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13.2 ore in totale (7.0 ore al momento della recensione)
I'm torn. On one side there are some beatiful locations, great level design, bombastic action, witty characters, a somehow interesting story and on the other, clunky-ish slightly unresponsive controls, not that fun combat -resulting in an uninteresting boss fight (and presumably fights) and I really, I mean really, hate it when I feel like I'm playing a half-assed console port which this one kinda felt like- a sometimes frustrating camera...

Like I said I'm torn.

But great puzzles and platforming, the feeling of grandure and awe the game makes me feel with each and every locale, and it rewarding my exploration makes me say, yes, buy it basically whenever you feel like you want to go on an Indy-like advanture of sorts, it is really cheap and basically free on sale. With a female lead no less! And an understandibly strong and relatable one at that too! Wow am I right gamers?! haven't finished it yet, might lean towards its more positive aspects as time goes on too, I'm eager to finish it.

(And they should really make a less dark and edgy Tomb Raider with the new Lara Croft engine. They basically have the market for themselves too, Uncherted is out, The Last of Us took the overtly edgy high road which caused enough contreversy, I don't understand the wait.)
Pubblicata in data 18 novembre 2020. Ultima modifica in data 18 novembre 2020.
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3.4 ore in totale (3.0 ore al momento della recensione)
Gets boring a little quick in my opinion. Playing it on the pc really demotivates me from checking in to play a bit more every once in a while, as I would do if it was on my phone. And some aspects of it could've been optimized better to be honest (mostly ui stuff). As most Devolver published games its premise is quite interesting but unlike recent Devolver releases (My Friend Pedro, Ruiner ie.) there is little to no gameplay, so it gets boring easily. If its premise is exactly your thing, buy it, it's cheap, if it is not, buy it when you can't control your curiosity, on sale, with your leftover money from buying bigger releases. You know, listen your inner hoarder like me. Or not.

OK, go away now. Shoo...
Pubblicata in data 18 novembre 2020.
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2.7 ore in totale
Welcome to The Eric Andr- I mean- Umm- Staying Up Late with Kyle!
Eh, it's free.
Pubblicata in data 18 novembre 2020.
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4.3 ore in totale
I enjoyed almost all of the puzzles. Graphics look simple but smooth, overall atmosphere is nice, gothic, ominous -just the way like it- the gameplay -or lack there of- is great, puzzles are interctive and responsive enough and I can understand the mobile-game-oriented controls since I wasn't expecting much anyway, the story is... Probably good? I really couldn't care about the story, I was playing the game simply to advance to the next level to solve more puzzles but there is a story, even if it is a short one -like the game itself- and it is detailed enough to be an enticing one. I just think it needed at least one or two more levels to really open up on its story so the ending -which made me smirk, even without really being interested in it, it was an impactful one- would land much better. With how things are the game feels more like a short, competent experiment.

It makes me think though, should co-op games try to be story oriented or just revolve around simple but enjoyable game mechanics (like Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes) but there are also games like A Way Out, well, out there ;) I guess that's a whole other conversation of its own.

