Essex, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Welcome to my profile page. If you can't remember my name then you're officially dumber than a box of rocks. I mean, it's literally right there in big bold letters above you.

Given that you're now reading this I'll assume you either have nothing better to do or you're bored out of your little mind.

"Poor dragon, you must have met so many beings who didn't understand the beauty of your people or your homeworld. This journey we are on is as harsh as it is wonderous, and we are fortutnate to get to make it with you" - Queen Yan Shen to the Sekk' Lokkarian Conglomerate, 2217
온라인 상태
skeleton 2021년 7월 3일 오후 3시 33분 
oy fam is that ship going to fly ?
Tatty Gumcancer 2018년 9월 8일 오후 4시 01분 
Yor ♥♥♥♥♥' gey
L_fantôme 2017년 11월 24일 오전 12시 09분 
Octaith 2017년 4월 11일 오후 4시 08분 
“There are no mistakes, only happy accidents.”
― Bob Ross
Kia 2016년 5월 25일 오전 7시 24분 
+rep gave me a hard time getting out of his basement
Dibis 2016년 2월 12일 오후 2시 35분 
+rep for kinky karr