Penguinman / Pollastra   Fiorentino, San Marino
From a distant land, I offer assistance to those who ask, but beware! I only help those who deserve it, I ain't no Jackass... Penguin, my taxonomy is Aptenodytes Forsteri so check your biases ffs

For AoE2, I employ the easy strategy of Leitis spam ftw :RelicII: :RelicII: :RelicII: :RelicII:

For Hollow Knight, I only have one question: no benches?
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For your efforts in reading everything, here's 2B smiling:


Now goodbye kind stranger
Just a penguin chillin', carry on with your life
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Why are you scrolling down so low sucker?
As a reward for your efforts here's an anime girl:


Now goodbye and sod off boi