SpartaN' *
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:csgox: Leave a +REP if you are satisfied with your trade with me ! :csgox:

1. I will block , report anyone writing " Add my friend , check this link , etc... " on chat. :greateye:

2. I will NEVER scam anyone , i want to maintain a good reputation. :greateye:

3. In case of real money trade ,i'll NEVER go first. My payment method is only with Paypal nothing else.

4. I will NEVER have a private Inventory or a private Steam Profile. :greateye:

5. Don't ask me,for free Items,Gifts,DLC-s... :greateye:

6. If it's say when you trading with me " Other Members Reported SpartaN' " attempted scams? -no,i just decline stupid trade offers and they report me for not liking it,lol :greateye:

7. If someone want,i can be use to be middleman in trades i'm trustworthy :greateye:

8. I can't offer Paypal money for low price weapons under 1$, but i usually buy expensive skins and knives like, Asiimov, Vulcan, Fade, Crimson Web, Slaughter.. etc


#SpartaN' :godmode: