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Cities: Skylines

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Showing 1-8 of 8 entries
All Musics ( - 2020/04/12)
Collection by stmSantana
All musics. (YYYY/MM/DD) Required MOD CSL Music Mod Another list MODS other than Music are here, All Mods
Sitting feature and Anywhere assets (stmSantana)
Collection by stmSantana
"Anywhere park" Series is a asset for placing my "Sitting feature" props in-game directly, Without using asset editor. ============================================= (Step1) Place the park asset 1cell from the road. (Step2) Move it! within 4cell of the road
All Mods (updated)-2020/04/23
Collection by stmSantana
All MODs. (Notation of date in Japan : YYYY/MM/DD) Including MOD that is no longer working now . Another list All Musics I think that Music (CSL) Mods don't suit the purpose of this list so I moved them to another list.
Elevator Buildings
Collection by stmSantana
Lift/Elevator by stmSantana ################################################ After game patch 1.4.1-f2, "Lift for Elevated road" assets may not work anymore. I don't know how to fix it. Probably the cause is specifications change of the games. "Pedestrian
Repainted Trucks
Collection by stmSantana
Industrial Lorry. These assets use the paintable Truck template. (Paintable) Truck Ad - Paint It Yourself
Maya tropico ruins
Collection by stmSantana
Mayan civilization Tropical Ruins. ================================================== トロピカルな島に出てくるような、マヤ文明っぽい遺跡です。 Type: water tower Costs: 0 How to use
stmSantana Paintable assets
Collection by stmSantana
Paint it yourself!
stmSantana Halloween assets
Collection by stmSantana
Happy Halloween! ======================================== "Halloween paper" 2 types. Tree type: shake by wind, not rotate, not illuminant. Prop type: not shake, can rotate, illuminant, can put on the wall(Asset Editor). This is the simple decoration, a pie
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