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Recenzii recente de SaturdayMonk

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Se afișează 61-70 din 188 intrări
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2.2 ore înregistrate
Seems to be abandoned by the devs yet I had fun for a good two hours straight, but of course could've taken me and my friend way shorter if it wasn't for my smooth brain. What the story entails and certain implications towards the hypothetical continuation of the narrative seemed interesting, however since it is unfinished the game just ends and very much disappointingly so. It has decent replay value (even if you know the solutions) and each player respectively getting a slightly different experience is a neat idea. Well, sad to see another game missing out on reaching it's full potential but at least it has an FOV meter which all first-person games must have so it has that going for it if nothing else. I know I'm just digging for anything right now but in short, if you have a friend and have a couple of hours -at most- to kill you can give this one a choice as it's free after all so very much accessible right away. If you don't really like puzzle adventures though, there's not much here to convert you into enthousiast of the genre. Slightly recommend it under specific circumstances.
Postat 8 iunie 2023.
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70.4 ore înregistrate (37.0 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
A family friendly sports game where you can play bowling, improve your fitness with a pilates ball and even participate in a new and innovative sport called Z-Ball: Zero-Gravity Basketball where even white men can jump! So jump in and make us whole!!!1!!!1!11!!1!
Postat 20 mai 2023. Editat ultima dată 21 noiembrie 2023.
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0.8 ore înregistrate
Cool idea for a time waster/hyper casual title but I think it needs further tinkering and fine tuning to become a bit more fair than completely random. Also the usage of heavily trippy imagery and color-blending to increase the difficulty in this type of game doesn't offer an actually fun experience, losing just because random colors merged for a second and not because I wasn't fast enough is straight up annoying, a challenge is fine but RNG (at least in my opinion) is not. If you desperately want a time waster game to play while turning your brain off however, I guess this one is a no-brainer.

(Oh and yeah, also cards. Played this one because I needed to get some cards for a badge so wanted to fire up something to get quick cards to sell 'em for the other game's badge. So there's that).