Uhhhh- What was I saying, yeah, if you have a like minded partner alongside you, like my one and only dear Fluff (love you <3) you can enjoy the game all you want. It will feel short but I can guarantee you will have fun. Just don't expect anything revolutionary, just fun and challenging puzzles that require good communication with simple but rather stylish graphics. Oh and there is a story if you have time to indulge in it.
Pubblicata in data 18 novembre 2020. Ultima modifica in data 19 novembre 2020.
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13.8 ore in totale (9.6 ore al momento della recensione)
Was extremely hyped about Contracts after playing Blood Money and when I see this got discounted, of course I bought it, but only to be dissapointed.
There is a fine line between challenging and unfair, and this game crosses the line to unfair severely.
I expected this to be basically Blood Money but without some quality of life improvements, and to a degree got what I expected but with some serious issues.
Killing methods are just as fun and fruitful as other Hitman titles, disguises are nice, the story, despite being not so important, is presented nicely, voice acting is top-notch, the soundtrack is superb and the graphics are tolerable, gameplay is generally modern and easy to get into, especially if you've played a Hitman game before. It is an extremely stylized game which can get you such a mood that no other game can achieve, maybe except Max Payne, but it is definitely unique and that is a thing to be celebrated. Those are all the pros of the game.
On the other hand, AI is unconsistently hard, your cover is blown for seemingly no reason, sometimes some guards can follow you to places, even without seeing you go into them, like they got a prophecy then and there. Sometimes it feels realistic where it makes sense to be realistic but other times it feels like the game is trying too hard to be realistic, and it robs you out the fun you could've gotten. I basically can't play this game the way I want and have fun at the same time, which was the reason why I bought the damn game, I like stealth gameplay, so much so that the parts I've enjoyed the much in Batman: Arkham Asylum, were the stealth parts, despite how its fight mechanics are actually extremely fun. I have no resentment from trying over and over again to beat a level bu after some time, playing out the same assassinations, trying to understand why is your cover getting blown gets tedious, and unlike Blood Money, you can't even see the assassinations you meticilously planned playing out most of the time, probably because technical limitations, but it waters down their effect unfortunately. Call me a filthy casual but I like fun over unfair and inconsistent, sorry.
I can't wholeheartedly recommend this game, buy it only if you want to experience its superb art direction, the feeling of darkness that no other game can exactly convey and some fun assassinations here and there, and of course, only buy when it's on sale, and even then, if you can only buy only one game, consider buying Blood Money first.
Pubblicata in data 11 novembre 2019.
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0.3 ore in totale
I really can't make myself understand its interface and I don't think its pace is great enough to make me want to play it more, it just doesn't flow the way I want it.

I don't like comparing games so bluntly, but coming from Nuclear Throne and Hotline Miami, not having the ability of controlling the camera takes away a lot of the action in my opinion, also areas are too big to feel confined or challenging, given how much I've played however, it might change as the game become harder and/or the stages have more enemies at later stages.

And the graphics make it hard to understand what I'm fighting against which might only be my problem but I think game lacks better art direction (I haven't checked, it is probably made by one person but still, better decisions would've made a big difference for this game), and generally it is not that pleasing to look at either.

Chiptune music is also repetetive and not too enthausiastic, but you can always turn on your own music, so not that big of a deal.

I expected a hidden gem but what I got was a gem which wasn't polished enough for my likeness.

You maybe can give it a chance when discounts happen, but for me it is a regret-buy.
Pubblicata in data 29 ottobre 2019.
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4.1 ore in totale
I got what I wanted, which was Lucius (which is basically Omen: The Game) but done with pixel art.

If that's not what you want, you can move on but if that interests you, it's fairly cheap and won't take too much of your time.

Lucius was an adventure game that looked okay for its year and offered fun but not very complex or satisfactory puzzles/kills so I was merely dissapointed with them not taking leverage of the simpler graphics and engine to make a game that offers a bit more freedom than its bigger budget version, but I've already knew what I was going into (from story beats to general gameplay) so if you aren't, it is going to be a rather fresh experience.

Like I said puzzles aren't hard and can be mostly completed by roaming around the house (this is where the entire game takes place in so your game world) and combining the items you find throughout with occasionally using your Satan-given superpowers which become more prevelant through the end of the game, so it is an easy game to finish except two annoying boss fights where what you need to do is basically undecipherable (at least for me they were), I guess I don't remember the OG Lucius as much as I though I did.

Soundtrack and graphics are intentionally done the way they are (8 or 16 bit I believe) so if you don't like them, you can basically pass but the game gives you a plethora of options to meddle with, meaning that you can minimze your annoyance at them, I myself chose to not listen some of the music as one particular boss fight was even more annoying with a particularly looping music. And the ear-crunching sounds the bike makes are not pleasant and since it is the most efficient way of transportation, especially once you try it, it can be particularly annoying.

If you don't have a fetish for it of course.

I won't bet on it tho...

I guess I recommend this, but to a rather niché audience.

At least it's priced right.
Pubblicata in data 29 ottobre 2019.
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3.1 ore in totale
With its visuals, storytelling and soundtrack, Football Game is a stylistic, dark, neat little point'n'click adventure game.
Definitely a recommendation from me.

Apperantly Pros and Cons is a popular thing so:

-A great, fittingly dark soundtrack that is especially pleasing if you already like its genre.
-A relatively short and simple story which is, at the same time, open to multiple interpretations.
-Puzzle elements are nice, since, as pointed out by another reviewer, they make sense, not too hard for just being hard or easy to be easy, you probably won't get stuck at all and will feel satisfied after solving the puzzles.
-Offers more depth if you want to look at every little detail yet easily consumable if you just want a quick experience.
-Has cutscenes which are, very much like the sountrack, very very pleasing if you like their style.
-Heavily atmospheric and tense, a creeping distress follows you through the whole game.
-Uses its colour pallete really well, the game basically oozes with style.
-Fairly cheap, worths every penny.

