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сквашич 12 Dec, 2023 @ 6:56am 
Рост Алексея Шевцова. Загадки Человечества
Я озабочен ростом Шевцова. В каждом его видео я пытаюсь найти где он профакапился и забыл удалить отражения где бы он был виден на фоне других людей и тд.
Вот вышел его очередной видос про Англию. Сук, он реально вырезал из видео все отражения, где он мог был бы виден. То есть это сознательное действие с его стороны, ибо если люди увидят его на фоне других - то...
сквашич 11 Oct, 2023 @ 11:21am 
WARNING! stop reading this! Or you will nut, even if you only looked at my fat booty! Once there was a little fat child named Phil, he was fifty-years-old and he lived in a mental hospital because he posted cringe. He got so bad he went to kill all the sus among us in the hospital so the Sus among us decided that best idea was to get rid of him so they set up a special room to kill his mother, as stupid as possible. And he sat there in a pile of rotting bananas with chocolate sauce being poured on him for hours until he died. Now every week on the day of his death he returns to the p, on a helicoter among us night at 13:00 p.m. He creeps into your room and slowly eats 149 soft taco shells, with his MOUTH. Now send this to ten other idiots on this one site, and he will haunt someone else who does. This is fake. apparently if u copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes you will look like a dumbass
сквашич 11 Oct, 2023 @ 11:13am 
sasha 11 Oct, 2023 @ 11:11am 
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venomинально 11 Oct, 2023 @ 11:09am 