So I'll make a confession, "Bless me father for I have sinned." etc etc: I got this game out of one those borderline scammy "X Random Games for X Dollars" bundles and here's my advice: Don't do the same. It can be addictive (I am lucky that I wasn't hooked on those things) since they are basically the gamer's equivalent of slot machines, so more or less gambling. I know I'm a random weirdo on the internet treating the review section of a practically unknown game like a confession booth but still, try to consider what I said and light a candle on your way out, would you?
Postat 12 aprilie 2023. Editat ultima dată 12 aprilie 2023.
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4.8 ore înregistrate
Not just a charming "Ace Attorney-like" but actually much more. Honors the cultural and aesthetic inspirations really well not just on visual and audio design fronts but narratively as well. While the concept of time constraint isn't really my forte, it sure was a great way of making my choices -and most importantly failures- count. Felt much more than choosing "path a/b/c" to reach the same ending, the thing we've been getting used to by a certain other studio that enjoys telling tales but each route and conclusions were rather decently fleshed out and satisfying and although feeling a myriad of emotions, I enjoyed the ride on the road I eventually chose. Dialogues and characters were memorable and enjoyable but maybe the whole story needed a bit more time to make way for me to get to know a couple of characters more in order to make the last portion of the game a little more impactful, but that ain't no biggie. If you happen to not care about the whole visual novel genre you might not need to check this out but otherwise this deserves all your time and attention. I hope this team comes together for some other game in the future because the passion and love that went into making this game proves that they can achieve something just as special and fun as this no matter the genre. It's been a quite long time since this came out so I won't really hold my breath but would love to see anything new from them at some capacity. Recommended.
Postat 8 aprilie 2023. Editat ultima dată 8 aprilie 2023.
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10.6 ore înregistrate
I don't usually ask for a "neutral" review button but this one had me yearning for one. What could've been a breath of fresh air for the metroidvania genre just ends up falling short because of some annoyances that I can't toss aside. While the premise for the most part manages to realize itself with some unique and enjoyable power-ups, sometimes brilliant (other times mostly tolerable) level design, an insanely good soundtrack backed up by beautiful graphics and with decent physics; almost get overshadowed by clunky controls in the name of "power balancing" coupled with questionable enemy and level designs here and there for some reason seemingly aim to waste my time (or at least that's how I felt towards them) which is probably the cardinal sin that any game can commit and however little of a concern of mine it was, an almost non existent story. Don't get me wrong, indulging in this devilish concept promising an overwhelming amount of gratuitous violence and gore (done right too) is as fun as always but I just ended up sighing in frustration as much as I was laughing like a madman after pulling a great series of eccentric executions. Almost a 50/50 situation here, so if you already like what you are seeing with the screenshots above you'll find plenty to love but if you need some convincing to even give it a try, you may be end up happier if you pass.
Postat 7 aprilie 2023. Editat ultima dată 7 aprilie 2023.
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4 oameni au considerat această recenzie amuzantă
8.6 ore înregistrate
Phenomenal game, just hope I will get to experience the second one before I get placed 6 inches deep into this floating spherical space rock of ours.
Postat 1 aprilie 2023.
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0.4 ore înregistrate
Cute concept, decent execution. Looks great and plays just as good too (you don't do much anyways). It would be fun to try to find all the secrets and 100% the game probably but I think I've grown too impatient and unmotivated to do all that, which might change in the future. For now however, I can only call this one a cool little snack of a game, got a couple chuckles out of me and that's enough for what it is.
Postat 31 martie 2023.
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21.3 ore înregistrate
It's wonderful that even the "worst" Bioshock title is still miles better and way more enjoyable than most games that come out nowadays. Let it be frequent crashes (I experienced 5-6 crashes throughout my playtrough), the fact that it takes several levels for the game to find it's footing, a story that doesn't reach the heights it seemingly promises at the start, an unnecessary launcher which is just a nuisance if anything (and just when you feel happy about the death of GFWL and the exclusion of it in the remaster they introduce this), weak side characters, level design choices that feel a bit aimless at the start... Not much can take away how brilliant of a game this ends up being and with a bombastic DLC to boot (probably one of the best to ever come out for any game ever, so definitely get Minerva's Den), you should not miss Bioshock 2 if you are interested in playing through the series. But yeah, save very very often to not lose your progress (most importantly before and after "B.D." fights and harvesting/saving Little Sisters trust me), normally I won't let a thing like that slide but I'll make an exception for the series' sake and cross my fingers in hopes of them maybe releasing a small performance patch in the future. However, recommended.
Postat 31 martie 2023. Editat ultima dată 31 martie 2023.
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7.1 ore înregistrate
First heard about this back when it was free for a while on EGS and got it there but couldn't make myself to just sit down and play it. However when the same case happens on here as a little promotion for the upcoming second game, said "Why not?" so make that as you wish. Despite almost all of the gameplay mechanincs being a bit janky and inconsistent, it still manages to be fun. Unique art style, low poly-cell shaded graphical style and the overall absurd world and the story which is just as weird end up making the game a charming one. I also can't make myself remember the last time when a game became actually more fun/entertaining while trying to go for %100 completion (AKA open world/collectathon done right), great job on that. At the end while it is nothing special, I don't think a game which seemingly not only takes a lot of inspiration from the classic "TAG" let alone make make me fondly remember it, can't legitimately be considered as something bad in my opinion. Recommended.
Postat 26 martie 2023. Editat ultima dată 26 martie 2023.
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0.6 ore înregistrate
Recenzie acordată în perioada accesului timpuriu
While it seemingly is a decent proof of concept, design and technical prowess the actual game hopefully will offer in the near future, right now this spin-off/prologue is extremely buggy and very shallow in content. I get that this is still in early access however after finishing it I thought I missed the "second" operation as the early access description and the developer update each state but then realized "The Tutorial" was Mr. Pineapple and "The Autopsy" was Feng. I certainly expected at least a little bit more content (especially in the cutting department) even though -as the descirption reads- that it will take 9 to 12 months to implement all of the operations. I'm still hopeful and excited for the main game almost as much as I was back when I first heard about it in 2019 and understand that free prologues like this one can be great for publicity, yet those ones also offer significantly more than this one does, in its current state this feels like one of those promotional flash/shockwave games some horror films did back in early 2000s. I'll leave a positive review just because it is pretty early to decide how this one will turn out and I want to be supportive of the small team behind everything but still think that maybe it was a bit too premature of a decision to release this in the current state that it is and hopefully fleshing it up and finishing it fully won't hinder with the main game's development badly as there is a lot to do with this for it to be considered at the very least something. Fingers crossed.
Also holy cow, I need to upgrade my PC ASAP if I want to experience the main game to it's full potential O_o
Postat 2 februarie 2023.
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Se afișează 61-70 din 188 intrări