-You probably will not but, if you happen to hate Dark Synth-Electro music, you will not like the soundtrack. But is great music overall.
-Again like the soundtrack, cutscenes are done in a particular style, so for one they can be very pleasing to the eye, for another they can be very annoying.
-A story driven point'n'click game with little to no elements of "gameplay" so, if you don't like the genre, might be best for you to maybe avoid this one.
-If you don't pay any ounce of attention at all, the ending will feel abrupt and pointless, and maybe the whole game too.
-Will feel too short if you don't like games that offer maximum 1 to 2 hours of gameplay.
-Can be too dark for some people but generally not too offensive.
Pubblicata in data 29 ottobre 2019. Ultima modifica in data 29 ottobre 2019.
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69.2 ore in totale
The game is a well known game and I'm not going to thoroughly review or anything but just rather point out some certain parts that didn't stick with me and some parts that I did like.

On top of all of that, I also really write this for the people who either played the game or know what it basically is so if you want to learn nothing and absolutely nothing about the game beware of spoilers. But to summarize; the game is a Stealth-Action Cyberpunk RPG game which has a quite detailed world, story and characters, so a good game of its' kind.

-Boss battles are lackluster and not optimized for a character which is built and upgraded around hacking/stealth. The first boss, I actually defeated with a hacked turret actually but the latter two... The second boss I've defeated because she bugged and the last, with trying time and time again. Tried to bring a turret with me to the boss room but it worked 1 out of 3 times so it didn't really work but these main boss battles just require you to engage in just not fun combat. I don't like that. I haven't invested in being strong in combat and gunplay and feel punished for it. I've spent most of the game not killing anybody, choosing the peaceful way, and because of that bosses get the upperhand against me. The game should've given me a different option, a different way to deal with them. But it didn't.

-The finale lacks the punch in my opinion. So the whole story comes down to everything being just a big conspiracy against Adam and there is just a couple of conversations between certain characters and a single cutscene at the end? Nah, I'm not even given the freedom to choose for a grey area choice and ended up not really being satisfied with my choice.

-Hacking was incredibly fun in this game. Not the minigame but solutions the whole ordeal give you are just a joy to watch. Is a boss too hard? Just hack a turret and it does the job for you and kills the boss. Is an area too crowded? Hack a bot and clears it up. I just had the biggest, stupidest smile on my face the whole time while all these things happening, it was so satisfying. Genuinely one of the best gaming moments I've ever had even.

-After a while going stealth gets a bit old. There are a couple ares that give you the thrilling stealth gameplay experience here and there but some of them just feel unnecessarily and pointlessly hard. Yet after finishing every area, I can see that there are almost 2 to 5 ways of getting through every area so levels are well designed.

-I recently found out that some people can't stand Adam Jensen's voice somehow. I love the work Elias Toufexis did! I love his several-packs-a-day heavy smoker voice honestly. And dialogue options written for Adam are also very well done. Witty comebacks, jokes, all the cool stuff are there for your choosing. Writers done a great job.

These are the stuff that I generally think about the game but I can say that I very well enjoyed what the game offered to me. It says I've played for 69 (uh oh) hours but only 40-ish hours of that time is from my latest playthrough. So the game probably usually takes around 20 hours (I'm slow) to complete. But it still somehow felt that it could've ended earlier and I would've been totally okay with that. So it felt like they've stretched it little bit. However thanks for reading.
Pubblicata in data 4 aprile 2015. Ultima modifica in data 9 novembre 2021.
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35.6 ore in totale
The game is basically an adult oriented, anime styled dating sim with Bejeweled gameplay. Has cool and quality art. Soundtrack is nothing special but I liked it a lot. Gets a bit repetetive after 10-ish hours, characters don't have enough content voice acting-wise. And no I won't tell you the reason why I've played 36 hours.

It is still to this day my first and only dating sim experience and I enjoyed it a lot.
Pubblicata in data 4 aprile 2015. Ultima modifica in data 20 febbraio 2021.
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