by any means it seems solid enough if the world and story remain interesting. What it will come down to is the stength of the story/writing and if the combat and exploration can hold up over the entire game. I shall keep this review updated.
Skrevet: 7. december 2019. Sidst redigeret: 15. december 2019.
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En udvikler svarede d. 11. dec. 2019 kl. 8:32 (vis svar)
1 person fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
27.3 timer registreret i alt (24.6 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
The Good:
+ The gunplay in this game is incredibly satisfying and smooth.
+ The movement in this game is the best I have seen in a fast paced 90's style shooter.
+ The weapon variation is fantastic, with great variation from a great double barrel shotgun, to weapons that shoot through walls and enemies to the ultimate weapon... a bar of soap.
+ The level variety is as above is as above aspects, fantastic. Varying from well designed more standard levels to creative euclidean nightmares, with plenty of secrets and plenty of changes to how the maps function to keep things interesting throughout.
+ A great campaign (which is the main attraction) with a solid wave based side mode along with fun multiplayer (although no where near as amazing as the campaign).
+ An amazing, although simple art style with a great atmosphere. The visuals are overall stunning at times, as whilst they look dated they do many interesting things with those simple graphics.

The Bad:
- The final boss is a very weak finale. Not bad per se, but a let down given what comes prior.

I have nothing else remotely negative to say... there could be more survival maps, and the multiplayer has a low player count is about as bad as it gets. Dusk comes with my highest recommendation.
Skrevet: 24. november 2019.
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1 person fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
1.1 timer registreret i alt
The Positives:
+ The particle effects when shooting looks great, likely thanks to it's engine (the same one that powers F.E.A.R), but still a positive.
+ It is nice to see older titles released, and mostly just work.

The Negatives:
- The game is short, as in under an hour in length (though this is maybe a blessing in disguise all things considered).
- The gun play isn't great, though not abysmal either.
- Movement is awful. Sprinting in particular feels wonky.
- Mechanics are included but don't serve any function.
- Reload animations are just horrid.
- Enemy A.I is brain dead.
- The story is dreadful, to the point that I feel confident that everyone will want to skip all cut scenes and nearly everyone who has played this will have.
- Graphically outside of the particle effects the game even for when it released, looks dated.
- Map design is uninspired and boring.
- The same music plays over and over again to the point of annoyance (impressive given how short the game is).
- I had a bug when I first opened the game where it crashed, but all I had to do was load the game up a second time and it now worked.

I understand that this was a budget game at release, but given the general lack of polish, and insulting short run time, even at it's sale price of $1.50aud I can't recommend this to anyone. It just simply doesn't provide an enjoyable experience and you'd be better looking at countless mods if money is an issue instead of paying for this.
Skrevet: 4. juli 2019.
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1 person fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
61.9 timer registreret i alt (0.6 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Anmeldelse for emne med tidlig adgang
The Good:
+ The game has a very strong base to build from (however you must remember it is early access and thus still has areas that need work).
+ Gunplay feels amazing (mostly, more below).
+ The time to kill fells great, though it is on the quick side which will not appeal to everyone.
+ The range of weapons is very strong and has most bases covered mechanically.
+ As you capture objectives, earn kills, heal team mates etc, you earn points which can be used for point streaks. Unlike games like call of duty however these remain relatively balanced and don't bring the game to a complete stand still. You also don't have to use any particular streak. You have a pool of points that you have earned which can be used on the point "streaks" you want to use (you don't simply unlock one to use, then the next etc).
+ The customization of these weapons is simply amazing, you want a primary and secondary sight, you can. The options aren't limitless and remain grounded, but this is a particularly strong area. You do need to spend currency you earn (and only earn) by playing the game. But you can unlock so much so quickly I have not found it to be a grind thus far.
+ Gun skins are all simply unlocked immediately, which is a nice change of pace. Personally I wish all gun parts where also immediately unlocked but for the reasons stated above I am not to bothered.
+ The customization of your character is strong, but not as strong as the weapon customization. With that said, all the options fell fitting for the setting.
+ Overall visuals are very nice (mostly, more below).

The Bad:
- This game can run like complete garbage. I had to install it on an ssd as on a mechanical drive it just constantly had massive frame rate drops and stutters.
- Aiming is mostly very well done, but I find it can be clunky when crouching and moving or when prone. This can make the aim at times feel less then stellar.
- In general the movement needs work to smooth out how you move around the map.
- Polish of visuals bugs needs work. For example I had a tank randomly flashing into existence then back out of existence.
- The playerbase even during free weekends is very small. This may change but the game will need a lot of work before I could see it maintaining a strong playerbase. Especially with the performance issues many seem to have (and I had until I found a solution for myself).
- The playerbase is very small. I rarely have issues getting a game, but if you want a large competitive playerbase, this game currently is not that game.

World War 3 when I was having the performance issues felt very early and seemed like it was in to a rough a state to sell. As a result I had a not recommended review. However once I was able to find a way to resolve the performance issues the game felt like it came to life. However at present I can only tentatively recommend the game (if you have performance issues that you can't resolve you do have the option of refunding which helps).
Skrevet: 21. juni 2019. Sidst redigeret: 9. juli 2019.
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Ingen har vurderet denne anmeldelse som hjælpsom endnu
6.7 timer registreret i alt (1.1 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Can't be bothered with Australian servers (which means I can't rank up unless I want 200 ping etc). I have put in as much effort to this review as they have making the game run for people in my region.
Skrevet: 25. maj 2019.
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3 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
3.1 timer registreret i alt
The Good:
+ The game looks kind of okay graphically in some regards for a budget shooter.
+ I had no crashing issues (I am scrapping for something positive to say if it isn't clear).

The Negative:
- Basically everything.
- Meaning the shooting feels horrible.
- The gun variety is boring and uninspired which can be fine if the shooting is enjoyable, but as stated above, it is not.
- The animations are sub par.
- The voice acting is beyond horrid.
- Moving feels akward.
- Level design is boring and quite horrible, it is even possible to get yourself into rooms where endless waves of enemies will spawn right in front of you. But beyond that, there is no flow are elements that are used to engagae the player.
- Speaking of which, there are infinitely spawning enemies, meaning it is often to just run past many fights as there is no end or easing of the situation.
- There is very little content. In but a few hours you will have seen everything, and that is if you can even stomache playing it for that long. Which you probably will not be able to,

I'm sure plenty of hard work went into making this game. But the end result is dire indeed and not worth anyones time. It can't even be enjoyed in the so bad it's good kind of way. It is just painfull.
Skrevet: 8. januar 2019. Sidst redigeret: 8. januar 2019.
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6 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
0.8 timer registreret i alt
The Positives:
+ The animation of the character is fairly good, and the voice acting likewise seems good for what they are going for.
+ The graphics are quite nice.
+ The game consists of four mini games, and whilst only one is enjoyable (the shotting one) the rest are merly passable for a very short period of time. The other mini games are darts, rock, paper, scissors (where you feed one another beans based on who wins or losses), and finally finding a red envelop in a bookshelf. Once you do this she hugs you and leaves and that is all to it.

The Negatives:
- There is very little content here, and I mean very little. You can see everything this game has to offer in 30 minutes, which for the asking price is simply not enough espeically given the okay but unremarkable content. Your mileage may of course vary here but I would argue this is more akin to a demo you would expect to be able to play for free with the full product containing a whole lot more to it.
Skrevet: 5. januar 2019.
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314 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
5 personer fandt denne anmeldelse sjov
49.4 timer registreret i alt (39.2 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
The Good:
+ The core gameplay feels absolutely amazing. Don't be frightened by the more realistic nature of the game, it isn't as brutal as it seems.
+ This gameplay strongly encourages team work, a lone soldier is very unlikely to be effective.
+ Visually the game looks fantastic.
+ Sound deisgn like the visuals is extremely well done, perhaps even moreso then the visuals.
+ Servers are stable and they do there job without any notable issues thus far, which is sadly a breath of fresh air.
+ A strong and descently sized community that since launch has been growing as appossed to decreasing/collapsing like most games.
+ Maps are well designed and enjoyable to play in a number of different ways.
+ Both pvp and pve modes are present, both of which are enjoyable.

The Bad:
- Pefromance is not as good as it should be. It has been substantially improved since the the beta and has even been improved since launch, but it is still an area that needs more work.
- Some notable bugs, many of which seem to have been addressed but some seem to still persist. Not of the game breaking variety but present and a negative all the same.
- The game has a small number of maps which lack a varied visual pallete. I understand they have a setting in mind, but even still more could be done to differentiate maps visually.
- Character models are the one notable negative from a visual perspective that could be better, that and the animations of others is sub par compared to the rest of the package. I don't think it is a deal breaker, but it is one of the weaker elements which I would very much so like to see improved.
Skrevet: 28. december 2018. Sidst redigeret: 12. januar 2019.
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